Found 561 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Alpha/alpha barrel

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
212 536 5ildA Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase with mes buffer molecule and mg2+ ions
224 536 5ilzA Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase with bis-tris propane (btp) buffer molecule
215 536 5im1A Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase without buffer molecule in the active site
214 536 5ilyA Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase with bis-tris buffer molecule and diphosphate (ppi)
273 759 3w7wA Crystal structure of e. coli ygjk e727a complexed with 2-o-alpha-d-glucopyranosyl-alpha-d-galactopyranose
276 760 3w7uA Escherichia coli k12 ygjk complexed with galactose
314 1029 3w5nA Crystal structure of streptomyces avermitilis alpha-l-rhamnosidase complexed with l-rhamnose
266 760 3w7xA Crystal structure of e. coli ygjk d324n complexed with melibiose
271 760 3w7tA Escherichia coli k12 ygjk complexed with mannose
311 1030 3w5mA Crystal structure of streptomyces avermitilis alpha-l-rhamnosidase
265 760 3w7sA Escherichia coli k12 ygjk complexed with glucose
222 536 5ilhA Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase with capso buffer molecule and ca2+ ions
339 783 3saeA Structure of a three-domain sesquiterpene synthase: a prospective target for advanced biofuels production
179 435 3wc3A Crystal structure of endo-1,4-beta-glucanase from eisenia fetida
202 605 3tf4A Endo/exocellulase:cellotriose from thermomonospora
234 642 1l2aA The crystal structure and catalytic mechanism of cellobiohydrolase cels, the major enzymatic component of the clostridium thermocellum cellulosome
242 674 1lf6A Crystal structure of bacterial glucoamylase
161 425 5m7iA Crystal structure of gh125 1,6-alpha-mannosidase mutant from clostridium perfringens in complex with 1,6-alpha-mannobiose
181 438 5mehA Crystal structure of alpha-1,2-mannosidase from caulobacter k31 strain in complex with 1-deoxymannojirimycin
182 469 5kkbA Structure of mouse golgi alpha-1,2-mannosidase ia and man9glcnac2-pa complex
207 646 5jmfA Heparinase iii-bt4657 gene product
178 719 5jpnB Structure of human complement c4 rebuilt using imdff
204 646 5jmdA Heparinase iii-bt4657 gene product, methylated lysines
189 739 5jpmB Structure of the complex of human complement c4 with masp-2 rebuilt using imdff
218 536 5il3A Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase with mopso buffer molecule and mg2+ ions
217 536 5iliA Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase with capso buffer molecule and mg2+ ions
218 536 5iljA Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase with bis-tris buffer molecule
211 536 5ikaA Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase with ppi
219 536 5ik9A Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene with farnesyl monophosphate
210 536 5ilkA Tobacco 5-epi-aristolochene synthase with partial density from mopso or bis-tris buffer molecule in the active site
231 911 5fo8B Crystal structure of human complement c3b in complex with mcp (ccp1-4)
187 912 5fo9B Crystal structure of human complement c3b in complex with cr1 (ccp15- 17)
225 911 5fobB Crystal structure of human complement c3b in complex with smallpox inhibitor of complement (spice)
276 758 5ca3A Crystal structure of the glycosynthase mutant d324n of escherichia coli gh63 glycosidase in complex with glucose and lactose
203 544 4cj1A Crystal structure of celd in complex with affitin h3
175 426 4zg8A Crystal structure of endoglucanase from perinereis brevicirris
118 293 4zh1A Complement factor h in complex with the gm1 glycan
162 392 4z4lA Crystal structure of cellobiose 2-epimerase from caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus dsm 8903
136 350 4q88A Glycosyl hydrolase family 88 from bacteroides vulgatus
134 353 4f10A Alginate lyase a1-iii h192a complexed with tetrasaccharide
286 1318 4d94A Crystal structure of tep1r
236 625 4el8A The unliganded structure of c.bescii cela gh48 module
138 352 4f13A Alginate lyase a1-iii y246f complexed with tetrasaccharide
122 327 4ehmB Rabggtase in complex with covalently bound psoromic acid
190 454 4doeA The liganded structure of cbescii cela gh9 module
187 454 4dodA The structure of cbescii cela gh9 module
139 353 4e1yA Alginate lyase a1-iii h192a apo form
216 535 4di5A Co-crystal structure of wt 5-epi-aristolochene synthase from nicotiana tobaccum with geraniline
138 337 4d4aA Structure of the catalytic domain (bcgh76) of the bacillus circulans gh76 alpha mannanase, aman6.
141 336 4d4bA The catalytic domain, bcgh76, of bacillus circulans aman6 in complex with msmsme