Found 4135 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 251 - 300. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Jelly Rolls

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
187 912 5fo9B Crystal structure of human complement c3b in complex with cr1 (ccp15- 17)
200 659 5f9tA Crystal structure of streptococcus pneumoniae nanc, covalent complex with a fluorinated neu5ac derivative
74 236 5f1rA The transcriptional regulator prfa from listeria monocytogenes in complex with a ring-fused 2-pyridone (c10)
107 345 5f3cA Crystal structure of human kdm4a in complex with compound 52d
157 670 5eiyB Bacterial cellulose synthase bound to a substrate analogue
54 245 5abjB Structure of coxsackievirus a16 in complex with gpp3
319 1015 4duxA E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase (n460s) in complex with l-ribose
42 242 4cewC Crystal structure of human enterovirus 71 in complex with the uncoating inhibitor ald
53 187 5fdbA Iron free rat cysteine dioxygenase r60qc164r variant
57 258 5cfdC Crystal structure of dtt treated human cardiovirus safv-3
40 158 5ca6A Crystallographic structure of apo porcine rotavirus tfr-41 vp8*
51 278 5cknA The cub1-egf-cub2 domains of rat mbl-associated serine protease-2 (masp-2) bound to ca2+
40 161 5cazA Crystallographic structure of apo human rotavirus k8 vp8*
107 350 5f37A Crystal structure of human kdm4a in complex with compound 58
37 232 5cfdB Crystal structure of dtt treated human cardiovirus safv-3
27 140 5cblA Crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of human galectin-4 with lactose
54 278 5cisA The cub1-egf-cub2 domains of rat mbl-associated serine protease-2 (masp-2) bound to ca2+
191 593 5c71A The structure of aspergillus oryzae a-glucuronidase complexed with glycyrrhetinic acid monoglucuronide
43 296 5c9aA Crystal structure of empty coxsackievirus a16 particle
43 252 5cfcA Crystal structure of human cardiovirus safv-3
58 313 5c9aB Crystal structure of empty coxsackievirus a16 particle
36 232 5cfcB Crystal structure of human cardiovirus safv-3
41 242 5c9aC Crystal structure of empty coxsackievirus a16 particle
161 774 5cehA Structure of histone lysine demethylase kdm5a in complex with selective inhibitor
53 258 5cfcC Crystal structure of human cardiovirus safv-3
97 388 5cadA Crystal structure of the vicilin from solanum melongena revealed existence of different anionic ligands in structurally similar pockets
43 150 5bv6A Pkg ii's carboxyl terminal cyclic nucleotide binding domain (cnb-b) in a complex with cgmp
34 120 5c8wA Pkg ii's amino terminal cyclic nucleotide binding domain (cnb-a) in a complex with cgmp
103 334 5c3sA Crystal structure of the full-length neurospora crassa t7h in complex with alpha-kg and 5-formyluracil (5fu)
49 237 5bynA Canavalia maritima lectin complexed with synthetic selenoamino acid
57 310 5c8cB Crystal structure of recombinant coxsackievirus a16 capsid
75 297 5c3oA Crystal structure of the c-terminal truncated neurospora crassa t7h (nct7hdeltac) in apo form
45 297 5c8cA Crystal structure of recombinant coxsackievirus a16 capsid
30 119 5c6cA Pkg ii's amino terminal cyclic nucleotide binding domain (cnb-a) in a complex with camp
99 335 5c3qA Crystal structure of the full-length neurospora crassa t7h in complex with alpha-kg and thymine (t)
24 115 5by5A High resolution structure of the ectoine synthase from the cold-adapted marine bacterium sphingopyxis alaskensis
98 333 5c3rA Crystal structure of the full-length neurospora crassa t7h in complex with alpha-kg and 5-hydroxymethyluracil (5hmu)
53 197 5c5tA The crystal structure of viral collagen prolyl hydroxylase vcph from paramecium bursaria chlorella virus-1 - 2og complex
101 333 5c3pA Crystal structure of the full-length neurospora crassa t7h in complex with alpha-kg
51 208 5c5uA The crystal structure of viral collagen prolyl hydroxylase vcph from paramecium bursaria chlorella virus-1 - truncated construct
47 242 5c8cC Crystal structure of recombinant coxsackievirus a16 capsid
52 245 5c4wB Crystal structure of coxsackievirus a16
39 174 5buvA X-ray structure of wbca from yersinia enterocolitica
182 601 5c70A The structure of aspergillus oryzae beta-glucuronidase
41 242 5c4wC Crystal structure of coxsackievirus a16
35 190 5c33A Crystal structure of mouse ryanodine receptor 2 spry1 domain
37 155 5c7gA Crystal structure of the b1 domain of human neuropilin-1 in complex with a bicine molecule
52 237 5bnpB Crystal structure of human enterovirus d68 in complex with 3'sln
48 295 5bnnA Crystal structure of human enterovirus d68 in complex with 6'sl
41 247 5bnoC Crystal structure of human enterovirus d68 in complex with 6'sln