Found 1927 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Alpha Horseshoe

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
41 133 1iygA Solution structure of rsgi ruh-001, a fis1p-like and cgi-135 homologous domain from a mouse cdna
25 156 1dc2A Solution nmr structure of tumor suppressor p16ink4a, 20 structures
38 168 1bu9A Solution structure of p18-ink4c, 21 structures
26 156 1a5eA Solution nmr structure of tumor suppressor p16ink4a, 18 structures
30 148 1inzA Solution structure of the epsin n-terminal homology (enth) domain of human epsin
25 136 1d9sA Tumor suppressor p15(ink4b) structure by comparative modeling and nmr data
31 168 1ap7A P19-ink4d from mouse, nmr, 20 structures
99 328 5kl1A Crystal structure of the pumilio-nos-hunchback rna complex
149 396 5bzvA Crystal structure of the rna-binding domain of yeast puf5p bound to smx2 rna
144 398 5bz5A Crystal structure of the rna-binding domain of yeast puf5p bound to amn1 rna
136 340 1m8wA Crystal structure of the pumilio-homology domain from human pumilio1 in complex with nre1-19 rna
216 695 4oauC Complete human rnase l in complex with biological activators.
224 694 4oavB Complete human rnase l in complex with 2-5a (5'-ppp heptamer), amppcp and rna substrate.
201 476 4hotA Crystal structure of full-length human ifit5 with 5`-triphosphate oligoadenine
207 482 4hosA Crystal structure of full-length human ifit5 with 5`-triphosphate oligouridine
136 371 3v71A Crystal structure of puf-6 in complex with 5be13 rna
208 482 4horA Crystal structure of full-length human ifit5 with 5`-triphosphate oligocytidine
69 198 4n2qA Crystal structure of tha8 in complex with zm4 rna
106 328 4dzsA Crystal structure of yeast puf4p rna binding domain in complex with ho-4be mutant rna
66 197 4n2sA Crystal structure of tha8 in complex with zm1a-6 rna
152 400 3k61A Crystal structure of fbf-2/fog-1 fbea complex
155 401 3v6yA Crystal structure of fbf-2 in complex with a mutant gld-1 fbea13 rna
399 1135 3a6pA Crystal structure of exportin-5:rangtp:pre-mirna complex
126 343 3q0sA Crystal structure of the pumilio-homology domain from human pumilio2 in complex with erk2 nre
125 343 3q0rA Crystal structure of the pumilio-homology domain from human pumilio2 in complex with p38alpha nreb
127 361 3k49A Puf3 rna binding domain bound to cox17 rna 3' utr recognition sequence site b
135 341 3q0nA Crystal structure of the pumilio-homology domain from human pumilio1 in complex with erk2 nre
113 361 3k4eA Puf3 rna binding domain bound to cox17 rna 3' utr recognition sequence site a
141 341 3q0lA Crystal structure of the pumilio-homology domain from human pumilio1 in complex with p38alpha nrea
153 400 3k62A Crystal structure of fbf-2/gld-1 fbeb complex
140 341 3q0pA Crystal structure of the pumilio-homology domain from human pumilio1 in complex with hunchback nre
150 400 3k5qA Crystal structure of fbf-2/fbe complex
152 400 3k64A Crystal structure of fbf-2/fem-3 pme complex
125 343 3q0qA Crystal structure of the pumilio-homology domain from human pumilio2 in complex with p38alpha nrea
155 400 3qgbA Crystal structure of fbf-2 r288y mutant in complex with gld-1 fbea
153 400 3qgcA Crystal structure of fbf-2 r288y mutant in complex with gld-1 fbea a7u mutant
151 400 3v74A Crystal structure of fbf-2 in complex with gld-1 fbea13 rna
156 400 3k5zA Crystal structure of fbf-2/gld-1 fbea g4a mutant complex
117 340 3bsbA Crystal structure of human pumilio1 in complex with cyclinb reverse rna
131 328 3bx2A Puf4 rna binding domain bound to ho endonuclease rna 3' utr recognition sequence
119 337 2yjyA A specific and modular binding code for cytosine recognition in puf domains
108 325 3bx3A Puf4 t650c/c724r mutant bound to cox17 rna 3' utr recognition sequence
127 341 3bsxA Crystal structure of human pumilio 1 in complex with puf5 rna
131 341 1m8yA Crystal structure of the pumilio-homology domain from human pumilio1 in complex with nre2-10 rna
136 341 1m8xA Crystal structure of the pumilio-homology domain from human pumilio1 in complex with nre1-14 rna
65 237 2f8xK Crystal structure of activated notch, csl and maml on hes-1 promoter dna sequence
58 365 2fo1E Crystal structure of the csl-notch-mastermind ternary complex bound to dna
52 153 1awcB Mouse gabp alpha/beta domain bound to dna
257 717 4ay6A Human o-glcnac transferase (ogt) in complex with udp-5sglcnac and substrate peptide
111 353 4gpkA Crystal structure of nprr in complex with its cognate peptide nprx