Found 520 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 301 - 350. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Ribosomal_L9_N

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
12 149 4v50BH Crystal structure of ribosome with messenger rna and the anticodon stem-loop of p-site trna.
13 149 4v52BH Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with neomycin.
13 149 4v4hBH Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from escherichia coli in complex with the antibiotic kasugamyin at 3.5a resolution.
20 148 4v4iG Crystal structure of a 70s ribosome-trna complex reveals functional interactions and rearrangements.
11 57 4ce4I 39s large subunit of the porcine mitochondrial ribosome
17 149 4csuH Cryo-em structures of the 50s ribosome subunit bound with obge
8 56 3j5lH Structure of the e. coli 50s subunit with ermbl nascent chain
17 149 2j28H Model of e. coli srp bound to 70s rncs
25 146 4wzo61 Complex of 70s ribosome with trna-fmet and mrna
11 95 3j9mH Structure of the human mitochondrial ribosome (class 1)
25 146 4wt161 Complex of 70s ribosome with trna-phe and mrna with a-a mismatch in the second position in the a-site
30 145 5d8bBB Crystal structure of t. thermophilus ribosome containing a p-site wobble mismatch
25 149 3ja1LI Activation of gtp hydrolysis in mrna-trna translocation by elongation factor g
29 149 3j9zL9 Activation of gtp hydrolysis in mrna-trna translocation by elongation factor g
22 146 4yzvRI Precleavage 70s structure of the p. vulgaris higb deltah92 toxin bound to the aca codon
15 149 5adyH Cryo-em structures of the 50s ribosome subunit bound with hflx
22 146 4ypbRI Precleavage 70s structure of the p. vulgaris higb deltah92 toxin bound to the aaa codon
22 146 4w4gRI Postcleavage state of 70s bound to higb toxin and aaa (lysine) codon
27 145 5el561 Structure of t. thermophilus 70s ribosome complex with mrna and trnalys in the a-site with a u-u mismatch in the second position
38 146 5j4b1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with cisplatin (co-crystallized) and bound to mrna and a-, p- and e-site trnas at 2.6a resolution
36 146 5j4dJ E. coli release factor 1 bound to the 70s ribosome in response to a pseudouridylated stop codon
33 147 5dox1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with hygromycin-a at 3.1a resolution
8 149 3jbuh Mechanisms of ribosome stalling by secm at multiple elongation steps
25 146 5e7k61 Structure of t. thermophilus 70s ribosome complex with mrna and cognate trnalys in the a-site
29 145 5ib761 Structure of t. thermophilus 70s ribosome complex with mrna, trnafmet, near-cognate trnalys with u-g mismatch in the a-site and antibiotic paromomycin
170 756 5hau1z Crystal structure of antimicrobial peptide bac7(1-19) bound to the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome
23 149 5l3pI Cryo-em structure of stringent response factor rela bound to ermcl-stalled ribosome complex
33 149 5jc9CH Structure of the escherichia coli ribosome with the u1052g mutation in the 16s rrna
36 149 5j8aCH Structure of the e coli 70s ribosome with the u1052g mutation in 16s rrna bound to tigecycline
30 149 5j88CH Structure of the e coli 70s ribosome with the u1060a mutation in 16s rrna
34 149 5j91CH Structure of the wild-type 70s e coli ribosome bound to tigecycline
32 149 5it8CH High-resolution structure of the escherichia coli ribosome
34 149 5j5bCH Structure of the wt e coli ribosome bound to tetracycline
19 149 5mgpH Structural basis for arfa-rf2 mediated translation termination on stop-codon lacking mrnas
26 149 5lzdH Structure of selb-sec-trnasec bound to the 70s ribosome in the gtpase activated state (ga)
27 149 5mdwG Structure of arfa(a18t) and rf2 bound to the 70s ribosome (pre-accommodated state)
25 149 5lzbH Structure of selb-sec-trnasec bound to the 70s ribosome in the initial binding state (ib)
26 149 5mdzG Structure of the 70s ribosome (empty a site)
24 149 5lzcH Structure of selb-sec-trnasec bound to the 70s ribosome in the codon reading state (cr)
23 149 5lzfH Structure of the 70s ribosome with fmetsec-trnasec in the hybrid pre-translocation state (h)
27 149 5lzeH Structure of the 70s ribosome with sec-trnasec in the classical pre-translocation state (c)
30 149 5mdvG Structure of arfa and rf2 bound to the 70s ribosome (accommodated state)
26 146 5mdyG Structure of arfa and ttrf2 bound to the 70s ribosome (pre-accommodated state)
36 147 5j30RI Thermus thermophilus 70s termination complex containing e. coli rf1
27 149 5lzaH Structure of the 70s ribosome with secis-mrna and p-site trna (initial complex, ic)
6 48 5mmmH Structure of the 70s chloroplast ribosome
15 149 5o2rH Cryo-em structure of the proline-rich antimicrobial peptide api137 bound to the terminating ribosome
31 212 6hivAI Cryo-em structure of the trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial ribosome - this entry contains the complete mitoribosome
27 149 6h58H Structure of a hibernating 100s ribosome reveals an inactive conformation of the ribosomal protein s1 - full 100s hibernating e. coli ribosome
0 50 6gzxH1 T. thermophilus hibernating 100s ribosome (ice)