Found 167 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query ec:

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
80 610 8q7yA Esibd structure of beta-galactosidase
213 633 7kgzA Fmn-binding beta-glucuronidase from roseburia hominis
225 607 7kgyA Beta-glucuronidase from faecalibacterium prausnitzii bound to the inhibitor unc10201652-glucuronide
192 585 8fa5A Crystal structure of xanthomonas campestris gh35 beta-galactosidase
253 691 8ibsA Crystal structure of gh42 beta-galactosidase bibga42a from bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis e160a/e318a mutant in complex with galactose
256 691 8ibrA Crystal structure of gh42 beta-galactosidase bibga42a from bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis in complex with glycerol
254 696 8ibtA Crystal structure of gh42 beta-galactosidase bibga42a from bifidobacterium longum subspecies infantis e318s mutant in complex with lacto-n-tetraose
162 539 8pejA Cjgh35 with a galactosidase activity-based probe
267 1011 8bk8A Cryo-em structure of beta-galactosidase at 2.9 a resolution plunged 205 ms after mixing with apoferritin
246 1011 8bk7A Cryo-em structure of beta-galactosidase at 3.3 a resolution plunged 5 ms after mixing with apoferritin
253 1022 8bkgA Cryo-em structure of beta-galactosidase at 3.2 a resolution plunged 35 ms after mixing with apoferritin
171 619 7kdvA Murine core lysosomal multienzyme complex (lmc) composed of acid beta-galactosidase (glb1) and protective protein cathepsin a (ppca, ctsa)
316 1021 7btkA E.coli beta-galactosidase (e537q) in complex with fluorescent probe ksa01
289 1021 7brsA E.coli beta-galactosidase (e537q) in complex with fluorescent probe ksa02
287 989 6zjvA Cold-adapted beta-d-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. 32cb mutant d207a
302 989 6zjrA Cold-adapted beta-d-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. 32cb mutant e517q in complex with lactulose
302 987 6zjqA Cold-adapted beta-d-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. 32cb mutant e517q in complex with galactose
307 989 6zjpA Cold-adapted beta-d-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. 32cb mutant e517q
303 987 6zjsA Cold-adapted beta-d-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. 32cb mutant e441q in complex with galactose
297 989 6zjwA Cold-adapted beta-d-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. 32cb mutant d207a in complex with galactose
299 989 6zjtA Cold-adapted beta-d-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. 32cb mutant e441q in complex with lactulose
303 989 6zjxA Cold-adapted beta-d-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. 32cb mutant d207a in complex with saccharose
306 987 6zjuA Cold-adapted beta-d-galactosidase from arthrobacter sp. 32cb mutant e441q in complex with saccharose
206 696 6lvwA Polyextremophilic beta-galactosidase from the antarctic haloarchaeon halorubrum lacusprofundi
220 669 6ldbA Structure of bifidobacterium dentium beta-glucuronidase complexed with uronic isofagomine
215 669 6ldcA Structure of bifidobacterium dentium beta-glucuronidase complexed with c6-nonyl uronic isofagomine
209 669 6ld0A Structure of bifidobacterium dentium beta-glucuronidase complexed with c6-hexyl uronic isofagomine
214 669 6lddA Structure of bifidobacterium dentium beta-glucuronidase complexed with c6-propyl uronic isofagomine
215 669 6ld6A Structure of bifidobacterium dentium beta-glucuronidase
313 1021 6kuzA E.coli beta-galactosidase (e537q) in complex with fluorescent probe ksl01
295 1021 6x1qA 1.8 angstrom resolution structure of b-galactosidase with a 200 kv cryoarm electron microscope
322 1015 3t0dA E.coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase (s796t) in complex with galactonolactone
220 705 6ik6A Crystal structure of tomato beta-galactosidase (tbg) 4 with beta-1,4-galactobiose
227 705 6ik8A Crystal structure of tomato beta-galactosidase (tbg) 4 in complex with beta-1,6-galactobiose
237 705 6ik5A Crystal structure of tomato beta-galactosidase (tbg) 4 in complex with galactose
210 705 6ik7A Crystal structure of tomato beta-galactosidase (tbg) 4 in complex with beta-1,3-galactobiose
222 643 6mvhA Crystal structure of fmn-binding beta-glucuronidase from roseburia hominis
219 643 6mvfA Crystal structure of fmn-binding beta-glucuronidase from facaelibacterium prausnitzii l2-6
327 1015 4ttgA Beta-galactosidase (e. coli) in the presence of potassium chloride.
323 1015 3vdbA E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase (n460t) in complex with galactonolactone
325 1015 3vd4A E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase (n460d) in complex with iptg
317 1015 3vd9A E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase (n460s) in complex with iptg
225 705 3w5gA Crystal structure of tomato beta-galactosidase 4 in complex with galactose
315 1011 1jyxA E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase in complex with iptg
322 1011 1jywA E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase (e537q) in complex with pnpg
231 644 1kwkA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus a4 beta-galactosidase in complex with galactose
323 1011 1jynA E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase (e537q) in complex with lactose
234 644 1kwgA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus a4 beta-galactosidase
324 1011 1jz7A E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase in complex with galactose
318 1011 1jz8A E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase (e537q) in complex with allolactose