Found 3455 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
587 2090 8h6e5D Cryo-em structure of human exon-defined spliceosome in the late pre-b state.
575 2090 8h6j5D Cryo-em structure of human exon-defined spliceosome in the mature pre-b state.
486 1696 8h6k5D Cryo-em structure of human exon-defined spliceosome in the mature b state.
486 1696 8h6l5D Cryo-em structure of human exon-defined spliceosome in the early b state.
343 2090 8q7xB Structure of the recycling u5 snrnp bound to chaperone cd2bp2 (state 4)
350 2090 8rc0B Structure of the human 20s u5 snrnp
148 649 8rc0D Structure of the human 20s u5 snrnp
134 443 8ynjA Crystal structure of langat virus helicase
38 154 8paeAA Structure of the ectodomain of atypical porcine pestivirus e2 at 1.2a resolution
40 154 8pabAA Structures of the ectodomains of atypical porcine pestivirus solved by long wavelength sulphur sad
48 334 8pagA Crystal structure of the ectodomain of norway rat pestivirus e2 glycoprotein
6 69 8q91D Structure of the human 20s u5 snrnp core
1 27 8q91B Structure of the human 20s u5 snrnp core
571 2090 8y6oE Cryo-em structure of the human minor pre-b complex (pre-precatalytic spliceosome) u11 and tri-snrnp part
90 300 9emjA Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)
90 299 8s8wA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
29 131 8th5A Crystal structure of the g3bp1 ntf2-like domain bound to the idr1 of sars-cov-2 nucleocapsid protein p13l mutant
179 649 8y6oI Cryo-em structure of the human minor pre-b complex (pre-precatalytic spliceosome) u11 and tri-snrnp part
26 116 9emlB Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with sam and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
32 136 8th7A Crystal structure of the g3bp1 ntf2-like domain bound to the caprin1 peptide
88 300 9emvA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
95 318 8vecA Deep mutational scanning of sars-cov-2 plpro
24 116 9emjB Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)
25 114 8s8xB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
33 138 8th6A Crystal structure of the g3bp1 ntf2-like domain bound to usp10 peptide
25 114 8s8wB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
93 301 8s8xA Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with toyocamycin and m7gpppa-rna (cap0-rna)
93 300 9emlA Sars-cov-2 methyltransferase nsp10-16 in complex with sam and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
24 115 9emvB Sars-cov-2 nsp10-16 methyltransferase in complex with sangivamycin and m7gpppa (cap0-analog)/m7gpppam (cap1-analog)
83 300 8intA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant
85 300 8inqA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant
85 306 8inwA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant in complex with inhibitor nirmatrelvir
86 306 8inuA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant in complex with inhibitor nirmatrelvir
165 682 8sczA Cryo-em structure of 14aa-gs rig-i in complex with p3slr30
166 682 8sd0A Cryo-em structure of rig-i in complex with p3slr14
91 260 8cqhA Ntaya virus methyltransferase in complex with gtp and sah
84 301 8inxA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) g15s mutant in complex with inhibitor ensitrelvir
83 301 8inyA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 main protease (mpro) k90r mutant in complex with inhibitor ensitrelvir
248 928 8gwmA Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
27 161 8y9vD Zikv ns2b/ns3 protease
245 931 8gwkA Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
0 39 8y9vA Zikv ns2b/ns3 protease
25 153 8y9vB Zikv ns2b/ns3 protease
100 592 8gwkE Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
94 592 8gwmE Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
14 113 8gwmG Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
46 187 8gwmB Sars-cov-2 e-rtc bound with mmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
18 113 8gwkG Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
43 187 8gwkB Sars-cov-2 rna e-rtc complex with rmp-nsp9 and gmppnp
95 296 8rzdA Sars-cov-2 nsp16-nsp10 in complex with sam derivative inhibitor 9