Found 166 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: 8 Propeller

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
213 728 5ismA Human dpp4 in complex with a novel 5,5,6-tricyclic pyrrolidine inhibitor
205 727 5j3jA Crystal structure of human dpp-iv in complex with hl1
199 727 3swwA Crystal structure of human dpp-iv in complex with sa-(+)-3-(aminomethyl)-4-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-6-(2-methoxyphenyl)- 2-methyl-5h-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridin-7(6h)-one
128 439 1aomA Substrate and product bound to cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase
165 551 1aoqA Cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase with substrate and product bound
155 532 1aofA Cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, reduced form
209 727 5kbyA Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with syr-472
218 728 5i7uA Human dpp4 in complex with a novel tricyclic hetero-cycle inhibitor
214 727 4qzvA Bat-derived coronavirus hku4 uses mers-cov receptor human cd26 for cell entry
161 717 4wjlA Structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase 10 (dppy): a modulator of neuronal kv4 channels
197 724 4dsaA Crystal structure of dpp-iv with compound c1
196 728 4dtcA Crystal structure of dpp-iv with compound c5
201 724 4dszA Crystal structure of dpp-iv with compound c2
176 562 4cvbA Crystal structure of quinone-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase from pseudogluconobacter saccharoketogenenes
175 562 4cvcA Crystal structure of quinone-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase from pseudogluconobacter saccharoketogenenes with zinc in the active site
217 727 4a5sA Crystal structure of human dpp4 in complex with a noval heterocyclic dpp4 inhibitor
166 571 4aahA Methanol dehydrogenase from methylophilus w3a1
200 728 3wqhA Crystal structure of human dpp-iv in complex with anagliptin
212 729 3w2tA Crystal structure of human depiptidyl peptidase iv (dpp-4) in complex with vildagliptin
209 729 3vjlA Crystal structure of human depiptidyl peptidase iv (dpp-4) in complex with a prolylthiazolidine inhibitor #2
212 729 3vjmA Crystal structure of human depiptidyl peptidase iv (dpp-4) in complex with a prolylthiazolidine inhibitor #1
210 729 3vjkA Crystal structure of human depiptidyl peptidase iv (dpp-4) in complex with mp-513
207 727 3sx4A Crystal structure of human dpp-iv in complex with sa-(+)-3-(aminomethyl)-4-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-6-(2-methoxyphenyl)- 2-methyl-5h-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridin-7(6h)-one
215 728 2ophA Human dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with an alpha amino acid inhibitor
191 726 2oqvA Human dipeptidyl peptidase iv (dpp4) with piperidine-constrained phenethylamine
223 728 5t4bA Human dpp4 in complex with a ligand 34a
223 728 5t4eA Human dpp4 in complex with ligand 19a
213 728 5t4hA Human dpp4 in complex with ligand 34n
222 728 5t4fA Human dpp4 in complex with ligand 34p
207 727 5llsA Porcine dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with 8-(3-aminopiperidin-1-yl)-7-[(2-bromophenyl)methyl]-1,3-dimethyl-2,3,6,7-tetrahydro-1h-purine-2,6-dione
176 573 4tqoA The crystal structure of methanol dehydrogenase from methylococcus capsulatus (bath)
198 727 4pv7A Cocrystal structure of dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 with an indole scaffold inhibitor
194 707 4q1vA Crystal structure of a putative dipeptidyl aminopeptidase iv (bacova_01349) from bacteroides ovatus atcc 8483 at 2.48 a resolution
219 728 4pnzA Human dipeptidyl peptidase iv/cd26 in complex with the long-acting inhibitor omarigliptin (mk-3102)
215 727 4n8eA Dpp4 complexed with compound 12a
224 727 4n8dA Dpp4 complexed with syn-7aa
198 728 4l72A Crystal structure of mers-cov complexed with human dpp4
137 560 4mh1A Crystal structure and functional studies of quinoprotein l-sorbose dehydrogenase from ketogulonicigenium vulgare y25
199 728 4lkoA Crystal structure of human dpp-iv in complex with bms-744891
188 577 4maeA Methanol dehydrogenase from methylacidiphilum fumariolicum solv
205 728 4kr0A Complex structure of mers-cov spike rbd bound to cd26
194 725 4j3jA Crystal structure of dpp-iv with compound c3
195 728 4jh0A Crystal structure of dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 (cd26, adenosine deaminase complexing protein 2) (dpp-iv-wt) complex with bms-767778 aka 2-(3-(aminomethyl)-4-(2,4- dichlorophenyl)-2-methyl-5-oxo-5,7-dihydro-6h-pyrrolo[3,4- b]pyridin-6-yl)-n,n-dimethylacetamide
196 726 4g1fA Crystal structure of human dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with a pyridopyrimidinedione analogue
207 727 4ffvA Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase iv (dpp4, dpp-iv, cd26) in complex with 11a19 fab
182 727 4ffwA Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase iv (dpp4, dpp-iv, cd26) in complex with fab + sitagliptin
200 727 3q0tA Crystal structure of human dpp-iv in complex withsa-(+)- methyl2-(3-(aminomethyl)-4-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-methyl- 7-oxo-5h-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyridin-6(7h)-yl)acetate
203 728 3qbjA Crystal structure of dipeptidyl peptidase iv in complex with inhibitor
164 726 3q8wA A b-aminoacyl containing thiazolidine derivative and dppiv complex
212 727 3opmA Crystal structure of human dpp4 bound to tak-294