Found 1982 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 201 - 250. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query ec:

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
38 182 7gq5A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z2301685688
38 182 7gpfA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z760048004
39 181 7gpwA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with ncl-00023824
39 182 7gp8A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z53825177
39 182 7gqfA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z362020366
39 182 7gp3A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z437516460
38 182 7gqlA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z53833304
38 182 7goiA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z1456069604
38 182 7gqpA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z1198152494
38 182 7gqeA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z57473948
39 182 7gpqA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with pob0008
38 182 7gqaA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z57299966
38 182 7go5A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z1198275935
38 182 7go4A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z1198233191
38 181 7gqqA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z1198183601
38 182 7goeA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z1342868616
39 182 7go2A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z1182328459
38 182 7gorA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z2273972081
38 182 7gq3A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z241119328
38 182 7gnxA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z1082839290
37 182 7gnzA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z1129283193
39 182 7govA Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z30904160
37 182 7gq8A Pandda analysis group deposition -- crystal structure of enterovirus d68 3c protease in complex with z57965168
0 39 7znoA Crystal structure of unlinked ns2b_ns3 protease from zika virus in complex with boronate inhibitor mi-2270
109 494 7z51A Tick-borne encephalitis virus kuutsalo-14
30 154 7znoB Crystal structure of unlinked ns2b_ns3 protease from zika virus in complex with boronate inhibitor mi-2270
0 5 8a5lB Trim7 pryspry in complex with a 2bc peptide tiealfq
19 74 7z51D Tick-borne encephalitis virus kuutsalo-14
36 238 7xxjC Echo 18 incubated with fcrn at ph5.5
1 42 7xxgD Echo 18 at ph5.5
22 238 7xxgC Echo 18 at ph5.5
35 273 7xxgA Echo 18 at ph5.5
40 273 7xxjA Echo 18 incubated with fcrn at ph5.5
31 250 7xxgB Echo 18 at ph5.5
36 238 7xxaC Complex of echo 18 and fcrn at ph7.4
3 42 7xxaD Complex of echo 18 and fcrn at ph7.4
46 250 7xxjB Echo 18 incubated with fcrn at ph5.5
40 250 7xxaB Complex of echo 18 and fcrn at ph7.4
3 41 7xxjD Echo 18 incubated with fcrn at ph5.5
42 276 7xxaA Complex of echo 18 and fcrn at ph7.4
98 260 7v1jA Crystal structure of omsk hemorrhagic fever virus ns5 mtase (in complex with sah and m7gpppa)
102 259 7v1fA Crystal structure of omsk hemorrhagic fever virus ns5 mtase (in complex with sam and gtp)
97 259 7v1gA Crystal structure of omsk hemorrhagic fever virus ns5 mtase (with a gmp-arg28 adduct and in complex with sam)
98 259 7v1hA Crystal structure of omsk hemorrhagic fever virus ns5 mtase (in complex with sam and m7gtp)
96 259 7v1iA Crystal structure of omsk hemorrhagic fever virus ns5 mtase (with an m7gmp-arg28 adduct and in complex with sah)
1 54 7vmvA Crystal structure of dengue ns2b-ns3 protease after secondary cleavage
100 259 7v1eA Crystal structure of omsk hemorrhagic fever virus ns5 mtase (in complex with sah and m7gpppamg)
96 260 7v1cA Crystal structure of omsk hemorrhagic fever virus ns5 mtase (in complex with sin)
97 260 7v1dA Crystal structure of omsk hemorrhagic fever virus ns5 mtase (in complex with sah and gpppa)
99 259 7v1bA Crystal structure of omsk hemorrhagic fever virus ns5 mtase (in complex with sah)