Found 515 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase; Chain A

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
44 150 5mmzB Structure of prl-1 in complex with the bateman domain of cnnm2
58 174 5m43A Crystal structure of yvh1 phosphatase domain from chaetomium thermophilum
37 151 5lxqB Structure of prl-1 in complex with the bateman domain of cnnm2
43 156 5k23A Crystal structure of the complex between human phosphatase prl-2 in the oxidized state with the bateman domain of human magnesium transporter cnnm3
93 281 5kaaA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b delta helix 7, p185g mutant, open state
100 285 5kadA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b n193a mutant in complex with tcs401, closed state
94 279 5k9vA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b (1-301), open state
106 295 5ka3A Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b yaya (y152a, y153a) mutant in complex with tcs401, closed state
108 298 5k9wA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b (1-301) in complex with tcs401, closed state
96 279 5kacA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b p185g mutant, open state
109 298 5ka7A Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b t178a mutant in complex with tcs401, closed state
43 157 5k25A Crystal structure of human phosphatase prl-2 in complex with the adp-bound bateman domain of human magnesium transporter cnnm3
100 284 5ka1A Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b delta helix 7 mutant in complex with tcs401, closed state
91 280 5ka4A Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b t178a mutant, open state
102 281 5ka0A Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b delta helix 7, open state
98 282 5kabA Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1b delta helix 7, p185g mutant in complex with tcs401, open state
153 522 5ibmA Structure of s502p, a cancer-associated mutation of the oncogenic phosphatase shp2
158 523 5i6vA Structure of f285s, a cancer-associated mutation of the oncogenic phosphatase shp2
83 314 5bugA Crystal structure of human phosphatase pten oxidized by h2o2
45 153 5bx1A Crystal structure of prl-1 complex with compound analogy 3
151 438 5a5fA Crystal structure of murd ligase from escherichia coli in complex with uma and adp
152 437 5a5eA Crystal structure of murd ligase from escherichia coli
104 282 4zn5A Yoph w354y yersinia enterocolitica ptpase bond with divanadate glycerol ester in the active site
104 282 4zi4A Yoph w354h yersinia enterocolitica ptpase bond with divanadate glycerol ester in the active site
52 141 4yr8B Crystal structure of jnk in complex with a regulator protein
105 282 4z6bA Yoph w354h yersinia enterocolitica ptpase in the apo form
167 465 4hv4A 2.25 angstrom resolution crystal structure of udp-n-acetylmuramate--l-alanine ligase (murc) from yersinia pestis co92 in complex with amp
154 526 4dgpA The wild-type src homology 2 (sh2)-domain containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2 (shp2)
55 150 4ercA Structure of vhz bound to metavanadate
47 140 4d3rA Crystal structure of point mutated dusp19 (i187a)
49 147 4d3pA Crystal structure of point mutated dusp19 (c150a)
162 525 4dgxA Leopard syndrome-associated shp2/y279c mutant
151 451 4cvmA Pamurf in complex with amp-pnp and udp-murnac-tripeptide (mdap)
137 451 4cvlA Pamurf in complex with amp-pnp
152 451 4cvkA Pamurf in complex with udp-murnac-tripeptide (mdap)
48 141 4d3qA Crystal structure of point mutated dusp19 (r156a)
132 433 4bucA Crystal structure of murd ligase from thermotoga maritima in apo form
188 575 4bpcA Structure of the catalytic domain of protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma in the sulfenic acid form
177 493 4c12A X-ray crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus mure with udp-murnac- ala-glu-lys and adp
176 490 4c13A X-ray crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus mure with udp-murnac- ala-glu-lys
118 485 4bubA Crystal structure of mure ligase from thermotoga maritima in complex with adp
100 287 4bjoA Nitrate in the active site of ptp1b is a putative mimetic of the transition state
99 298 4az1A Crystal structure of the trypanosoma cruzi protein tyrosine phosphatase tcptp1, a potential therapeutic target for chagas' disease
45 152 4b04A Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of human dusp26 (c152s)
85 282 3zm2A Catalytic domain of human shp2
143 454 3zm5A Crystal structure of murf ligase in complex with cyanothiophene inhibitor
161 454 3zm6A Crystal structure of murf ligase in complex with cyanothiophene inhibitor
92 280 3zv2A Human protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1b c215a, s216a mutant
91 282 3zm1A Catalytic domain of human shp2
89 280 3zmpA Src-derived peptide inhibitor complex of ptp1b