Found 520 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 351 - 400. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Ribosomal_L9_N

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
27 149 6h4nH Structure of a hibernating 100s ribosome reveals an inactive conformation of the ribosomal protein s1 - 70s hibernating e. coli ribosome
4 50 6gzzH1 T. thermophilus hibernating 100s ribosome (amc)
32 146 6bz8RI Thermus thermophilus 70s containing 16s g347u point mutation and near-cognate asl leucine in a site
29 146 6bz7RI Thermus thermophilus 70s containing 16s g299a point mutation and near-cognate asl leucine in a site.
29 146 6bz6RI Thermus thermophilus 70s complex containing 16s g347u ram mutation and empty a site
24 146 6buwRI Thermus thermophilus 70s complex containing 16s g299a ram mutation and empty a site.
10 59 6q95G Structure of tmrna smpb bound in a site of t. thermophilus 70s ribosome
33 146 6of11I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with dirithromycin and bound to mrna and a-, p-, and e-site trnas at 2.80a resolution
20 149 6q97G Structure of tmrna smpb bound in a site of e. coli 70s ribosome
13 149 3bbxH The hsp15 protein fitted into the low resolution cryo-em map of the complex
19 149 4u24BH Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to dalfopristin.
19 149 4u20BH Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to flopristin.
19 149 4u27BH Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to flopristin and linopristin.
19 149 4u26BH Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to dalfopristin and quinupristin.
19 149 4u25BH Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to virginiamycin m1.
19 149 4u1vBH Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to linopristin.
27 146 4p6fRI Crystal structure of the peptolide 12c bound to bacterial ribosome
23 146 4lelRI Crystal structure of frameshift suppressor trna sufa6 bound to codon ccg-g on the ribosome
25 146 4lfzRI Crystal structure of frameshift suppressor trna sufa6 bound to codon ccc-u in the absence of paromomycin
19 149 4u1uBH Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to quinupristin.
26 146 4lntRI Crystal structure of trna proline (cgg) bound to codon ccc-u on the ribosome
24 146 4lt8RI Crystal structure of trna proline (cgg) bound to codon ccc-g on the ribosome
23 146 4l71RI Crystal structure of frameshift suppressor trna sufa6 bound to codon ccc-a on the ribosome
29 146 4p70RI Crystal structure of unmodified trna proline (cgg) bound to codon ccg on the ribosome
24 146 4lskRI Crystal structure of trna proline (cgg) bound to codon ccg-g on the ribosome
23 146 4l47RI Crystal structure of frameshift suppressor trna sufa6 bound to codon ccc-u on the ribosome
32 146 1vy5BI Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in the post-catalysis state of peptide bond formation containing dipeptydil-trna in the a site and deacylated trna in the p site.
7 50 3j7zH Structure of the e. coli 50s subunit with ermcl nascent chain
37 146 1vy4BI Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in the pre-attack state of peptide bond formation containing acylated trna-substrates in the a and p sites.
11 149 4wwwRH Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to cem-101
33 146 1vy7BI Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in the pre-attack state of peptide bond formation containing short substrate-mimic cytidine-cytidine-puromycin in the a site and acylated trna in the p site.
148 756 4wqyBZ Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with elongation factor g in the post-translocational state (without fusitic acid)
22 146 1vvjRI Crystal structure of frameshift suppressor trna sufa6 bound to codon ccc-g on the ribosome
187 756 4wqfBZ Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with elongation factor g and fusidic acid in the post-translocational state
13 95 3j7yH Structure of the large ribosomal subunit from human mitochondria
32 146 1vy6BI Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in the pre-attack state of peptide bond formation containing short substrate-mimic cytidine-puromycin in the a site and acylated trna in the p site.
152 756 4wquBZ Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with elongation factor g trapped by the antibiotic dityromycin
19 149 4wf1BH Crystal structure of the e. coli ribosome bound to negamycin.
158 756 4wpoBZ Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with elongation factor g in the pre-translocational state
28 149 4ybbCH High-resolution structure of the escherichia coli ribosome
13 149 5akaH Em structure of ribosome-srp-ftsy complex in closed state
37 147 4y4o1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome with rrna modifications and bound to protein y (yfia) at 2.3a resolution
13 98 5aj4BI Structure of the 55s mammalian mitoribosome.
14 149 3j8gH Electron cryo-microscopy structure of enga bound with the 50s ribosomal subunit
40 146 4y4p1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome with rrna modifications and bound to mrna and a-, p- and e-site trnas at 2.5a resolution
23 149 5afiH 2.9a structure of e. coli ribosome-ef-tu complex by cs-corrected cryo-em
29 146 4wu161 Complex of 70s ribosome with trna-tyr and mrna with g-u mismatch in the second position in the p-site
35 147 4zer1I Crystal structure of the onc112 antimicrobial peptide bound to the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome
28 146 4tuaRI Crystal structure of asl-thr bound to codon acc-a on the ribosome
28 146 4wzd61 Complex of 70s ribosome with cognate trna-tyr in the p-site