Found 802 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: spike protein s1

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
13 124 8zc5E Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.4 spike trimer (6p) in complex with d1f6 fab, focused refinement of rbd region
16 109 8zc5C Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.4 spike trimer (6p) in complex with d1f6 fab, focused refinement of rbd region
27 220 8zc1C Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.2 spike trimer (6p) in complex with d1f6 fab, focused refinement of rbd region
22 196 8zc5A Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.4 spike trimer (6p) in complex with d1f6 fab, focused refinement of rbd region
12 175 8zc1B Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.2 spike trimer (6p) in complex with d1f6 fab, focused refinement of rbd region
20 228 8zc1E Sars-cov-2 omicron ba.2 spike trimer (6p) in complex with d1f6 fab, focused refinement of rbd region
46 221 8qrgH Sars-cov-2 delta rbd complexed with xbb-2 fab and nbc1
36 219 8qrfA Sars-cov-2 delta rbd complexed with xbb-6 and beta-49 fabs
41 198 8qrfE Sars-cov-2 delta rbd complexed with xbb-6 and beta-49 fabs
52 214 8qrgL Sars-cov-2 delta rbd complexed with xbb-2 fab and nbc1
44 212 8qrfL Sars-cov-2 delta rbd complexed with xbb-6 and beta-49 fabs
44 216 8qrfB Sars-cov-2 delta rbd complexed with xbb-6 and beta-49 fabs
41 226 8qrfH Sars-cov-2 delta rbd complexed with xbb-6 and beta-49 fabs
27 124 8qrgA Sars-cov-2 delta rbd complexed with xbb-2 fab and nbc1
39 186 8qrgE Sars-cov-2 delta rbd complexed with xbb-2 fab and nbc1
28 120 8tzuC Oc43 s1b domain in complex with wnb 293 and wnb 317
27 127 8tzuD Oc43 s1b domain in complex with wnb 293 and wnb 317
52 266 8tzuA Oc43 s1b domain in complex with wnb 293 and wnb 317
31 197 8f2xA Crystal structure of antibody wrair-2123 in complex with sars-cov-2 receptor binding domain
31 197 8f2xA Crystal structure of antibody wrair-2123 in complex with sars-cov-2 receptor binding domain
30 228 8f2xH Crystal structure of antibody wrair-2123 in complex with sars-cov-2 receptor binding domain
30 228 8f2xH Crystal structure of antibody wrair-2123 in complex with sars-cov-2 receptor binding domain
35 210 8f2xL Crystal structure of antibody wrair-2123 in complex with sars-cov-2 receptor binding domain
35 210 8f2xL Crystal structure of antibody wrair-2123 in complex with sars-cov-2 receptor binding domain
34 228 8sitH Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibody cc84.24 fab
30 212 8siqL Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibodies cc25.36 and cv38-142 fab
36 195 8sitA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibody cc84.24 fab
47 194 8sdfA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 receptor binding domain in complex with neutralizing antibody cc25.4
38 226 8siqM Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibodies cc25.36 and cv38-142 fab
32 229 8sisH Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibody cc84.2 fab
40 211 8sirL Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibody cc25.54 fab
45 214 8sdfC Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 receptor binding domain in complex with neutralizing antibody cc25.4
42 227 8sdfB Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 receptor binding domain in complex with neutralizing antibody cc25.4
46 216 8siqN Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibodies cc25.36 and cv38-142 fab
35 208 8sisL Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibody cc84.2 fab
38 227 8siqH Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibodies cc25.36 and cv38-142 fab
29 195 8sisA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibody cc84.2 fab
28 241 8sirH Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibody cc25.54 fab
38 210 8sitL Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibody cc84.24 fab
34 195 8sirA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibody cc25.54 fab
37 196 8siqA Crystal structure of sars-cov-2 spike receptor-binding domain in complex with broadly neutralizing antibodies cc25.36 and cv38-142 fab
47 207 8ieeA Crystal structure of nanobody vhh-31 with mers-cov rbd
31 131 8ieeC Crystal structure of nanobody vhh-31 with mers-cov rbd
31 128 8idoC Crystal structure of nanobody vhh-t148 with mers-cov rbd
55 208 8idoA Crystal structure of nanobody vhh-t148 with mers-cov rbd
35 201 8vkpA Cryo-em structure of sars-cov-2 xbb.1.5 spike protein in complex with human ace2 (focused refinement of rbd and ace2)
35 201 8vknA Cryo-em structure of sars-cov-2 xbb.1.5 spike protein in complex with mouse ace2 (focused refinement of rbd and mouse ace2)
184 595 8vkpD Cryo-em structure of sars-cov-2 xbb.1.5 spike protein in complex with human ace2 (focused refinement of rbd and ace2)
198 593 8vknD Cryo-em structure of sars-cov-2 xbb.1.5 spike protein in complex with mouse ace2 (focused refinement of rbd and mouse ace2)
39 221 8cbdE Sars-cov-2 delta-rbd complexed with ba.4/5-1 and ey6a fabs