Found 166 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
15 71 3co0P Substrate complex of fluoride-sensitive engineered subtilisin subt_bacam
94 269 3bx1A Complex between the barley alpha-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor and the subtilisin savinase
16 71 3bgoP Azide complex of engineered subtilisin subt_bacam
89 263 3bgoS Azide complex of engineered subtilisin subt_bacam
165 519 3afgA Crystal structure of pron-tk-sp from thermococcus kodakaraensis
114 318 2zrqA Crystal structure of s324a-subtilisin
129 395 2zwoA Crystal structure of ca2 site mutant of pro-s324a
118 394 2zwpA Crystal structure of ca3 site mutant of pro-s324a
10 65 2z30B Crystal structure of complex form between mat-tk-subtilisin and tk-propeptide
113 318 2z58A Crystal structure of g56w-propeptide:s324a-subtilisin complex
8 65 2z57B Crystal structure of g56e-propeptide:s324a-subtilisin complex
133 395 2z2zA Crystal structure of unautoprocessed form of tk-subtilisin soaked by 10mm cacl2
115 318 2z2xA Crystal structure of mature form of tk-subtilisin
9 66 2z58B Crystal structure of g56w-propeptide:s324a-subtilisin complex
113 318 2z56A Crystal structure of g56s-propeptide:s324a-subtilisin complex
110 318 2z2yA Crystal structure of autoprocessed form of tk-subtilisin
118 318 2z57A Crystal structure of g56e-propeptide:s324a-subtilisin complex
120 320 2z30A Crystal structure of complex form between mat-tk-subtilisin and tk-propeptide
8 65 2z56B Crystal structure of g56s-propeptide:s324a-subtilisin complex
8 65 2z2yB Crystal structure of autoprocessed form of tk-subtilisin
99 301 2xrmA Processed intracellular subtilisin from b. clausii
98 315 2x8jA Intracellular subtilisin precursor from b. clausii
99 315 2x8jB Intracellular subtilisin precursor from b. clausii
88 274 2wuvA Crystallographic analysis of counter-ion effects on subtilisin enzymatic action in acetonitrile
99 314 2wv7A Intracellular subtilisin precursor from b. clausii
95 274 2wuwE Crystallographic analysis of counter-ion effects on subtilisin enzymatic action in acetonitrile (native data)
97 315 2wwtA Intracellular subtilisin precursor from b. clausii
96 275 2sniE Structural comparison of two serine proteinase-protein inhibitor complexes. eglin-c-subtilisin carlsberg and ci-2-subtilisin novo
97 274 2secE Structural comparison of two serine proteinase-protein inhibitor complexes. eglin-c-subtilisin carlsberg and ci-2-subtilisin novo
98 275 2sicE Refined crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' and streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor at 1.8 angstroms resolution
45 275 2sbtA A comparison of the three-dimensional structures of subtilisin bpn and subtilisin novo
99 275 2st1A The three-dimensional structure of bacillus amyloliquefaciens subtilisin at 1.8 angstroms and an analysis of the structural consequences of peroxide inactivation
110 309 2gkoA S41 psychrophilic protease
131 395 2e1pA Crystal structure of pro-tk-subtilisin
104 281 1y3dE Crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 r67a mutant
103 281 1y48E Crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 r65a mutant
100 275 1yjbA Subtilisin bpn' 8397+1 (e.c. (mutant with met 50 replaced by phe, asn 76 replaced by asp, gly 169 replaced by ala, gln 206 replaced by cys, asn 218 replaced by ser and lys 256 replaced by tyr) (m50f, n76d, g169a, q206c, n218s, and k256y) in 35% dimethylformamide
100 281 1y33E Crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 t58p mutant
103 281 1y1kE Crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 t58a mutant
99 275 1yjcA Subtilisin bpn' 8397+1 (e.c. (mutant with met 50 replaced by phe, asn 76 replaced by asp, gly 169 replaced by ala, gln 206 replaced by cys, asn 218 replaced by ser and lys 256 replaced by tyr) (m50f, n76d, g169a, q206c, n218s, and k256y) in 50% dimethylformamide
107 281 1y3cE Crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 r62a mutant
94 275 1yjaA Subtilisin bpn' 8397+1 (e.c. (mutant with met 50 replaced by phe, asn 76 replaced by asp, gly 169 replaced by ala, gln 206 replaced by cys, asn 218 replaced by ser and lys 256 replaced by tyr) (m50f, n76d, g169a, q206c, n218s, and k256y) in 20% dimethylformamide
99 276 1y4dE Crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 m59r/e60s mutant
92 274 1yu6A Crystal structure of the subtilisin carlsberg:omtky3 complex
106 281 1y34E Crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 e60a mutant
102 275 1y4aE Crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 m59r/e60s mutant
102 281 1y3fE Crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 f69a mutant
104 281 1y3bE Crystal structure of the complex of subtilisin bpn' with chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 e60s mutant
97 275 1v5iA Crystal structure of serine protease inhibitor poia1 in complex with subtilisin bpn'
86 274 1vsbA Subtilisin carlsberg l-para-chlorophenyl-1-acetamido boronic acid inhibitor complex