Found 153 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
139 437 8hrzA Crystal structure of the p97-n/d1 hexamer in complex with six p47-ubx domains
153 576 7wubC Cryo-em structure of dodecamer p97
152 576 7wubA Cryo-em structure of dodecamer p97
152 576 7wubD Cryo-em structure of dodecamer p97
161 750 7vcxA Human p97 single hexamer conformer ii with atpgammas bound
160 766 7vcsA Human p97 double hexamer conformer ii with atpgammas bound
160 751 7vctA Human p97 single hexamer conformer iii with d1-atpgammas and d2-adp bound
171 757 7vcuA Human p97 double hexamer conformer i with d1-atpgammas and d2-adp bound
157 758 7vcvA Human p97 single hexamer conformer i with atpgammas bound
135 563 7mhsA Structure of p97 (subunits a to e) with substrate engaged
181 745 7y59A The cryo-em structure of human erad retro-translocation complex
166 745 7y4wA The cryo-em structure of human erad retro-translocation complex
165 745 7y53A The cryo-em structure of human erad retro-translocation complex
116 436 8hl7B Crystal structure of p97 n/d1 in complex with a valosin-containing protein methyltransferase
249 741 8fcnA Cryo-em structure of p97:ubxd1 vim-only state
245 741 8fclA Cryo-em structure of p97:ubxd1 closed state
255 741 8fcpA Cryo-em structure of p97:ubxd1 para state
243 741 8fcoA Cryo-em structure of p97:ubxd1 meta state
254 741 8fctA Cryo-em structure of p97:ubxd1 lariat mutant
250 741 8fcrA Cryo-em structure of p97:ubxd1 h4-bound state
250 741 8fcqA Cryo-em structure of p97:ubxd1 pub-in state
251 741 8fcmA Cryo-em structure of p97:ubxd1 open state
118 742 8b5rA P97-p37-spi substrate complex
147 447 7puxA Structure of p97 n-d1(l198w) in complex with fragment troll2
184 754 8dawA Saccharomyces cerevisiae ufd1/npl4/cdc48 complex bound to three ubiquitin moieties and one unfolded ubiquitin in presence of sumo-ubiquitin(k48polyub)-meos and atp, state 2 (ud)
156 719 8darA Saccharomyces cerevisiae ufd1/npl4/cdc48 complex unbound but in the presence of sumo-ubiquitin(k48polyub)-meos and atp
186 754 8datA Saccharomyces cerevisiae ufd1/npl4/cdc48 complex bound to three ubiquitin moieties in presence of sumo-ubiquitin(k48polyub)-meos and atp, state 1 (intb)
183 754 8davA Saccharomyces cerevisiae ufd1/npl4/cdc48 complex bound to two ubiquitin moieties and one unfolded ubiquitin in presence of sumo-ubiquitin(k48polyub)-meos and atp, state 2 (uc)
175 754 8dauA Saccharomyces cerevisiae ufd1/npl4/cdc48 complex bound to two folded ubiquitin moieties and one unfolded ubiquitin in presence of sumo-ubiquitin(k48polyub)-meos and atp, state 1 (ua)
184 754 8dasA Saccharomyces cerevisiae ufd1/npl4/cdc48 complex bound to two ubiquitin moieties in presence of sumo-ubiquitin(k48polyub)-meos and atp, state 1 (inta)
128 439 7oatB Structural basis for targeted p97 remodelling by aspl as prerequisite for p97 trimethylation by mettl21d
143 739 7mdmA Structure of human p97 atpase l464p mutant
121 569 7mdoA Structure of human p97 atpase l464p mutant
229 764 7lmyA Cryo-em structure of human p97 in complex with nms-873 in the presence of atp, npl4/ufd1, and ub6
183 753 7ln2A Cryo-em structure of human p97 in complex with npl4/ufd1 and polyubiquitinated ub-eos (fom, class 1)
194 753 7ln0A Cryo-em structure of human p97 in complex with npl4/ufd1 and ub6 (class 2)
201 753 7ln5A Cryo-em structure of human p97 in complex with npl4/ufd1 and polyubiquitinated ub-eos (chapso, class 1, close state)
190 753 7ln1A Cryo-em structure of human p97 in complex with npl4/ufd1 and ub6 (class 3)
202 753 7ln4A Cryo-em structure of human p97 in complex with npl4/ufd1 and polyubiquitinated ub-eos (fom, class 3)
198 753 7ln6A Cryo-em structure of human p97 in complex with npl4/ufd1 and polyubiquitinated ub-eos (chapso, class 2, open state)
117 562 7l5xA P97-r155h mutant dodecamer ii
133 578 7l5wA P97-r155h mutant dodecamer i
136 754 7k59A Structure of apo vcp hexamer generated from bacterially recombinant vcp/p97
143 754 7k56A Structure of vcp dodecamer purified from h1299 cells
198 753 7lmzA Cryo-em structure of human p97 in complex with npl4/ufd1 and ub6 (class 1)
139 754 7k57A Structure of apo vcp dodecamer generated from bacterially recombinant vcp/p97
172 753 7ln3A Cryo-em structure of human p97 in complex with npl4/ufd1 and polyubiquitinated ub-eos (fom, class 2)
173 757 7rl7A Cryo-em structure of human p97-r155h mutant bound to atpgs.
95 757 7rlcA Cryo-em structure of human p97-a232e mutant bound to atpgs.
124 757 7rlaA Cryo-em structure of human p97-r191q mutant bound to atpgs.