Found 208 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Glucose Oxidase; domain 1

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
69 259 1ezbA Amino terminal domain of enzyme i from escherichia coli, nmr, 17 structures
234 789 2olsA The crystal structure of the phosphoenolpyruvate synthase from neisseria meningitidis
115 336 3u1bA Crystal structure of the s238r mutant of mycrocine immunity protein (mccf) with amp
189 638 3s9nA Complex between transferrin receptor 1 and transferrin with iron in the n-lobe, room temperature
191 638 3s9lA Complex between transferrin receptor 1 and transferrin with iron in the n-lobe, cryocooled 2
328 872 1kc7A Pyruvate phosphate dikinase with bound mg-phosphonopyruvate
333 872 1kblA Pyruvate phosphate dikinase
320 874 5jvlA C4-type pyruvate phospate dikinase: nucleotide binding domain with bound atp analogue
115 344 5jybA Crystal structure of 3 mutant of ba3275 (s116a, e243a, h313a), the member of s66 family of serine peptidases
110 336 5k99A Crystal structure of microcin immunity protein mccf from bacillus anthracis in complex with mcc
147 412 5ib9A Crystal structure of aminopeptidase equipped with pad from aneurinibacillus sp. am-1
261 696 5f09A Structure of inactive gcpii mutant in complex with beta-citryl glutamate
123 343 4eysA Crystal structure of mccf-like protein from streptococcus pneumoniae in complex with amp
122 343 4e94A Crystal structure of mccf-like protein from streptococcus pneumoniae
117 329 4e5sA Crystal structure of mccflike protein (ba_5613) from bacillus anthracis str. ames
53 206 4cobA Crystal structure kynurenine formamidase from pseudomonas aeruginosa
52 207 4cz1A Crystal structure of kynurenine formamidase from bacillus anthracis complexed with 2-aminoacetophenone.
40 153 4cdjA Structure of znrf3 ectodomain
54 207 4cogA Crystal structure of kynurenine formamidase from burkholderia cenocepacia
40 152 4c86A Mouse znrf3 ectodomain crystal form i
54 207 4co9A Crystal structure of kynurenine formamidase from bacillus anthracis
33 153 4c8aA Mouse znrf3 ectodomain crystal form ii
37 151 4c84A Zebrafish znrf3 ectodomain crystal form i
36 151 4c85A Zebrafish znrf3 ectodomain crystal form ii
35 153 4c99A Mouse znrf3 ectodomain in complex with mouse rspo2 fu1-fu2 crystal form i
37 151 4c8cA Mouse znrf3 ectodomain crystal form iii
38 151 4c8pA Mouse znrf3 ectodomain crystal form v, disulfide-bridged s90c variant
33 152 4c8uA Xenopus znrf3 ectodomain crystal form ii
38 153 4c9aA Mouse znrf3 ectodomain in complex with xenopus rspo2 fu1-fu2 (seleno met) crystal form i
32 151 4c8fA Mouse znrf3 ectodomain crystal form iv
39 161 4c9uA Xenopus znrf3 ectodomain in complex with xenopus rspo2 fu1-fu2 crystal form ii
37 153 4c9eA Mouse znrf3 ectodomain in complex with xenopus rspo2 fu1-fu2 (seleno met) crystal form ii
40 152 4cdkA Structure of znrf3-rspo1
38 161 4c9rA Xenopus znrf3 ectodomain in complex with xenopus rspo2 fu1-fu2 crystal form i
33 152 4c8tA Xenopus znrf3 ectodomain crystal form i
29 148 4c9vA Xenopus rnf43 ectodomain in complex with xenopus rspo2 fu1-fu2
161 620 3vtaA Crystal structure of cucumisin, a subtilisin-like endoprotease from cucumis melo l
115 335 3tyxA Crystal structure of the f177s mutant of mycrocine immunity protein (mccf) with amp
109 335 3tlgB Microcin c7 self immunity protein mccf in the inactive mutant apo state
115 335 3tlaA Microcin c7 self immunity protein mccf in the wild type apo state
116 335 3tlcA Microcin c7 self immunity protein mccf in complex with microcin c7 antibiotic
112 335 3tlgA Microcin c7 self immunity protein mccf in the inactive mutant apo state
117 335 3tlbA Microcin c7 self immunity protein mccf in complex aspartyl sulfamoyl adenosine
117 335 3tlyA Microcin c7 self immunity protein mccf active site mutant s118a/n220a/k247a in the apo state
117 335 3tleA Microcin c7 self immunity protein mccf in complex with glutamyl sulfamoyl adenylate
118 335 3tlzA Microcin c7 self immunity protein mccf mutant w186f in complex with adenosine monophosphate
114 335 3t5mA Crystal structure of the s112a mutant of mycrocine immunity protein (mccf) with amp
174 583 3t05A Crystal structure of s. aureus pyruvate kinase
180 583 3t0tA Crystal structure of s. aureus pyruvate kinase
176 583 3t07A Crystal structure of s. aureus pyruvate kinase in complex with a naturally occurring bis-indole alkaloid