Found 52 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: 2 Solenoid

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
58 143 4dt5A Crystal structure of rhagium inquisitor antifreeze protein
109 317 3wp8A Acinetobacter sp. tol 5 ataa c-terminal ylhead fused to gcn4 adaptors (chead)
148 470 3vi1A Crystal structure of pseudomonas aerginosa alkaline protease complexed with substance p(1-6)
56 114 3ultA Crystal structure of an ice-binding protein from the perennial ryegrass, lolium perenne
156 461 3u1rA Structure analysis of a new psychrophilic marine protease
48 155 3s6lA Crystal structure of a yada-like head domain of the trimeric autotransporter adhesin boaa from burkholderia pseudomallei solved by iodide ion sad phasing
170 469 5d7wA Crystal structure of serralysin
49 150 5cvwA Crystal structure of rtx domain block v of adenylate cyclase toxin from bordetella pertussis
47 148 5cxlA Crystal structure of rtx domain block v of adenylate cyclase toxin from bordetella pertussis
169 469 4i35A The crystal structure of serralysin
71 214 3ntnA Crystal structure of uspa1 head and neck domain from moraxella catarrhalis
38 173 3la9A Crystal structure of the trimeric autotransporter adhesin head domain bpaa from burkholderia pseudomallei, iodide phased
38 174 3laaA Crystal structure of the trimeric autotransporter adhesin head domain bpaa from burkholderia pseudomallei
124 419 3hdaP Prtc methionine mutants: m226a_desy
123 419 3hbvP Prtc methionine mutants: m226a in-house
158 462 3hbuP Prtc methionine mutants: m226h desy
161 462 3hb2P Prtc methionine mutants: m226i
202 616 3a6zA Crystal structure of pseudomonas sp. mis38 lipase (pml) in the open conformation following dialysis against ca-free buffer
203 616 3a70A Crystal structure of pseudomonas sp. mis38 lipase in complex with diethyl phosphate
183 616 2zj7A Crystal structure of d157a mutant of pseudomonas sp. mis38 lipase
186 616 2zj6A Crystal structure of d337a mutant of pseudomonas sp. mis38 lipase
201 616 2zvdA Crystal structure of pseudomonas sp. mis38 lipase in an open conformation
199 616 2z8xA Crystal structure of extracellular lipase from pseudomonas sp. mis38
192 616 2z8zA Crystal structure of a platinum-bound s445c mutant of pseudomonas sp. mis38 lipase
64 276 2yo0A Salmonella enterica sada 1049-1304 fused to gcn4 adaptors (sadak9-cfi)
65 273 2yo1A Salmonella enterica sada 1049-1304 fused to gcn4 adaptors (sadak9- cfii)
93 258 2xqhA Crystal structure of an immunoglobulin-binding fragment of the trimeric autotransporter adhesin eibd
219 615 2qubA Crystal structure of extracellular lipase lipa from serratia marcescens
214 615 2quaA Crystal structure of lipa from serratia marcescens
46 161 2ml2A Solution structure of alge6r2 subunit from the azotobacter vinelandii mannuronan c5-epimerase
22 167 2agmA Solution structure of the r-module from alge4
142 468 1srpA Structural analysis of serratia protease
160 468 1smpA Crystal structure of a complex between serratia marcescens metallo-protease and an inhibitor from erwinia chrysanthemi
163 468 1satA Crystal structure of the 50 kda metallo protease from s. marcescens
138 461 1om7A Crystal structure of a cold adapted alkaline protease from pseudomonas tac ii 18, soaked in 85 mm edta
55 189 1p9hA Crystal structure of the collagen-binding domain of yersinia adhesin yada
147 461 1om8A Crystal structure of a cold adapted alkaline protease from pseudomonas tac ii 18, co-crystallyzed with 10 mm edta
143 461 1omjA Crystal structure of a psychrophilic alkaline protease from pseudomonas tac ii 18
149 461 1om6A Crystal structure of a cold adapted alkaline protease from pseudomonas tac ii 18, co-crystallized with 5mm edta (2 months)
144 461 1o0tA Crystal structure of a cold adapted alkaline protease from pseudomonas tac ii 18, co-crystallized with 5 mm edta (5 days)
143 461 1o0qA Crystal structure of a cold adapted alkaline protease from pseudomonas tac ii 18, co-crystallized with 1 mm edta
146 470 1kapP Three-dimensional structure of the alkaline protease of pseudomonas aeruginosa: a two-domain protein with a calcium binding parallel beta roll motif
162 462 1k7qA Prtc from erwinia chrysanthemi: e189a mutant
151 455 1k7gA Prtc from erwinia chrysanthemi
153 462 1k7iA Prtc from erwinia chrysanthemi: y228f mutant
141 461 1h71P Psychrophilic protease from pseudoalteromonas 'tac ii 18'
162 460 1go8P The metzincin's methionine: prtc m226l mutant
160 462 1go7P The metzincin's methionine: prtc m226c-e189k double mutant
150 461 1g9kA Crystal structure of a psychrophilic alkaline protease from pseudomonas tac ii 18
149 470 1jiwP Crystal structure of the apr-aprin complex