Found 4135 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 351 - 400. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Jelly Rolls

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
32 162 4yfzA Structural basis of glycan recognition in neonate-specific rotaviruses
311 982 4f7zA Conformational dynamics of exchange protein directly activated by camp
109 349 4uraA Crystal structure of human jmjd2a in complex with compound 14a
91 352 4fbfA Crystal structure of the salicylate 1,2-dioxygenase from pseudoaminobacter salicylatoxidans w104y mutant
27 143 4f3jA Crystal structure of trimeric gc1q domain of human c1qtnf5 associated with late-onset retinal macular degeneration
186 721 4ee2A Crystal structure of anthrax protective antigen k446m mutant to 1.91-a resolution
286 1318 4d94A Crystal structure of tep1r
149 481 4eyuA The free structure of the mouse c-terminal domain of kdm6b
98 353 4fahA Crystal structure of the salicylate 1,2-dioxygenase from pseudoaminobacter salicylatoxidans a85h mutant
153 481 4ezhA The crystal structure of kdm6b bound with h3k27me3 peptide
320 1015 4duwA E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase (g974a) in complex with allolactose
98 362 4fagA Crystal structure of the salicylate 1,2-dioxygenase from pseudoaminobacter salicylatoxidans w104y mutant in complex with gentisate
74 288 4eweA Study on structure and function relationships in human pirin with manganese ion
35 146 4f8aA Cyclic nucleotide binding-homology domain from mouse eag1 potassium channel
72 288 4ewdA Study on structure and function relationships in human pirin with mn ion
60 227 4q8kA Crystal structure of polysaccharide lyase family 18 aly-sj02 p-catd
121 509 4eqvA Structure of saccharomyces cerevisiae invertase
67 213 4ev0A Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus catabolite activator protein
70 288 4ewaA Study on structure and function relationships in human pirin with fe ion
319 1019 4duvA E. coli (lacz) beta-galactosidase (g974a) 2-deoxy-galactosyl-enzyme and bis-tris complex
109 416 4f83A Crystal structure of the receptor binding domain of botulinum neurotoxin mosaic serotype c/d with a tetraethylene glycol molecule bound on the hcn sub-domain and a sulfate ion at the putative active site
136 481 4ez4A Free kdm6b structure
296 847 4cucA Unravelling the multiple functions of the architecturally intricate streptococcus pneumoniae beta-galactosidase, bgaa.
21 115 4e2gA Crystal structure of cupin fold protein sthe2323 from sphaerobacter thermophilus
25 111 4dy3A Crystal structure of escherichia coli plig, a periplasmic lysozyme inhibitor of g-type lysozyme
46 237 4dpnA Crystal structure of conm complexed with resveratrol
80 302 4es8A Crystal structure of the adhesin domain of epf from streptococcus pyogenes in p212121
99 418 4douA Crystal structure of a single-chain trimer of human adiponectin globular domain
75 288 4eroA Study on structure and function relationships in human pirin with cobalt ion
60 260 4e2qA Crystal structure of (s)-ureidoglycine aminohydrolase from arabidopsis thaliana
36 163 4ds0A Cell attachment protein vp8* of a human rotavirus specifically interacts with a-type histo-blood group antigen
103 363 4do0A Crystal structure of human phf8 in complex with daminozide
88 420 4en7B Crystal structure of ha70 (ha3) subcomponent of clostridium botulinum type c progenitor toxin in complex with alpha 2-3-sialyllactosamine
27 163 4ejrA Crystal structure of major capsid protein s domain from rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus
16 113 4dzgA Crystal structure of aeromonas hydrophila plig, a periplasmic lysozyme inhibitor of g-type lysozyme
48 196 4dxrA Human sun2-kash1 complex
22 111 4dxzA Crystal structure of a plig-ec mutant, a periplasmic lysozyme inhibitor of g-type lysozyme from escherichia coli
292 848 4cu8A Unravelling the multiple functions of the architecturally intricate streptococcus pneumoniae beta-galactosidase, bgaa
76 296 4es9A Crystal structure of the adhesin domain of epf from streptococcus pyogenes in p21
208 594 4e8cA Crystal structure of streptococcal beta-galactosidase in complex with galactose
25 117 4e4sA Crystal structure of pika gitrl
38 163 4drrA Cell attachment protein vp8* of a human rotavirus specifically interacts with a-type histo-blood group antigen
70 349 4dqaA Crystal structure of a putative carbohydrate binding protein (bacova_03559) from bacteroides ovatus atcc 8483 at 1.50 a resolution
85 420 4en9B Crystal structure of ha70 (ha3) subcomponent of clostridium botulinum type c progenitor toxin in complex with alpha 2-6-sialyllactosamine
131 458 4e4hA Crystal structure of histone demethylase no66
212 590 4e8dA Crystal structure of streptococcal beta-galactosidase
283 847 4cu6A Unravelling the multiple functions of the architecturally intricate streptococcus pneumoniae beta-galactosidase, bgaa
25 154 4e4dX Crystal structure of mouse rankl-opg complex
32 173 4e27A Crystal structure of a pentameric capsid protein isolated from metagenomic phage sequences solved by iodide sad phasing
26 111 4dy5A Crystal structure of salmonella typhimurium plig, a periplasmic lysozyme inhibitor of g-type lysozyme