Found 520 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 401 - 450. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Ribosomal_L9_N

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
23 149 3j9yH Cryo-em structure of tetracycline resistance protein tetm bound to a translating e.coli ribosome
28 146 4tubRI Crystal structure of trna-thr bound to codon acc-c on the ribosome
33 146 4z3s1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with antibiotic a201a, mrna and three trnas in the a, p and e sites at 2.65a resolution
28 146 4tudRI Crystal structure of asl-sufj bound to codon acc-c on the ribosome
27 146 4tucRI Crystal structure of asl-sufj bound to codon acc-a on the ribosome
35 146 4z8c1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome bound to translation inhibitor oncocin
28 146 4wra61 Complex of 70s ribosome with trna-tyr and mrna with a-a mismatch in the first position in the a-site and with antibiotic paromomycin.
28 146 4wsd61 Complex of 70s ribosome with trna-phe and mrna with c-a mismatch in the second position in the a-site and with antibiotic paromomycin.
22 146 4wr661 Complex of 70s ribosome with trna-tyr and mrna with a-a mismatch in the first position in the a-site.
27 146 4wqr61 Complex of 70s ribosome with trna-phe and mrna with c-a mismatch in the first position in the a-site.
17 149 4woiBH 4,5-linked aminoglycoside antibiotics regulate the bacterial ribosome by targeting dynamic conformational processes within intersubunit bridge b2
29 146 4wro61 Complex of 70s ribosome with trna-phe and mrna with c-a mismatch in the second position in the a-site
36 147 5czpRI 70s termination complex containing e. coli rf2
39 147 5dfeRI 70s termination complex containing e. coli rf2
20 149 5u9g09 3.2 a cryo-em arfa-rf2 ribosome rescue complex (structure i)
18 149 5u9f09 3.2 a cryo-em arfa-rf2 ribosome rescue complex (structure ii)
28 149 5u4iH Structural basis of co-translational quality control by arfa and rf2 bound to ribosome
20 148 5h5uH Mechanistic insights into the alternative translation termination by arfa and rf2
4 53 5x8pH Structure of the 70s chloroplast ribosome from spinach
21 149 5uyl09 70s ribosome bound with cognate ternary complex base-paired to a site codon (structure ii)
18 149 5uyq09 70s ribosome bound with near-cognate ternary complex base-paired to a site codon, closed 30s (structure iii-nc)
29 146 5vp21I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with madumycin ii and bound to mrna and a-, p- and e-site trnas at 2.8a resolution
19 149 5uyn09 70s ribosome bound with near-cognate ternary complex not base-paired to a site codon (structure i-nc)
21 149 5uyk09 70s ribosome bound with cognate ternary complex not base-paired to a site codon (structure i)
29 151 5o61H The complete structure of the mycobacterium smegmatis 70s ribosome
12 95 5oomH Structure of a native assembly intermediate of the human mitochondrial ribosome with unfolded interfacial rrna
16 149 6enuH Polyproline-stalled ribosome in the presence of elongation-factor p (ef-p)
23 149 6bu809 70s ribosome with s1 domains 1 and 2 (class 1)
26 146 6b4vJ Antibiotic blasticidin s and e. coli release factor 1 bound to the 70s ribosome
30 146 5ndk61 Crystal structure of aminoglycoside tc007 co-crystallized with 70s ribosome from thermus thermophilus, three trnas and mrna
36 147 6cfk1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with d-histidyl-cam and bound to protein y (yfia) at 2.7a resolution
35 146 5wis1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with methymycin and bound to mrna and a-, p- and e-site trnas at 2.7a resolution
31 147 6fkr1I Crystal structure of the dolphin proline-rich antimicrobial peptide tur1a bound to the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome
34 146 5wit1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with pikromycin and bound to mrna and a-, p- and e-site trnas at 2.6a resolution
33 147 6cfl1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with lysyl-cam and bound to protein y (yfia) at 2.6a resolution
29 149 6c4iH Conformation of methylated ggq in the peptidyl transferase center during translation termination
33 146 6cae1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with noso-95179 antibiotic and bound to mrna and a-, p- and e-site trnas at 2.6a resolution
24 145 6c5lBI Conformation of methylated ggq in the peptidyl transferase center during translation termination (t. thermophilus)
34 146 6cfj1I Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with histidyl-cam and bound to mrna and a-, p-, and e-site trnas at 2.8a resolution
24 149 5we6H 70s ribosome-ef-tu h84a complex with gtp and cognate trna
23 149 5wfkH 70s ribosome-ef-tu h84a complex with gtp and near-cognate trna (complex c3)
38 147 5v8i1I Thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome lacking ribosomal protein us17
24 149 5wf0H 70s ribosome-ef-tu h84a complex with gtp and near-cognate trna (complex c2)
22 149 5we4H 70s ribosome-ef-tu wt complex with gppnhp
24 149 5wfsH 70s ribosome-ef-tu h84a complex with gtp and near-cognate trna (complex c4)
24 149 5wdtH 70s ribosome-ef-tu h84a complex with gppnhp
27 146 5uq7I 70s ribosome complex with dnax mrna stemloop and e-site trna ("in" conformation)
28 146 5uq8I 70s ribosome complex with dnax mrna stem-loop and e-site trna ("out" conformation)
31 146 5ndj61 Crystal structure of aminoglycoside tc007 in complex with 70s ribosome from thermus thermophilus, three trnas and mrna (soaking)
35 146 6bokJ E. coli release factor 1 (containing deletion 302-304) bound to the 70s ribosome