Found 5441 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: photosynthesis

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
23 130 8jjry Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
31 120 8jjri Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
49 184 8jjrE Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
52 169 8jjrf Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
47 154 8jjrK Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
45 173 8jjrJ Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
44 173 8jjrG Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
6 79 8jjrx Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
126 312 8ov5M Peridinin-chlorophyll-protein of amphidinium carterae, 100k
42 131 8jjrr Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
57 149 8ow6B Peridinin-chlorophyll-protein of heterocapsa pygmaea, 100k
59 149 8ow6A Peridinin-chlorophyll-protein of heterocapsa pygmaea, 100k
70 253 8jjrl Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
12 86 8jjrc Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
233 687 8jjra Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
17 100 8wpzA Cryo-et structure of rubisco at 3.9 angstroms from synechococcus elongatus pcc 7942
52 192 8jjrH Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
53 185 8jjrB Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
57 177 8jjrD Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
232 666 8jjrb Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
58 225 8jjrF Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
18 79 8jjrm Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
9 73 8jjre Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
21 99 8jjrj Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
40 140 8jjrT Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
50 194 8jjrA Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
44 219 8jjrd Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
54 192 8jjrC Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
57 221 8jjrI Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
37 137 8jjrU Cryo-em structure of symbiodinium photosystem i
111 460 8wpzC Cryo-et structure of rubisco at 3.9 angstroms from synechococcus elongatus pcc 7942
82 272 8troc Rod from high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
63 162 8to5M Central rod disk in c1 symmetry of high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
66 210 8tpjA Top cylinder bound to ocp from high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
80 301 8tpjB Top cylinder bound to ocp from high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
73 216 8to5b Central rod disk in c1 symmetry of high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
12 78 8to5c Central rod disk in c1 symmetry of high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
13 67 8tpjC Top cylinder bound to ocp from high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
71 172 8tro1 Rod from high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
11 67 8to2C Bottom cylinder of high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
14 74 8trod Rod from high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
5 36 8to2p Bottom cylinder of high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
6 41 8tpjP Top cylinder bound to ocp from high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
60 160 8to2D Bottom cylinder of high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
7 57 8to2P Bottom cylinder of high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
59 162 8tro0 Rod from high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
51 169 8to2B Bottom cylinder of high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
62 160 8to2d Bottom cylinder of high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
186 691 8to2A Bottom cylinder of high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)
58 194 8troa Rod from high-resolution phycobilisome quenched by ocp (local refinement)