Found 447 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Cytochrome Bc1 Complex; Chain D, domain 2

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
23 100 1i6dA Solution structure of the functional domain of paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c552 in the reduced state
29 108 1fhbA Three-dimensional solution structure of the cyanide adduct of a met80ala variant of saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-cytochrome c. identification of ligand-residue interactions in the distal heme cavity
32 89 1cedA The structure of cytochrome c6 from monoraphidium braunii, nmr, minimized average structure
17 104 1j3sA Solution structure of reduced recombinant human cytochrome c
34 116 1c2nA Cytochrome c2, nmr, 20 structures
13 81 1kx7A Family of 30 conformers of a mono-heme ferrocytochrome c from shewanella putrefaciens solved by nmr
13 80 1aygA Solution structure of cytochrome c-552, nmr, 20 structures
28 100 1i6eA Solution structure of the functional domain of paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c552 in the oxidized state
17 71 1k3gA Nmr solution structure of oxidized cytochrome c-553 from bacillus pasteurii
20 124 1e8eA Solution structure of methylophilus methylotrophus cytochrome c''. insights into the structural basis of haem-ligand detachment
26 100 1c7mA Solution structure of the functional domain of paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c552 in the reduced state
30 78 1gksA Ectothiorhodospira halophila cytochrome c551 (reduced), nmr, 37 structures
13 87 1c6sA The solution structure of cytochrome c6 from the thermophilic cyanobacterium synechococcus elongatus, nmr, 20 structures
18 82 1dvvA Solution structure of the quintuple mutant of cytochrome c-551 from pseudomonas aeruginosa
25 104 1fi9A Solution structure of the imidazole complex of cytochrome c
28 104 1lc2A Solution structure of reduced horse heart cytochrome c in 30% acetonitrile solution, nmr 30 structures
30 79 1dvhA Structure and dynamics of ferrocytochrome c553 from desulfovibrio vulgaris studied by nmr spectroscopy and restrained molecular dynamics
76 241 3tguD Cytochrome bc1 complex from chicken with pfvs-designed moa inhibitor bound
122 354 3swsA Crystal structure of the quinone form of methylamine dehydrogenase in complex with the diferric form of maug
114 354 3svwA Crystal structure of the p107v-maug/pre-methylamine dehydrogenase complex
165 551 1aoqA Cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase with substrate and product bound
155 532 1aofA Cytochrome cd1 nitrite reductase, reduced form
67 256 5kliB Rhodobacter sphaeroides bc1 with stigmatellin and antimycin
64 256 5kkzB Rhodobacter sphaeroides bc1 with famoxadone
44 137 5kafV Rt xfel structure of photosystem ii in the dark state at 3.0 a resolution
49 137 5h2fV Crystal structure of the psbm-deletion mutant of photosystem ii
48 137 5gtiV Native xfel structure of photosystem ii (two flash dataset)
34 108 5cicB Complex of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase (w191g) bound to 3-aminobenzotrifluoride with iso-1 cytochrome c
30 104 5c9mA The structure of oxidized rat cytochrome c (t28a) at 1.362 angstroms resolution.
20 103 5cihB Complex of yeast cytochrome c peroxidase (w191y) with iso-1 cytochrome c
30 104 5c0zA The structure of oxidized rat cytochrome c at 1.13 angstroms resolution
23 76 5b6qA Crystal structure of monomeric cytochrome c5 from shewanella violacea
47 137 5b5eV Crystal structure analysis of photosystem ii complex
47 137 5b66V Crystal structure analysis of photosystem ii complex
19 83 5aurA Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c552 dimer formed by domain swapping at n-terminal region
75 233 4wqbA Thiosulfate dehydrogenase (tsda) from allochromatium vinosum - bisulfite soak
121 354 4fanA Crystal structure of wt maug in complex with pre-methylamine dehydrogenase aged 40 days
117 354 4fa9A Crystal structure of wt maug in complex with pre-methylamine dehydrogenase aged 30 days
121 354 4fa4A Crystal structure of wt maug in complex with pre-methylamine dehydrogenase aged 10 days
116 354 4fb1A Crystal structure of wt maug in complex with pre-methylamine dehydrogenase aged 60 days
119 354 4fa1A Crystal structure of wt maug in complex with pre-methylamine dehydrogenase aged 130 days.
119 354 4fa5A Crystal structure of wt maug in complex with pre-methylamine dehydrogenase aged 20 days
121 354 4favA Crystal structure of wt maug in complex with pre-methylamine dehydrogenase aged 50 days
30 93 4eidA Crystal structure of cytochrome c6 q57v mutant from synechococcus sp. pcc 7002
35 108 4dy9A Leishmania major peroxidase is a cytochrome c peroxidase
25 82 4eieA Crystal structure of cytochrome c6c from synechococcus sp. pcc 7002
27 82 4eifA Crystal structure of cytochrome c6c l50q mutant from synechococcus sp. pcc 7002
31 93 4eicA Crystal structure of reduced cytochrome c6 from synechococcus sp. pcc 7002 at ultra-high resolution
67 240 4d6tD Cytochrome bc1 bound to the 4(1h)-pyridone gw844520
146 456 4ax3A Structure of three-domain heme-cu nitrite reductase from ralstonia pickettii at 1.6 a resolution