Found 515 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 301 - 350. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase; Chain A

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
103 290 2i5xA Engineering the ptpbeta catalytic domain with improved crystallization properties
63 158 2i6oA Crystal structure of the complex of the archaeal sulfolobus ptp-fold phosphatase with phosphopeptides n-g-(p)y-k-n
100 293 2i4hA Structural studies of protein tyrosine phosphatase beta catalytic domain co-crystallized with a sulfamic acid inhibitor
85 276 2i75A Crystal structure of human protein tyrosine phosphatase n4 (ptpn4)
64 161 2i6jA Crystal structure of the complex of the archaeal sulfolobus ptp-fold phosphatase with phosphate ion
101 282 2i42A Crystal structure of yersinia protein tyrosine phosphatase complexed with vanadate, a transition state analogue
99 287 2i1yA Crystal structure of the phosphatase domain of human ptp ia-2
95 291 2hvlA Crystal structure of the heptp catalytic domain c270s mutant
104 290 2hc1A Engineered catalytic domain of protein tyrosine phosphatase hptpbeta.
102 292 2i4eA Structural studies of protein tyrosine phosphatase beta catalytic domain in complex with inhibitors
82 297 2hy3A Crystal structure of the human tyrosine receptor phosphate gamma in complex with vanadate
100 291 2i3rA Engineered catalytic domain of protein tyrosine phosphatase hptpbeta
55 144 2hxpA Crystal structure of the human phosphatase (dusp9)
105 289 2hc2A Engineered protein tyrosine phosphatase beta catalytic domain
63 161 2i6mA Crystal structure of the complexes of the archaeal sulfolobus ptp-fold phosphatase with tungstate
100 293 2i4gA Structural studies of protein tyrosine phosphatase beta catalytic domain in complex with a sulfamic acid (soaking experiment)
63 161 2i6iA Crystal structures of the archaeal sulfolobus ptp-fold phosphatase
101 288 2h03A Structural studies of protein tyrosine phosphatase beta catalytic domain in complex with inhibitors
54 159 2hcmA Crystal structure of mouse putative dual specificity phosphatase complexed with zinc tungstate, new york structural genomics consortium
93 278 2hnpA Crystal structure of human protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b
109 297 2hb1A Crystal structure of ptp1b with monocyclic thiophene inhibitor
103 291 2h04A Structural studies of protein tyrosine phosphatase beta catalytic domain in complex with inhibitors
99 292 2gp0A Heptp catalytic domain (residues 44-339), s225d mutant
91 278 2hnqA Crystal structure of human protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b
100 297 2h4vA Crystal structure of the human tyrosine receptor phosphatase gamma
107 295 2gjtA Crystal structure of the human receptor phosphatase ptpro
107 297 2h4gA Crystal structure of ptp1b with monocyclic thiophene inhibitor
52 169 2gwoA Crystal structure of tmdp
108 297 2h4kA Crystal structure of ptp1b with a monocyclic thiophene inhibitor
98 290 2h02A Structural studies of protein tyrosine phosphatase beta catalytic domain in complex with inhibitors
128 425 2gc5A G51s mutant of l. casei fpgs
129 425 2gcbA G51s/s52t double mutant of l. casei fpgs
132 425 2gc6A S73a mutant of l. casei fpgs
51 147 2g6zA Crystal structure of human dusp5
135 425 2gcaA Apo form of l. casei fpgs
98 290 2g59A Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of protein tyrosine phosphatase from homo sapiens
193 576 2fh7A Crystal structure of the phosphatase domains of human ptp sigma
97 289 2fjnA The structure of phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1b in complex with compound 2
112 297 2f71A Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b with sulfamic acid inhibitors
107 297 2f6wA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b with sulfamic acid inhibitors
110 297 2f6yA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b with sulfamic acid inhibitors
109 297 2f6vA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b with sulfamic acid inhibitors
112 297 2f6tA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b with sulfamic acid inhibitors
108 297 2f70A Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b with sulfamic acid inhibitors
98 289 2fjmA The structure of phosphotyrosine phosphatase 1b in complex with compound 2
107 302 2f6fA The structure of the s295f mutant of human ptp1b
52 142 2f46A Crystal structure of a putative phosphatase (nma1982) from neisseria meningitidis z2491 at 1.41 a resolution
110 297 2f6zA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b with sulfamic acid inhibitors
142 483 2f00A Escherichia coli murc
60 162 2esbA Crystal structure of human dusp18