Found 1121 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 301 - 350. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: WD40

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
135 410 6wnxA Fbxw11-skp1 in complex with a pser33/pser37 beta-catenin peptide
56 365 6whhA Crystal structure of human wdr41
63 332 6whcB Cryoem structure of the glucagon receptor with a dual-agonist peptide
102 359 6w7fA Structure of eed bound to inhibitor 5285
105 359 6w7gA Structure of eed bound to inhibitor 1056
84 339 6vmsB Structure of a d2 dopamine receptor-g-protein complex in a lipid membrane
71 339 6vcbB Cryo-em structure of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor in complex with g protein, glp-1 peptide and a positive allosteric modulator
93 366 6u4yD Crystal structure of an ezh2-eed complex in an oligomeric state
64 372 6uhcC Cryoem structure of human arp2/3 complex with bound npfs
43 300 6tedW Structure of complete, activated transcription complex pol ii-dsif-paf-spt6 uncovers allosteric elongation activation by rtf1
78 309 6rlqB Crystal structure of the human prmt5:mep50 complex with jnj45031882
78 309 6rllB Crystal structure of the human prmt5:mep50 complex with jnj44064146
261 1312 6u62A Raptor-rag-ragulator complex
51 313 6r7q6 Structure of xbp1u-paused ribosome nascent chain complex with sec61.
46 313 6r6p6 Structure of xbp1u-paused ribosome nascent chain complex (rotated state)
78 325 6qtxA Crystal structure of an arabidopsis wd40 domain in complex with a flowering transcription factor homolog
80 329 6qttA Crystal structure of an arabidopsis wd40 domain in complex with a transcription factor homolog
116 547 6jlqB Crystal structure of human usp46-wdr48-wdr20 complex
82 425 6jlqC Crystal structure of human usp46-wdr48-wdr20 complex
73 338 6os9B Human neurotensin receptor 1 (hntsr1) - gi1 protein complex in canonical conformation (c state)
75 338 6osaB Human neurotensin receptor 1 (hntsr1) - gi1 protein complex in non-canonical conformation (nc state)
78 328 6qtoA Crystal structure of an arabidopsis wd40 domain in complex with a transcription factor
82 329 6qtuA Crystal structure of arabidopsis wd40 domain in complex with a bbx transcription factor
78 329 6qtrA Crystal structure of a mutant arabidopsis wd40 domain in complex with a transcription factor
80 326 6qtsA Crystal structure of an arabidopsis wd40 domain in complex with photoreceptor
83 325 6qtqA Crystal structure of an arabidopsis wd40 domain in complex with photoreceptor
51 313 6r5q6 Structure of xbp1u-paused ribosome nascent chain complex (post-state)
84 325 6qtvA Crystal structure of an arabidopsis wd40 domain in complex with an atypical bhlh transcription factor
50 312 6qnoB Rhodopsin-gi protein complex
51 313 6r6g6 Structure of xbp1u-paused ribosome nascent chain complex with srp.
79 324 6qtwA Crystal structure of an arabidopsis wd40 domain in complex with a blue light photoreceptor
67 307 6qw65O Structure of the human u5.u4/u6 tri-snrnp at 2.9a resolution.
61 318 6q8yO Cryo-em structure of the mrna translating and degrading yeast 80s ribosome-xrn1 nuclease complex
84 359 6qx94B Structure of a human fully-assembled precatalytic spliceosome (pre-b complex).
67 306 6qdvN Human post-catalytic p complex spliceosome
67 307 6qx95O Structure of a human fully-assembled precatalytic spliceosome (pre-b complex).
59 318 4v6wAg Structure of the d. melanogaster 80s ribosome
34 405 6j6gn Cryo-em structure of the yeast b*-a2 complex at an average resolution of 3.2 angstrom
50 159 5oqlJ Cryo-em structure of the 90s pre-ribosome from chaetomium thermophilum
14 138 6ff4E Human bact spliceosome core structure
70 370 6fuwB Cryo-em structure of the human cpsf160-wdr33-cpsf30 complex bound to the pas aauaaa motif at 3.1 angstrom resolution
62 376 6dnhB Cryo-em structure of human cpsf-160-wdr33-cpsf-30-pas rna complex at 3.4 a resolution
45 320 6ff4D Human bact spliceosome core structure
55 406 6bk8M S. cerevisiae spliceosomal post-catalytic p complex
189 720 5h1kA Crystal structure of wd40 repeat domains of gemin5 in complex with 13-nt u4 snrna fragment
36 405 5wsgn Cryo-em structure of the catalytic step ii spliceosome (c* complex) at 4.0 angstrom resolution
40 318 5jupWA Saccharomyces cerevisiae 80s ribosome bound with elongation factor eef2-gdp-sordarin and taura syndrome virus ires, structure ii (mid-rotated 40s subunit)
5 23 5y88S Cryo-em structure of the intron-lariat spliceosome ready for disassembly from s.cerevisiae at 3.5 angstrom
189 720 5gxhA The structure of the gemin5 wd40 domain with aauuuuug
67 337 5y88O Cryo-em structure of the intron-lariat spliceosome ready for disassembly from s.cerevisiae at 3.5 angstrom