Found 427 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 301 - 350. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Leucine-rich Repeat Variant

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
350 861 3ea5B Kap95p binding induces the switch loops of rangdp to adopt the gtp-bound conformation: implications for nuclear import complex assembly dynamics
145 403 3fgaB Structural basis of pp2a and sgo interaction
178 431 3feyC Crystal structure of the cbc-importin alpha complex.
130 353 3eg5B Crystal structure of mdia1-tsh gbd-fh3 in complex with cdc42-gmppnp
98 265 3ebbA Plap/p97 complex
191 582 3dw8A Structure of a protein phosphatase 2a holoenzyme with b55 subunit
111 326 3dadA Crystal structure of the n-terminal regulatory domains of the formin fhod1
219 619 3c2gA Crystal complex of sys-1/pop-1 at 2.5a resolution
85 228 3c5wA Complex between pp2a-specific methylesterase pme-1 and pp2a core enzyme
229 619 3c2hA Crystal structure of sys-1 at 2.6a resolution
169 427 3btrC Ar-nls:importin-alpha complex
132 333 3bwtA Crystal structure of the rna binding domain of puf4 from saccharomyces cerevisiae
83 227 3bvsA Crystal structure of bacillus cereus alkylpurine dna glycosylase alkd
173 470 3bctA The armadillo repeat region from murine beta-catenin
116 311 3au3A Crystal structure of armadillo repeat domain of apc
319 886 2z5kA Complex of transportin 1 with tap nls
314 886 2z5mA Complex of transportin 1 with tap nls, crystal form 2
264 886 2z5jA Free transportin 1
298 885 2z5oA Complex of transportin 1 with jktbp nls
279 886 2z5nA Complex of transportin 1 with hnrnp d nls
217 543 2z6hA Crystal structure of beta-catenin armadillo repeat region and its c-terminal domain
202 556 2z6gA Crystal structure of a full-length zebrafish beta-catenin
167 422 2ynsA Rimp_alpha_b54nls
176 425 2ynrA Mimp_alphadibb_b54nls
134 521 2xoaA Crystal structure of the n-terminal three domains of the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (ryr1)
301 955 2x1gF Crystal structure of importin13 - mago-y14 complex
184 579 2xa7B Ap2 clathrin adaptor core in active complex with cargo peptides
194 613 2xa7A Ap2 clathrin adaptor core in active complex with cargo peptides
300 936 2x19B Crystal structure of importin13 - rangtp complex
122 328 2wtkA Structure of the heterotrimeric lkb1-stradalpha-mo25alpha complex
212 575 2w3cA Globular head region of the human general vesicular transport factor p115
170 579 2vglB Ap2 clathrin adaptor core
212 600 2vglA Ap2 clathrin adaptor core
306 885 2qmrA Karyopherin beta2/transportin
32 84 2ru4B Designed armadillo repeat protein self-assembled complex (yiim2-maii)
31 115 2ru4A Designed armadillo repeat protein self-assembled complex (yiim2-maii)
337 873 2p8qA Crystal structure of human importin beta bound to the snurportin1 ibb-domain
280 756 2qnaA Crystal structure of human importin-beta (127-876) in complex with the ibb-domain of snurportin1 (1-65)
87 247 2qk1A Structural basis of microtubule plus end tracking by xmap215, clip-170 and eb1
88 241 2qk2A Structural basis of microtubule plus end tracking by xmap215, clip-170 and eb1
182 575 2pf4A Crystal structure of the full-length simian virus 40 small t antigen complexed with the protein phosphatase 2a aalpha subunit
102 266 2of3A Tog domain structure from c.elegans zyg9
93 388 2nylB Crystal structure of protein phosphatase 2a (pp2a) holoenzyme with the catalytic subunit carboxyl terminus truncated
202 582 2nppA Structure of the protein phosphatase 2a holoenzyme
180 582 2nymA Crystal structure of protein phosphatase 2a (pp2a) with c-terminus truncated catalytic subunit
207 621 2jkrA Ap2 clathrin adaptor core with dileucine peptide rm(phosphos)qikrllse
89 388 2nymB Crystal structure of protein phosphatase 2a (pp2a) with c-terminus truncated catalytic subunit
206 621 2jktA Ap2 clathrin adaptor core with cd4 dileucine peptide rm(phosphos) eikrllse q to e mutant
170 582 2nylA Crystal structure of protein phosphatase 2a (pp2a) holoenzyme with the catalytic subunit carboxyl terminus truncated
181 571 2jktB Ap2 clathrin adaptor core with cd4 dileucine peptide rm(phosphos) eikrllse q to e mutant