Found 453 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Cathepsin B; Chain A

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
55 220 1nb5A Crystal structure of stefin a in complex with cathepsin h
129 472 4zuxU Saga dub module ubp8/sgf11/sus1/sgf73 bound to ubiqitinated nucleosome
71 257 5ko3A Structure of a core papain-like protease of mers coronavirus with utility for structure-based drug design
62 214 5jh3A Human cathepsin k mutant c25s
47 159 5jzeA Erve virus viral otu domain protease in complex with mouse isg15
62 222 5ja7A Human cathepsin k mutant c25s in complex with the allosteric effector nsc94914
67 212 9papA Structure of papain refined at 1.65 angstroms resolution
57 220 8pchA Crystal structure of porcine cathepsin h determined at 2.1 angstrom resolution: location of the mini-chain c-terminal carboxyl group defines cathepsin h aminopeptidase function
66 314 7pckA Crystal structure of wild type human procathepsin k
54 212 6padA Binding of chloromethyl ketone substrate analogues to crystalline papain
64 222 5a24A Crystal structure of dionain-1, the major endopeptidase in the venus flytrap digestive juice
69 219 4yywA Ficin d2
63 213 4yvaA Cathepsin k co-crystallized with actinomycetes extract
67 221 4yyrA Ficin b crystal form i
72 220 4yysA Ficin b crystal form ii
65 213 4yv8A Crystal structure of cathepsin k bound to the covalent inhibitor lichostatinal
66 220 4yyvA Ficin isoform c crystal form ii
71 220 4yyuA Ficin c crystal form i
69 216 4yyqA Ficin a
157 653 4q8hA Structure of the saccharomyces cerevisiae pan2 pseudoubiquitin-hydrolase-rnase module
79 254 4d8eA High resolution structures of monomeric s. pyogenes speb reveals role of glycine-rich active site loop
61 215 4dmyA Cathepsin k inhibitor
75 254 4d8bA High resolution structure of monomeric s. progenies speb reveals role of glycine-rich active site loop
81 254 4d8iA High resolution structures of monomeric s. pyogenes speb reveals role of glycine-rich active site loop
62 215 4dmxA Cathepsin k inhibitor
160 638 4czwA Structure of the neurospora crassa pan2 catalytic unit (protease and nuclease domain)
43 162 4cdcB Human dpp1 in complex with (2s)-2-amino-n-((1s)-1-cyano-2-(4- phenylphenyl)ethyl)butanamide
63 219 4bs6A Mouse cathepsin s with covalent ligand
45 162 4cdfB Human dpp1 in complex with (2s,4s)-n-((1s)-1-cyano-2-(4-(4- cyanophenyl)phenyl)ethyl)-4-hydroxy-piperidine-2-carboxamide
63 219 4bs5A Mouse cathepsin s with covalent ligand
42 162 4cddB Human dpp1 in complex with (2s)-n-((1s)-1-cyano-2-(4-(4-cyanophenyl) phenyl)ethyl)piperidine-2-carboxamide
65 219 4bsqA Mouse cathepsin s with covalent ligand
55 175 4boqA Structure of otud2 otu domain
46 161 4cdeB Human dpp1 in complex with 4-amino-n-((1s)-1-cyano-2-(4-(4- cyanophenyl)phenyl)ethyl)tetrahydropyran-4-carboxamide
66 219 4bqvA Mouse cathepsin s with covalent ligand
50 164 4bosA Structure of otud2 otu domain in complex with ubiquitin k11-linked peptide
49 149 4bopA Structure of otud1 otu domain
68 219 4bpvA Mouse cathepsin s with covalent ligand
47 141 4bouA Structure of otud3 otu domain
50 162 4bozA Structure of otud2 otu domain in complex with k11-linked di ubiquitin
68 220 4axlA Human cathepsin l apo form with zn
72 220 4axmA Triazine cathepsin inhibitor complex
49 148 4a5uA Turnip yellow mosaic virus proteinase and escherichia coli 30s ribosomal s15
26 142 3zuaA A c39-like domain
45 155 3znhA Crimean congo hemorrhagic fever virus otu domain in complex with ubiquitin-propargyl.
83 309 3wxgA Crystal structure of cyld usp domain (c596a) in complex with lys63-linked diubiquitin
84 309 3wxeA Crystal structure of cyld usp domain (c596s) in complex with met1-linked diubiquitin
93 310 3wxfA Crystal structure of cyld usp domain (c596s e674q) in complex with met1-linked diubiquitin
53 192 3w30A Structual basis for the recognition of ubc13 by the shigella flexneri effector ospi
46 192 3w31A Structual basis for the recognition of ubc13 by the shigella flexneri effector ospi