Found 526 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 201 - 250. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: RNA_pol_L

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
53 266 2nvqC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with 2'dutp
46 267 2nvtC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
42 267 2ja6C Cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex b
43 267 2ja8C Cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex d
44 267 2ja7C Cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex c
47 266 2b63C Complete rna polymerase ii-rna inhibitor complex
33 228 6rinA Cryo-em structure of e. coli rna polymerase backtracked elongation complex bound to greb transcription factor
37 228 6ri9A Cryo-em structure of e. coli rna polymerase backtracked elongation complex in non-swiveled state
35 228 6ripA Cryo-em structure of e. coli rna polymerase backtracked elongation complex in swiveled state
48 262 4v8sAS Archaeal rnap-dna binary complex at 4.32ang
49 231 4oirA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus rna polymerase transcription initiation complex soaked with ge23077 and rifamycin sv
48 231 4oinA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex soaked with ge23077
55 231 4oiqA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex soaked with ge23077 and rifampicin
53 266 4by1C Elongating rna polymerase ii-bye1 tld complex soaked with ampcpp
43 267 2ja5C Cpd lesion containing rna polymerase ii elongation complex a
38 266 2nvzC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex with utp, updated 11/2006
40 266 2yu9C Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 150 mm mg+2 with utp
40 229 2ppbA Crystal structure of the t. thermophilus rnap polymerase elongation complex with the ntp substrate analog and antibiotic streptolydigin
46 266 2nvxC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dutp
48 266 2e2iC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with 2'-dgtp
44 267 2e2jC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex in 5 mm mg+2 with gmpcpp
48 266 2e2hC Rna polymerase ii elongation complex at 5 mm mg2+ with gtp
56 304 4ym7AC Rna polymerase i structure with an alternative dimer hinge
62 320 4mexA Crystal structure of escherichia coli rna polymerase in complex with salinamide a
45 266 1sfoC Rna polymerase ii strand separated elongation complex
42 266 1y1wC Complete rna polymerase ii elongation complex
51 266 1r9sC Rna polymerase ii strand separated elongation complex, matched nucleotide
42 266 1y77C Complete rna polymerase ii elongation complex with substrate analogue gmpcpp
42 266 1r9tC Rna polymerase ii strand separated elongation complex, mismatched nucleotide
49 266 3rzdC Rna polymerase ii initiation complex with a 5-nt rna
56 266 3s1rC Rna polymerase ii initiation complex with a 5-nt 3'-deoxy rna soaked with gtp
60 266 4a3mC Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 4nt dna-rna hybrid and soaked with ampcpp
62 266 4a3kC Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 7nt dna-rna hybrid
56 266 4a3iC Rna polymerase ii binary complex with dna
62 266 4a3jC Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 2nt dna-rna hybrid and soaked with gmpcpp
63 266 4a3eC Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 5nt dna-rna hybrid and soaked with ampcpp
63 266 4a3fC Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 6nt dna-rna hybrid and soaked with ampcpp
44 226 4g7zA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex containing 5-bru at template-strand position +1
48 226 4g7hA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex
39 223 4gzzA Crystal structures of bacterial rna polymerase paused elongation complexes
48 305 5m3fC Yeast rna polymerase i elongation complex at 3.8a
60 263 6ir9C Rna polymerase ii elongation complex bound with elf1 and spt4/5, stalled at shl(-1) of the nucleosome
37 327 3iydA Three-dimensional em structure of an intact activator-dependent transcription initiation complex
54 266 3hoxC Complete rna polymerase ii elongation complex v
49 271 3gtjC Backtracked rna polymerase ii complex with 13mer rna
41 223 3aohA Rna polymerase-gfh1 complex (crystal type 1)
40 223 3aoiA Rna polymerase-gfh1 complex (crystal type 2)
48 231 4q4zA Thermus thermophilus rna polymerase de novo transcription initiation complex
50 266 4x67C Crystal structure of elongating yeast rna polymerase ii stalled at oxidative cyclopurine dna lesions.
61 266 4v1oC Architecture of the rna polymerase ii-mediator core transcription initiation complex