Found 3563 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 301 - 350. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: transferase/transferase inhibitor

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
130 362 5qtiA T. brucei fpps in complex with cid 62483448
126 363 5qtaA T. brucei fpps in complex with cid 2804072
128 362 5qtfA T. brucei fpps in complex with cid 144539
130 362 5qteA T. brucei fpps in complex with cid 4563894
92 323 6lubA Crystal structure of egfr(l858r/t790m/c797s) in complex with ch7233163
127 363 5qt6A T. brucei fpps in complex with cid 112445
127 363 5qt5A T. brucei fpps in complex with cid 89021
125 362 5qtjA T. brucei fpps in complex with cid 47256035
74 281 7jusB Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor cobimetinib
69 249 7jv0B Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor pd0325901
75 281 7juqB Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with adp
72 249 7juzB Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor selumetinib
87 343 7juzC Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor selumetinib
75 281 7juvB Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor aps-9-95-1
70 249 7juxB Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor trametinib
86 343 7juwC Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp
0 33 7jv1D Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor aps-9-95-1
1 32 7jv0A Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor pd0325901
70 281 7jurB Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor trametinib
90 339 7juuC Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor pd0325901
89 341 7juvC Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor aps-9-95-1
91 342 7juqC Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with adp
72 281 7jutB Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with anp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor selumetinib
91 341 7jusC Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor cobimetinib
69 249 7jv1B Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor aps-9-95-1
88 340 7jutC Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with anp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor selumetinib
1 32 7juzA Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor selumetinib
75 281 7juwE Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp
89 341 7jurC Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor trametinib
0 33 7juxA Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor trametinib
87 342 7jv1C Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor aps-9-95-1
90 343 7jv0C Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor pd0325901
85 342 7juxC Crystal structure of ksr1:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor trametinib
75 281 7juuB Crystal structure of ksr2:mek1 in complex with amp-pnp, and allosteric mek inhibitor pd0325901
81 277 6p3dA The co-crystal structure of braf(v600e) with ponatinib
221 948 6xrmA Crystal structure of human pi3k-gamma in complex with compound 4
99 265 7jtmA Crystal structure of rar-related orphan receptor c (nhis-rorgt(244-487)-l6-src1(6t78-692) in complex with a tricyclic sulfone rorgt inverse agonist
254 948 6xrlA Crystal structure of human pi3k-gamma in complex with inhibitor ipi-549
81 280 6o5zA Crystal structure of the human mlkl pseudokinase domain bound to compound 2
108 313 6kvsA Staphylococcus aureus fabh with covalent inhibitor oxa1
96 394 7jouA Crystal structure of rho-associated protein kinase 1 (rock1) in complex with a phenylpyrazole amide inhibitor
103 393 7jovA Crystal structure of rho-associated protein kinase 2 (rock2) in complex with a phenylpyrazole amide inhibitor
149 454 6tzvA Crystal structure of the carboxyltransferase subunit of acc (accd6) in complex with inhibitor phenyl-cyclodiaone from mycobacterium tuberculosis
81 225 6pvaB The structure of ntmt1 in complex with compound 11
81 225 6pvbB The structure of ntmt1 in complex with compound 6
89 300 6jpeA Crystal structure of fgfr4 kinase domain with irreversible inhibitor 1
85 264 6xe4A Btk fluorocyclopropyl amide inhibitor, compound 25
92 265 6xaeA Substituted benzyloxytricyclic compounds as retinoic acid-related orphan receptor gamma t agonists
97 303 6x7pA Lnmk in complex with 2-sulfonate-propionyl-oxa(dethia)-coa
91 302 6x7mA Lnmk in complex with 2-nitronate-propionyl-oxa(dethia)-coa