Found 526 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 251 - 300. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: RNA_pol_L

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
61 266 4v1nC Architecture of the rna polymerase ii-mediator core transcription initiation complex
61 266 4v1mC Architecture of the rna polymerase ii-mediator core transcription initiation complex
41 230 4ylpA E. coli transcription initiation complex - 16-bp spacer and 5-nt rna
43 230 4ylnA E. coli transcription initiation complex - 17-bp spacer and 4-nt rna
30 227 4s20A Structural basis for transcription reactivation by rapa
38 229 4wqsA Thermus thermophilus rna polymerase backtracked complex
52 265 5c3eC Crystal structure of a transcribing rna polymerase ii complex reveals a complete transcription bubble
45 265 5c4jC Crystal structure of a transcribing rna polymerase ii complex reveals a complete transcription bubble
49 265 5c4aC Crystal structure of a transcribing rna polymerase ii complex reveals a complete transcription bubble
55 266 4y7nC The structure insight into 5-carboxycytosine recognition by rna polymerase ii during transcription elongation.
50 265 5c44C Crystal structure of a transcribing rna polymerase ii complex reveals a complete transcription bubble
38 227 6awd01 Structure of 30s (s1 depleted) ribosomal subunit and rna polymerase complex
37 335 6f40C Rna polymerase iii open complex
37 335 6eu1C Rna polymerase iii - open dna complex (oc-pol3)
36 335 6f41C Rna polymerase iii initially transcribing complex
37 335 6f44C Rna polymerase iii closed complex cc2.
35 335 6eu0C Rna polymerase iii open pre-initiation complex (oc-pic)
43 335 6f42C Rna polymerase iii closed complex cc1.
67 270 5vvsC Rna pol ii elongation complex
34 228 6asxG Cryoem structure of e.coli his pause elongation complex
57 266 6bm4C Pol ii elongation complex with an abasic lesion at i-1 position,soaking umpnpp
54 266 6bqfC Pol ii elongation complex with 'dt-ap' at i+1, i-1 position
33 226 6c04A Mtb rnap holo/rbpa/double fork dna -closed clamp
55 266 6blpC Pol ii elongation complex with an abasic lesion at i+1 position, soaking ampcpp
36 226 6bzoA Mtb rnap holo/rbpa/fidaxomicin/upstream fork dna
35 228 6bjsG Cryoem structure of e.coli his pause elongation complex without pause hairpin
46 335 6cndC Yeast rna polymerase iii natural open complex (noc)
52 227 6cuuA Thermus thermophiles rna polymerase in complex with promoter dna and antibiotic kanglemycin a
45 306 6h68C Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex stalled by cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (cpd) with fully-ordered a49
45 335 6cncC Yeast rna polymerase iii open complex
34 225 6m7jA Mycobacterium tuberculosis rnap with rbpa/us fork and corallopyronin
37 262 6gymC Structure of a yeast closed complex with distorted dna (ccdist)
46 262 6gylC Structure of a yeast closed complex with distorted dna (core ccdist)
40 227 4xlpA Crystal structure of t.aquaticus transcription initiation complex containing upstream fork promoter
40 227 4xlsA Crystal structure of t. aquaticus transcription initiation complex with card containing upstream fork promoter.
41 227 4xlnA Crystal structure of t. aquaticus transcription initiation complex containing bubble promoter and rna
36 225 6ee8A Mycobacterium tuberculosis rnap promoter unwinding intermediate complex with rbpa/card and ap3 promoter
46 262 6gykC Structure of a yeast closed complex (core cc1)
40 227 4xlqA Crystal structure of t.aquaticus transcription initiation complex containing upstream fork (-11 base-paired) promoter
36 219 6dcfA Crystal structure of a mycobacterium smegmatis transcription initiation complex with rifampicin-resistant rna polymerase and bound to kanglemycin a
40 227 4xlrA Crystal structure of t.aquaticus transcription initiation complex with card containing bubble promoter and rna
39 225 6edtA Mycobacterium tuberculosis rnap open promoter complex with rbpa/card and ap3 promoter
45 263 6a5rC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex stalled at shl(-2) of the nucleosome
44 263 6a5oC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex stalled at shl(-6) of the nucleosome
45 263 6a5tC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex stalled at shl(-1) of the nucleosome
60 263 6j4xC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex bound with elf1 and spt4/5, stalled at shl(-1) of the nucleosome (+1a)
61 266 5fmfC The p-lobe of rna polymerase ii pre-initiation complex
36 228 6n62A Escherichia coli rna polymerase sigma70-holoenzyme bound to upstream fork promoter dna
60 263 6j4zC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex bound with spt4/5 and foreign dna, stalled at shl(-1) of the nucleosome
41 228 6n61A Escherichia coli rna polymerase sigma70-holoenzyme bound to upstream fork promoter dna and capistruin