Found 264 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Alpha-D-Glucose-1,6-Bisphosphate; Chain A, domain 4

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
26 159 1btvA Structure of bet v 1, nmr, 20 structures
32 159 1b6fA Birch pollen allergen bet v 1
29 159 1e09A Solution structure of the major cherry allergen pru av 1
30 159 1h2oA Solution structure of the major cherry allergen pru av 1 mutant e45w
153 683 3hjfA Crystal structure of t. thermophilus argonaute e546 mutant protein complexed with dna guide strand and 15-nt rna target strand
170 684 3ho1A Crystal structure of t. thermophilus argonaute n546 mutant protein complexed with dna guide strand and 12-nt rna target strand
165 682 3hk2A Crystal structure of t. thermophilus argonaute n478 mutant protein complexed with dna guide strand and 19-nt rna target strand
187 681 4ncbA Structure of thermus thermophilus argonaute bound to guide dna and 19-mer target dna with mg2+
178 681 4n41A Structure of thermus thermophilus argonaute bound to guide dna and 15-mer target dna
190 683 4ncaA Structure of thermus thermophilus argonaute bound to guide dna 19-mer and target dna in the presence of mn2+
168 683 4n76A Structure of thermus thermophilus argonaute bound to guide dna and cleaved target dna with mn2+
191 685 4kpyA Dna binding protein and dna complex structure
159 640 3dlbA Crystal structure of the guide-strand-containing argonaute protein silencing complex
155 683 3dlhA Crystal structure of the guide-strand-containing argonaute protein silencing complex
34 155 2gkdA Structural insight into self-sacrifice mechanism of enediyne resistance
157 681 3f73A Alignment of guide-target seed duplex within an argonaute silencing complex
136 683 3hm9A Crystal structure of t. thermophilus argonaute complexed with dna guide strand and 19-nt rna target strand
141 683 3hvrA Crystal structure of t. thermophilus argonaute complexed with dna guide strand and 19-nt rna target strand with two mg2+ at the cleavage site
148 681 3hxmA Structure of an argonaute complexed with guide dna and target rna duplex containing two mismatches.
40 159 3uqhA Crystal strcuture of aba receptor pyl10 (apo)
47 168 3tfzA Crystal structure of zhui aromatase/cyclase from streptomcyes sp. r1128
43 182 5jo2A Crystal structure of abscisic acid-bound abscisic acid receptor pyl3 in complex with type 2c protein phosphatase hab1
45 175 5jnnA Crystal structure of abscisic acid receptor pyl2 in complex with phaseic acid.
47 185 5jo1A Crystal structure of phaseic acid-bound abscisic acid receptor pyl3 in complex with type 2c protein phosphatase hab1
46 164 5i8fA Crystal structure of st. john's wort hyp-1 protein in complex with melatonin
18 188 5ekqC The structure of the bamacde subcomplex from e. coli
42 155 5c9yA Crystal structure of yellow lupine llpr-10.1a protein partially saturated with trans-zeatin
56 210 5brlA Crystal structure of l124d stard4
41 159 4z3lA Crystal structure of birch pollen allergen bet v 1 mutant g26l, d69i, p90l, k97i
38 159 4qipA Crystal structure of major birch pollen allergen bet v 1 isoform a in complex with sodium dodecyl sulfate
44 185 4ds8A Complex structure of abscisic acid receptor pyl3-(+)-aba-hab1 in the presence of mn2+
48 184 4dscA Complex structure of abscisic acid receptor pyl3 with (+)-aba in spacegroup of h32 at 1.95a
42 171 4e6fA Crystal structure of a duf4468 family protein (bacova_04320) from bacteroides ovatus atcc 8483 at 1.49 a resolution
46 184 4dsbA Complex structure of abscisic acid receptor pyl3 with (+)-aba in spacegroup of i 212121 at 2.70a
39 161 4c94A Crystal structure of the strawberry pathogenesis-related 10 (pr-10) fra a 3 protein in complex with catechin
40 162 4c9iA Crystal structure of the strawberry pathogenesis-related 10 (pr-10) fra a 1e protein (form b)
37 159 4btzA Crystal structure of peroxinitrite treated major birch pollen allergen bet v 1.0101 (isoform a)
38 162 4c9cA Crystal structure of the strawberry pathogenesis-related 10 (pr-10) fra a 1e protein (form a)
44 159 4bk6A Crystal structure of a dimeric variant of bet v 1
43 159 4bk7A Crystal structure of a variant of the major birch pollen allergen bet v 1
40 159 4bkcA Crystal structure of a unusually linked dimeric variant of bet v 1
36 159 4b9rA Crystal structure of the major birch pollen allergen bet v 1.0101 (isoform a) nitrated in vitro with tetranitromethan.
40 159 4bkdA Crystal structure of an unusually linked dimeric variant of bet v 1 (b)
41 159 4a8vA Crystal structure of birch pollen allergen bet v 1 isoform j in complex with 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonate (ans)
50 181 3zvuA Structure of the pyr1 his60pro mutant in complex with the hab1 phosphatase and abscisic acid
41 159 4a87A Crystal structure of major birch pollen allergen bet v 1 a in complex with naringenin.
41 159 4a88A Crystal structure of native major birch pollen allergen bet v 1 isoform a
41 159 4a85A Crystal structure of major birch pollen allergen bet v 1 a in complex with kinetin.
36 159 4a8gA Crystal structure of major birch pollen allergen bet v 1 a in complex with dimethylbenzylammonium propane sulfonate
41 159 4a86A Crystal structure of major birch pollen allergen bet v 1 a in ternary complex with kinetin and 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonate (ans)