Found 526 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 101 - 150. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: RNA_pol_L

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
37 230 6uucAAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 3-nt rna and a mismatching atp ("fresh" crystal soaked with atp for 2 hours)
37 230 6uuaAAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a mismatching ctp ("fresh" crystal soaked with ctp for 2 hours)
41 230 6uu9AAA E. coli mutant sigma-s transcription initiation complex with an 8-nt rna ("fresh" mutant crystal soaked with gtp, utp, ctp, and ddatp for 30 minutes)
41 230 6uu8AAA E. coli mutant sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 7-nt rna ("fresh" mutant crystal soaked with gtp, utp, and ctp for 30 minutes)
42 230 6uu6AAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 4-nt rna and a utp ("old" crystal soaked with utp, ddctp, and dinucleotide apg for 30 minutes)
41 230 6uu7AAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 6-nt rna and an ntp ("old" crystal soaked with utp, ctp, ddgtp, and dinucleotide apg for 30 minutes)
46 230 6uu4AAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 3-nt rna ("old" crystal soaked with gtp and dinucleotide gpa for 30 minutes)
41 230 6uu5AAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 6-nt rna ("old" crystal soaked with gtp, utp, ctp, and dinucleotide gpa for 30 minutes)
42 230 6uu2AAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with 3-nt rna ("old" crystal soaked with gtp and atp for 30 minutes)
44 230 6uu1AAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 4-nt rna and a ctp ("fresh" crystal soaked with ctp, gtp, and ddttp for 30 minutes)
42 230 6uu3AAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 4-nt rna and a ctp ("old" crystal soaked with gtp, atp, ctp, and ddttp for 30 minutes)
37 230 6utyAAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a mismatching ctp ("old" crystal soaked with ctp for 30 minutes)
39 230 6uu0AAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 3-nt rna and a mismatching gtp ("fresh" crystal soaked with gtp for 1 hour)
41 230 6utzAAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 6-nt rna ("fresh" crystal soaked with ctp and utp for 30 minutes)
38 230 6utxAAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with an empty bubble ("old" crystal)
40 230 6utwAAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 4-nt rna ("fresh" crystal)
42 230 6utvAAA E. coli sigma-s transcription initiation complex with a 6-nt rna ("fresh" crystal soaked with ctp, utp, gtp, and ddatp for 150 seconds)
31 230 7c97A Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli rnap-promoter open complex (rpo) with sspa
27 230 7chwA Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli rnap-promoter open complex (rpo)
44 257 6kf9D Cryo-em structure of thermococcus kodakarensis rna polymerase
51 257 6kf3D Cryo-em structure of thermococcus kodakarensis rna polymerase
47 257 6kf4D Cryo-em structure of thermococcus kodakarensis rna polymerase
41 230 6wrgA Escherichia coli rna polymerase and rrnbp1 promoter pre-open complex with dksa/ppgpp
41 231 6wr8A Escherichia coli rna polymerase and rrnbp1 promoter open complex
44 230 6wrdA Escherichia coli rna polymerase and rrnbp1 promoter complex with dksa/ppgpp
60 309 6wr6A Escherichia coli rna polymerase and rrnbp1 promoter closed complex
44 226 6woxA Thermus thermophilus rna polymerase initially transcribing complex with 2'dctp
41 226 6woyA Thermus thermophilus rna polymerase initially transcribing complex with 3'dctp
58 267 6upzC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with 5-guanidinohydantoin lesion in state 3
49 267 6uq3C Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with 5-guanidinohydantoin lesion in state 5
56 267 6upyC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with 5-guanidinohydantoin lesion in state 2e
53 267 6uq2C Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with dg in state 1
48 267 6uq1C Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with 5-guanidinohydantoin lesion in state 6
56 267 6uq0C Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with 5-guanidinohydantoin lesion in state 4
52 267 6upxC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with 5-guanidinohydantoin lesion in state 1
53 269 6tedC Structure of complete, activated transcription complex pol ii-dsif-paf-spt6 uncovers allosteric elongation activation by rtf1
34 230 6pmjA Sigm28-transcription initiation complex with specific promoter at the state 2
37 230 6pmiA Sigm28-transcription initiation complex with specific promoter at the state 1
87 310 6n4cB Em structure of the dna wrapping in bacterial open transcription initiation complex
83 316 6n4cA Em structure of the dna wrapping in bacterial open transcription initiation complex
37 230 6govU Structure of the rna polymerase lambda-based antitermination complex
55 270 6gmlC Structure of paused transcription complex pol ii-dsif-nelf
43 324 6flqA Cryoem structure of e.coli rna polymerase paused elongation complex bound to nusa
44 225 6dvbA Crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis transcription initiation complex(ecf sigma factor l) containing 5nt rna with 5nt spacer
35 230 6b6hA The cryo-em structure of a bacterial class i transcription activation complex
47 230 5iplA Sigmas-transcription initiation complex with 4-nt nascent rna
47 224 5uh5A Crystal structure of mycobacterium tuberculosis transcription initiation complex containing 3 nt of rna
54 270 5oikC Structure of an rna polymerase ii-dsif transcription elongation complex
44 265 5c4xC Crystal structure of a transcribing rna polymerase ii complex reveals a complete transcription bubble
68 306 5w5yC Rna polymerase i initial transcribing complex