Found 434 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 201 - 250. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: dna-directed rna polymerase i subunit rpa190

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
55 304 6hlqC Yeast rna polymerase i* elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
21 215 6hlqG Yeast rna polymerase i* elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
6 66 6hlrI Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp (core focused)
2 44 6hlsL Yeast apo rna polymerase i*
10 69 6hlsJ Yeast apo rna polymerase i*
28 100 6hkoF Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
11 124 6hlsI Yeast apo rna polymerase i*
13 69 6hlqJ Yeast rna polymerase i* elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
24 100 6hlrF Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp (core focused)
49 304 6hlrC Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp (core focused)
45 214 6hlqE Yeast rna polymerase i* elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
4 44 6hlrL Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp (core focused)
21 144 6hlsH Yeast apo rna polymerase i*
9 152 6hkoN Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
22 98 6hlqK Yeast rna polymerase i* elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
2 44 6hlqL Yeast rna polymerase i* elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
46 304 6hkoC Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
22 215 6hlrG Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp (core focused)
10 89 6hlrD Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp (core focused)
47 214 6hlsE Yeast apo rna polymerase i*
13 124 6hlqI Yeast rna polymerase i* elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
48 214 6hkoE Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
22 98 6hlsK Yeast apo rna polymerase i*
26 98 6hkoK Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
13 137 6hkoM Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
3 44 6hkoL Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
18 215 6hlsG Yeast apo rna polymerase i*
26 98 6hlrK Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp (core focused)
21 144 6hkoH Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
7 66 6hkoI Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp
47 214 6hlrE Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex bound to nucleotide analog gmpcpp (core focused)
2 43 5m64L Rna polymerase i elongation complex with a49 tandem winged helix domain
456 1662 5n5yA Cryo-em structure of rna polymerase i in complex with rrn3 and core factor (orientation iii)
456 1662 5n60A Cryo-em structure of rna polymerase i in complex with rrn3 and core factor (orientation i)
455 1662 5g5lA Rna polymerase i-rrn3 complex at 4.8 a resolution
312 1191 5n61B Rna polymerase i initially transcribing complex
55 212 5n61E Rna polymerase i initially transcribing complex
66 305 5n61C Rna polymerase i initially transcribing complex
30 237 5n61G Rna polymerase i initially transcribing complex
99 760 5n61P Rna polymerase i initially transcribing complex
445 1663 5w65A Rna polymerase i initial transcribing complex state 2
442 1663 5w64A Rna polymerase i initial transcribing complex state 1
440 1663 5oa1A Rna polymerase i pre-initiation complex
23 144 5w5yH Rna polymerase i initial transcribing complex
23 83 5w5yF Rna polymerase i initial transcribing complex
30 103 5w65K Rna polymerase i initial transcribing complex state 2
29 103 5w66K Rna polymerase i initial transcribing complex state 3
31 244 5w65G Rna polymerase i initial transcribing complex state 2
95 396 5w66M Rna polymerase i initial transcribing complex state 3
25 83 5w65F Rna polymerase i initial transcribing complex state 2