Found 497 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 251 - 300. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Ribosomal_L36

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
4 38 4v9dC4 Structures of the bacterial ribosome in classical and hybrid states of trna binding
4 36 4v8jB9 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome ram mutation g347u.
4 37 4v8uB9 Crystal structure of 70s ribosome with both cognate trnas in the e and p sites representing an authentic elongation complex.
4 38 4v9oA4 Control of ribosomal subunit rotation by elongation factor g
3 36 4v97B9 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome ram mutation g299a.
3 38 4v7vB4 Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to clindamycin.
4 36 4v8hB9 Crystal structure of hpf bound to the 70s ribosome.
3 38 4v89B8 Crystal structure of release factor rf3 trapped in the gtp state on a rotated conformation of the ribosome (without viomycin)
4 38 4v65BX Structure of the e. coli ribosome in the pre-accommodation state
1 37 4v5lB9 The structure of ef-tu and aminoacyl-trna bound to the 70s ribosome with a gtp analog
5 37 4v5mB9 Trna tranlocation on the 70s ribosome: the pre-translocational translocation intermediate ti(pre)
4 38 4v5yB4 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with paromomycin and ribosome recycling factor (rrf).
3 37 4v5pB9 The crystal structure of ef-tu and a9c-trna-trp bound to a near- cognate codon on the 70s ribosome
5 36 4v6aB9 Structure of ef-p bound to the 70s ribosome.
3 36 4v5eB9 Insights into translational termination from the structure of rf2 bound to the ribosome
4 38 4v6cB4 Crystal structure of the e. coli 70s ribosome in an intermediate state of ratcheting
3 37 4v5fB9 The structure of the ribosome with elongation factor g trapped in the post-translocational state
3 37 4v5qB9 The crystal structure of ef-tu and g24a-trna-trp bound to a near- cognate codon on the 70s ribosome
4 36 4v5jB9 Structure of the 70s ribosome bound to release factor 2 and a substrate analog provides insights into catalysis of peptide release
5 38 4v69B4 Ternary complex-bound e.coli 70s ribosome.
3 37 4v5sB9 The crystal structure of ef-tu and g24a-trna-trp bound to a cognate codon on the 70s ribosome.
3 38 4v64B4 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with hygromycin b.
4 37 4v5nB9 Trna translocation on the 70s ribosome: the post- translocational translocation intermediate ti(post)
5 38 4v66BX Structure of the e. coli ribosome and the trnas in post-accommodation state
5 36 4v5dB9 Structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with mrna, paromomycin, acylated a- and p-site trnas, and e-site trna.
5 38 4v5hB8 E.coli 70s ribosome stalled during translation of tnac leader peptide.
2 37 4v5rB9 The crystal structure of ef-tu and trp-trna-trp bound to a cognate codon on the 70s ribosome.
4 37 4v4yB8 Crystal structure of the 70s thermus thermophilus ribosome with translocated and rotated shine-dalgarno duplex.
1 35 4v4jb Interactions and dynamics of the shine-dalgarno helix in the 70s ribosome.
3 38 4v55B4 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with gentamicin and ribosome recycling factor (rrf).
4 36 4v5cB9 Structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with mrna, paromomycin, acylated a-site trna, deacylated p-site trna, and e-site trna.
3 38 4v56B4 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with spectinomycin.
4 38 4v50B4 Crystal structure of ribosome with messenger rna and the anticodon stem-loop of p-site trna.
2 38 4v54B4 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with ribosome recycling factor (rrf).
0 38 4v5bA4 Structure of pdf binding helix in complex with the ribosome
3 38 4v57B4 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with spectinomycin and neomycin.
4 37 4v4xB8 Crystal structure of the 70s thermus thermophilus ribosome showing how the 16s 3'-end mimicks mrna e and p codons.
4 38 4uy84 Molecular basis for the ribosome functioning as a l-tryptophan sensor - cryo-em structure of a tnac stalled e.coli ribosome
7 37 4v4zB8 70s thermus thermophilous ribosome functional complex with mrna and e- and p-site trnas at 4.5a.
4 38 4v52B4 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with neomycin.
3 38 4v4qB4 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli at 3.5 a resolution.
3 38 4v53B4 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with gentamicin.
2 35 4v4ib Crystal structure of a 70s ribosome-trna complex reveals functional interactions and rearrangements.
3 38 4v4hB4 Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with the antibiotic kasugamyin at 3.5a resolution.
1 38 4csu8 Cryo-em structures of the 50s ribosome subunit bound with obge
1 38 2j284 Model of e. coli srp bound to 70s rncs
4 38 3j5l4 Structure of the e. coli 50s subunit with ermbl nascent chain
2 37 3dll4 The oxazolidinone antibiotics perturb the ribosomal peptidyl-transferase center and effect trna positioning
4 38 3j9zL5 Activation of gtp hydrolysis in mrna-trna translocation by elongation factor g
3 38 3ja1L7 Activation of gtp hydrolysis in mrna-trna translocation by elongation factor g