Found 304 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Thiol Ester Dehydrase; Chain A

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
47 183 4a12A Structure of the global transcription regulator fapr from staphylococcus aureus in complex with dna operator
107 484 2qqpA Crystal structure of authentic providence virus
581 2046 3hmjG Saccharomyces cerevisiae fas type i
67 275 3u0aA Crystal structure of an acyl-coa thioesterase ii tesb2 from mycobacterium marinum
33 134 5kl9A Crystal structure of a putative acyl-coa thioesterase ec709/eck0725 from escherichia coli in complex with coa
78 294 5kkuA Crystal structure of an n-terminal dehydratase from difficidin assembly line
51 167 5hwfA The structural and biochemical characterization of acyl-coa hydrolase mutant asn28ala from staphylococcus aureus.
47 162 5hz4A The structural and biochemical characterization of acyl-coa hydrolase mutant thr60ala from staphylococcus aureus.
31 125 5hmbA Crystal structure of s. sahachiroi azig
29 125 5hmcA Crystal structure of s. sahachiroi azig complexed with 5-methyl naphthoic acid
22 128 5byuA Crystal structure of unnamed thioesterase ipg2867 from legionella pneumophila
31 154 5buyA Crystal structure of beta-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase (fabz) from francisella tularensis
30 142 5buxA Crystal structure of 3-hydroxyacyl-acp dehydratase (fabz) from yersinia pestis with glycerol bound
78 289 5bp3A Dehydratase domain (dh) of a mycocerosic acid synthase-like (mas-like) pks, crystal form 2
71 285 5bp2A Dehydratase domain (dh) of a mycocerosic acid synthase-like (mas-like) pks, crystal form 1
32 150 4zjbA Crystal structure of (3r)-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase(fabz) in complex with holo-acp from helicobacter pylori
105 351 4e3eA Crystal structure of putative maoc domain protein dehydratase from chloroflexus aurantiacus j-10-fl
38 170 4cl6A Crystal structure of 3-hydroxydecanoyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase (faba) from pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with n-(4- chlorobenzyl)-3-(2-furyl)-1h-1,2,4-triazol-5-amine
40 170 4b0jA Crystal structure of 3-hydroxydecanoyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase (faba) from pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with 5-(2- thienyl)-3-isoxazolyl methanol
39 170 4b8uA Crystal structure of 3-hydroxydecanoyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase (faba) from pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with n- isobutyl-2-(5-(2-thienyl)-1,2-oxazol-3-yl-)methoxy)acetamide
39 170 4b0cA Crystal structure of 3-hydroxydecanoyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase (faba) from pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with 3-(pentylthio)-4h-1,2,4-triazole
40 170 4b0bA Crystal structure of 3-hydroxydecanoyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase (faba) from pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with 3-(pyridin-2-yloxy)aniline
43 168 4b0iA Crystal structure of 3-hydroxydecanoyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase (faba) mutant (h70n) from pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with 3-hydroxydecanoyl-n-acetyl cysteamine
53 184 4a0xA Structure of the global transcription regulator fapr from staphylococcus aureus
54 184 4a0yA Structure of the global transcription regulator fapr from staphylococcus aureus
53 193 4ae8A Crystal structure of human them4
50 196 4ae7A Crystal structure of human them5
54 183 4a0zA Structure of the global transcription regulator fapr from staphylococcus aureus in complex with malonyl-coa
27 129 3zh7B The structure of crystal form ii of haemophilus influenzae protein e
28 127 3zh7A The structure of crystal form ii of haemophilus influenzae protein e
61 251 3wewA Crystal structure of htdx (rv0241c) of mycobacterium tuberculosis at 2.4 a resolution
31 132 3zh6A The structure of haemophilus influenzae se_met form of protein e
34 133 3zh5A The structure of haemophilus influenzae protein e
32 140 3teaA Crystal structure of arthrobacter sp. strain su 4-hydroxybenzoyl coa thioesterase double mutant q58e/e73a complexed with 4-hydroxyphenacyl coa
44 156 3spsA Crystal structure of apo-hexameric acyl-coa thioesterase
148 529 3s6pA Crystal structure of helicoverpa armigera stunt virus
32 126 3s4kA Structure of a putative esterase rv1847/mt1895 from mycobacterium tuberculosis
51 264 3rqbA Crystal structure of conserved protein of unknown function with hot dog fold from alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius
77 281 3rd7A Crystal structure of acyl-coa thioesterase from mycobacterium avium
34 132 3r87A Crystal structure of orf6 protein from photobacterium profundum
30 135 2q78A Crystal structure of a thioesterase-like protein (tm0581) from thermotoga maritima msb8 at 2.20 a resolution
39 147 5szvA Novel structural insights into gdp-mediated regulation of acyl-coa thioesterases
39 147 5szuA Novel structural insights into gdp-mediated regulation of acyl-coa thioesterases
32 131 5t07A Crystal structure of a putative acyl-coa thioesterase ec709/eck0725 from escherichia coli in complex with decanoyl-coa
43 148 5szzA Novel structural insights into gdp-mediated regulation of acyl-coa thioesterases
34 130 5t06A Crystal structure of a putative acyl-coa thioesterase ec709/eck0725 from escherichia coli in complex with hexanoyl-coa
37 146 5t02A Structural characterisation of mutant asp39ala of thioesterase (nmach) from neisseria meningitidis
41 149 5szyA Novel structural insights into gdp-mediated regulation of acyl-coa thioesterases
30 144 5buwA Crystal structure of beta-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase (fabz) from yersinia pestis
39 175 5hd6A High resolution structure of 3-hydroxydecanoyl-(acyl carrier protein) dehydratase from yersinia pestis at 1.35 a