Found 3563 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 351 - 400. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: transferase/transferase inhibitor

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
97 301 6x7oA Lnmk in complex with 2-sulfonate-propionyl-coa
98 303 6x7lA Lnmk in complex with 2-nitronate-propionyl-coa
95 302 6x7nA Lnmk in complex with 2-nitronate-propionyl-amino(dethia)-coa
107 400 6vv1A Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt384
112 400 6vuuA Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt1347
112 400 6vuwA Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt368
106 400 6vuyA Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt358
106 400 6vutA Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt392
90 297 6vqlA Crystal structure of interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (irak4-wt) complex with a nicotinamide inhibitor
108 400 6vv3A Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt1358
112 400 6vurA Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt366
110 400 6vuzA Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt353
112 400 6vusA Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt379
111 400 6vv2A Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt1348
105 400 6vv0A Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt1354
115 400 6vuxA Crystal structure of eis from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with inhibitor sgt388
51 154 6vlmA Core catalytic domain of hiv integrase in complex with virtual screening hit
35 156 6u9kA Mll1 set n3861i/q3867l bound to inhibitor 18 (tc-5153)
39 155 6u9nA Mll1 set n3861i/q3867l bound to inhibitor 14 (tc-5139)
39 155 6u9mA Mll1 set n3861i/q3867l bound to inhibitor 16 (tc-5109)
41 156 6u9rA Mll1 set n3861i/q3867l bound to inhibitor 12 (tc-5140)
109 339 6q2aA Trypanosoma brucei clk1 kinase domain in complex with a covalent aminobenzimidazole inhibitor ab1
100 265 6w9hA Substituted benzyloxytricyclic compounds as retinoic acid-related orphan receptor gamma t agonists
100 265 6w9jA Substituted benzyloxytricyclic compounds as retinoic acid-related orphan receptor gamma t agonists
97 330 6w6dA Crystal structure of human protein arginine n-methyltransferase 6 (prmt6) in complex with sgc6870 inhibitor
98 265 6w9iA Substituted benzyloxytricyclic compounds as retinoic acid-related orphan receptor gamma t agonists
93 307 6v6oA Egfr(t790m/v948r) in complex with ln2380
97 314 6v5nA Egfr(t790m/v948r) in complex with ln2084
86 324 6vh4A Wild type egfr in complex with ln2380
92 315 6v6kA Egfr(t790m/v948r) in complex with ln2057
85 324 6vhpA Wild type egfr in complex with ln2899
88 324 6vhnA Wild type egfr in complex with ln2057
96 314 6v5pA Egfr(t790m/v948r) in complex with ln2725
96 314 6v66A Egfr(t790m/v948r) in complex with ln2899
84 279 6ol2A Crystallography of novel wnk1 and wnk3 inhibitors discovered from high-throughput-screening
80 272 6pdaA Crystal structure of myst acetyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor 74
80 272 6pdbA Crystal structure of myst acetyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor 80
79 272 6pdeA Crystal structure of myst acetyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor 40
84 272 6pdgA Crystal structure of myst acetyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor 83
78 272 6pdfA Crystal structure of myst acetyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor 55
75 272 6pd8A Crystal structure of myst acetyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor 39
46 162 6kroA Tankyrase-2 in complex with rk-582
79 272 6owhA Crystal structure of myst acetyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor 92
83 272 6pddA Crystal structure of myst acetyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor 41
1 46 6kroB Tankyrase-2 in complex with rk-582
84 272 6pdcA Crystal structure of myst acetyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor 42
71 272 6pd9A Crystal structure of myst acetyltransferase domain in complex with inhibitor 60
87 290 6v9cA Crystal structure of fgfr4 kinase domain in complex with covalent inhibitor
84 272 6oblA Jak2 jh2 in complex with jak168
86 272 6obfA Jak2 jh2 in complex with jak179