Found 400 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 201 - 250. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query ec:

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
162 467 7nkjD Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase f1 state 3
161 493 7nkhA Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase f1 state 2
0 14 7nkkC Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase rotor state 2
160 468 7nk7D Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase f1 state 1
165 515 7njpA Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 2
151 468 7njmD Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 1c
164 517 7njoA Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 1e
166 513 7njnA Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 1d
161 468 7njnD Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 1d
158 467 7njqD Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 3a
155 517 7njmA Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 1c
151 468 7njpD Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 2
149 468 7njoD Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 1e
167 517 7njlA Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 1b
168 517 7njkA Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 1a
157 468 7njkD Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 1a
156 468 7njlD Mycobacterium smegmatis atp synthase state 1b
132 469 7md2D The f1 region of ammocidin-bound saccharomyces cerevisiae atp synthase
139 468 7md3D The f1 region of apoptolidin-bound saccharomyces cerevisiae atp synthase
133 474 7l1qA Ps3 f1-atpase binding/ts dwell
131 470 7l1qD Ps3 f1-atpase binding/ts dwell
138 474 7l1rA Ps3 f1-atpase hydrolysis dwell
141 474 7l1sA Ps3 f1-atpase pi-bound dwell
131 470 7l1rD Ps3 f1-atpase hydrolysis dwell
134 470 7l1sD Ps3 f1-atpase pi-bound dwell
123 597 7khrA Cryo-em structure of bafilomycin a1-bound intact v-atpase from bovine brain
144 600 6wm3A Human v-atpase in state 2 with sidk and adp
156 600 6wm2A Human v-atpase in state 1 with sidk and adp
157 600 6wlzA The v1 region of human v-atpase in state 1 (focused refinement)
132 479 6tmkB1 Cryo-em structure of toxoplasma gondii mitochondrial atp synthase dimer, composite model
128 479 6tmlB1 Cryo-em structure of toxoplasma gondii mitochondrial atp synthase hexamer, composite model
127 479 6tmhB Cryo-em structure of toxoplasma gondii mitochondrial atp synthase dimer, oscp/f1/c-ring model
144 600 6wm4A Human v-atpase in state 3 with sidk and adp
144 460 6wnqD E. coli atp synthase state 2a
145 460 6wnrD E. coli atp synthase state 3b
159 512 6wnqA E. coli atp synthase state 2a
174 512 6wnrA E. coli atp synthase state 3b
146 460 6pqvD E. coli atp synthase state 1e
164 508 6pqvA E. coli atp synthase state 1e
161 508 6oqtA E. coli atp synthase state 1c
163 510 6oqwA E. coli atp synthase state 3a
157 508 6oquA E. coli atp synthase state 1d
144 460 6oquD E. coli atp synthase state 1d
159 510 6oqvA E. coli atp synthase state 2b
144 460 6oqvD E. coli atp synthase state 2b
147 460 6oqsD E. coli atp synthase state 1b
140 460 6oqrD E. coli atp synthase adp state 1a
156 508 6oqsA E. coli atp synthase state 1b
162 508 6oqrA E. coli atp synthase adp state 1a
149 460 6oqtD E. coli atp synthase state 1c