Found 555 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 351 - 400. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Gyrase A; domain 2

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
191 526 3q3qA Crystal structure of spap: an novel alkaline phosphatase from bacterium sphingomonas sp. strain bsar-1
129 492 3oepA Crystal structure of ttha0988 in space group p43212
126 493 3opfA Crystal structure of ttha0988 in space group p212121
119 492 3oreA Crystal structure of ttha0988 in space group p6522
138 506 3nuhA A domain insertion in e. coli gyrb adopts a novel fold that plays a critical role in gyrase function
73 209 3n3yA Crystal structure of thymidylate synthase x (thyx) from helicobacter pylori with fad and dump at 2.31a resolution
76 216 3n0cA Tm0449 mutant crystal grown by hanging drop method
50 210 3mmlB Allophanate hydrolase complex from mycobacterium smegmatis, msmeg0435-msmeg0436
74 216 3n0bA Tm0449 mutant crystals grown in loops/micromounts
148 490 3lpxA Crystal structure of gyra
28 114 3k7aK Crystal structure of an rna polymerase ii-tfiib complex
49 266 3k7aC Crystal structure of an rna polymerase ii-tfiib complex
29 97 3jstA Crystal structure of transcriptional coactivator/pterin dehydratase from brucella melitensis
237 1496 3h0gA Rna polymerase ii from schizosaccharomyces pombe
22 95 3ipjA The crystal structure of one domain of the pts system, iiabc component from clostridium difficile
306 1453 3fkiA 12-subunit rna polymerase ii refined with zn-sad data
33 100 3hxaA Crystal structure of dcoh1thr51ser
283 827 3gsiA Crystal structure of d552a dimethylglycine oxidase mutant of arthrobacter globiformis in complex with tetrahydrofolate
18 92 3hkzL The x-ray crystal structure of rna polymerase from archaea
52 264 3hkzD The x-ray crystal structure of rna polymerase from archaea
20 119 3h0gK Rna polymerase ii from schizosaccharomyces pombe
32 263 3h0gC Rna polymerase ii from schizosaccharomyces pombe
32 106 3gdzA Crystal structure of arginyl-trna synthetase from klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae
126 470 3geiA Crystal structure of mnme from chlorobium tepidum in complex with gcp
104 361 3girA Crystal structure of glycine cleavage system aminomethyltransferase t from bartonella henselae
126 465 3geeA Crystal structure of mnme from chlorobium tepidum in complex with gdp and folinic acid
131 462 3gehA Crystal structure of mnme from nostoc in complex with gdp, folinic acid and zn
78 218 3g4aA Crystal structure of flavine dependant thymidylate synthase s88a mutant from thermotoga maritima at 1.95 angstrom resolution
390 1445 3cqzA Crystal structure of 10 subunit rna polymerase ii in complex with the inhibitor alpha-amanitin
77 217 3g4cA Flavine dependant thymidylate syntahse s88c mutant
38 267 3fkiC 12-subunit rna polymerase ii refined with zn-sad data
28 115 3fkiK 12-subunit rna polymerase ii refined with zn-sad data
40 229 3eqlA Crystal structure of the t. thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme in complex with antibiotic myxopyronin
48 231 3dxjA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus rna polymerase holoenzyme in complex with the antibiotic myxopyronin
30 113 3cqzK Crystal structure of 10 subunit rna polymerase ii in complex with the inhibitor alpha-amanitin
58 265 3cqzC Crystal structure of 10 subunit rna polymerase ii in complex with the inhibitor alpha-amanitin
22 77 3cagA Crystal structure of the oligomerization domain hexamer of the arginine repressor protein from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with 9 arginines.
16 81 3bp3A Crystal structure of eiib
16 75 3bp8C Crystal structure of mlc/eiib complex
22 78 3bueA Crystal structure of the c-terminal domain hexamer of argr from mycobacterium tuberculosis
61 221 3aqoA Structure and function of a membrane component secdf that enhances protein export
214 725 3aqpA Crystal structure of secdf, a translocon-associated membrane protein, from thermus thrmophilus
110 363 3a8jA Crystal structure of et-ehred complex
50 195 3adaC Heterotetrameric sarcosine oxidase from corynebacterium sp. u-96 in complex with sulfite
50 195 3ad9C Heterotetrameric sarcosine oxidase from corynebacterium sp. u-96 sarcosine-reduced form
49 195 3ad7C Heterotetrameric sarcosine oxidase from corynebacterium sp. u-96 in complex with methylthio acetate
106 363 3a8kA Crystal structure of etd97n-ehred complex
75 215 3ah5A Crystal structure of flavin dependent thymidylate synthase thyx from helicobacter pylori complexed with fad and dump
49 195 3ad8C Heterotetrameric sarcosine oxidase from corynebacterium sp. u-96 in complex with pyrrole 2-carboxylate
114 363 3a8iA Crystal structure of et-ehred-5-ch3-thf complex