Found 410 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 201 - 250. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: RnaseA

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
30 124 3djqA Bovine seminal ribonuclease- uridine 5' diphosphate complex
37 124 3di7A Crystal structure of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease a variant (v54a)
36 124 3d6pA Rnase a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-morpholinouridine complex
38 124 3d6qA The rnase a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-piperidinouridine complex
39 124 3d8yA Rnase a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-piperidinothymidine complex
37 124 3d8zA Rnase a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-pyrrolidinothymidine complex
38 124 3d7bA The ribonuclease a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-pyrrolidinouridine complex
38 124 3d6oA The rnase a- 5'-deoxy-5'-n-(ethyl isonipecotatyl)uridine complex
23 124 3bcpA Crystal structure of the swapped non covalent form of p19a/l28q/n67d bs-rnase
31 124 3bcoA Crystal structure of the swapped form of p19a/l28q/n67d bs-rnase
32 124 3bcmA Crystal structure of the unswapped form of p19a/l28q/n67d bs-rnase
36 124 3a1rA Neutron crystal structure analysis of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease a
34 119 2zpoA Crystal structure of green turtle egg white ribonuclease
36 123 2xogA Functional and structural analyses of n-acylsulfonamide-linked dinucleoside inhibitors of ribonuclease a
37 123 2xoiA Functional and structural analyses of n-acylsulfonamide-linked dinucleoside inhibitors of ribonuclease a
38 123 2w5iA Rnase a-ap3a complex
38 124 2w5mA Rnase a-pyrophosphate ion complex
36 124 2w5lA Rnase a-nadp complex
37 124 2w5kA Rnase a-nadph complex
34 124 2w5gA Rnase a-5'-atp complex
30 123 2vq9A Rnase zf-3e
33 120 2rnfA X-ray crystal structure of human ribonuclease 4 in complex with d(up)
35 124 2rnsA Refinement of the crystal structure of ribonuclease s. comparison with and between the various ribonuclease a structures
37 124 2ratA Effects of temperature on protein structure and dynamics: x-ray crystallographic studies of the protein ribonuclease-a at nine different temperatures from 98 to 320 k
30 126 2q4gX Ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of human ribonuclease inhibitor complexed with ribonuclease i
41 124 2qcaA A new crystal form of bovine pancreatic rnase a in complex with 2'-deoxyguanosine-5'-monophosphate
30 123 2p46A Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 2.5a resolution: se5b-ortho-2 crystal form with five se-met sites (l4m, m34, m51, f68m, m83) in vhh scaffold.
33 124 2p44A Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 1.8a resolution: se5a-mono-1 crystal form with five se-met sites (m34, m51, f68m, m83, l86m) in vhh scaffold
36 124 2p45A Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 1.1a resolution: se5b-ortho-1 crystal form with five se-met sites (l4m, m34, m51, f68m, m83) in vhh scaffold.
26 110 2p7sA Enzymatic and structural characterisation of amphinase, a novel cytotoxic ribonuclease from rana pipiens oocytes
36 124 2p42A Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 1.8a resolution: se3-mono-2 crystal form with three se-met sites (m34, m51, m83) in vhh scaffold
39 124 2p4aA X-ray structure of a camelid affinity matured single-domain vhh antibody fragment in complex with rnase a
28 112 2p6zA Enzymatic and structural characterisation of amphinase, a novel cytotoxic ribonuclease from rana pipiens oocytes
35 123 2p49A Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 1.4a resolution: native mono_1 crystal form
34 124 2p43A Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 1.65a resolution: se3-mono-1 crystal form with three se-met sites (m34, m51, m83) in vhh scaffold
36 124 2p48A Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 2.3a resolution: se5b-tetra crystal form with five se-met sites (l4m, m34, m51, f68m, m83) in vhh scaffold.
38 123 2p47A Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with rnase a at 2.5a resolution: se5b-tri crystal form with five se-met sites (l4m, m34, m51, f68m, m83) in vhh scaffold.
36 124 2op2A Crystal structure of rnase double-mutant v43c r85c with extra disulphide bond
33 124 2oqfA Structure of a synthetic, non-natural analogue of rnase a: [n71k(ade), d83a]rnase a
28 133 2lvzA Solution structure of a eosinophil cationic protein-trisaccharide heparin mimetic complex
18 133 2kb5A Solution nmr structure of eosinophil cationic protein/rnase 3
23 104 2kb6A Solution structure of onconase c87a/c104a
35 124 2lfjA Solution structure of the monomeric derivative of bs-rnase
34 124 2nuiA X-ray structure of synthetic [d83a]rnase a
17 127 2k11A Solution structure of human pancreatic ribonuclease
32 119 2j4tA Biological and structural features of murine angiogenin-4, an angiogenic protein
21 129 2hkyA Nmr solution structure of human rnase 7
22 104 2gmkA Crystal structure of onconase double mutant with spontaneously-assembled (amp) 4 stack
37 124 2g4xA Anomalous substructure od ribonuclease a (p3221)
36 124 2g8qA The crystal structure of rnase a from monoclinic crystals at 100 k