Found 3211 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: cell cycle

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
77 209 8v11B Structure of a saccharomyces cerevisiae ipl1 peptide bound to dwarf ndc80 complex
98 268 8v10A Structure of a saccharomyces cerevisiae mps1 peptide bound to dwarf ndc80 complex
25 113 8v11D Structure of a saccharomyces cerevisiae ipl1 peptide bound to dwarf ndc80 complex
20 94 8v11C Structure of a saccharomyces cerevisiae ipl1 peptide bound to dwarf ndc80 complex
28 115 8v10D Structure of a saccharomyces cerevisiae mps1 peptide bound to dwarf ndc80 complex
102 270 8v11A Structure of a saccharomyces cerevisiae ipl1 peptide bound to dwarf ndc80 complex
25 93 8v10C Structure of a saccharomyces cerevisiae mps1 peptide bound to dwarf ndc80 complex
64 218 8v10B Structure of a saccharomyces cerevisiae mps1 peptide bound to dwarf ndc80 complex
107 445 8uctA Crystal structure of tcpink1 in complex with prt
240 682 8qv3F Structure of the y-tubulin small complex (ytusc) as part of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
242 814 8qv3E Structure of the y-tubulin small complex (ytusc) as part of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
31 67 8qv2Ua Structure of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
20 42 8qv3Sc Structure of the y-tubulin small complex (ytusc) as part of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
118 440 8qv0A Structure of the native microtubule lattice nucleated from the yeast spindle pole body
28 62 8qv3Ud Structure of the y-tubulin small complex (ytusc) as part of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
120 440 8qv2Ab Structure of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
131 440 8qv3Ac Structure of the y-tubulin small complex (ytusc) as part of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
31 67 8qv3Uc Structure of the y-tubulin small complex (ytusc) as part of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
126 427 8qv3Bc Structure of the y-tubulin small complex (ytusc) as part of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
143 448 8qv3c Structure of the y-tubulin small complex (ytusc) as part of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
227 682 8qv2D Structure of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
20 42 8qv2Sa Structure of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
109 444 8qv2a Structure of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
123 427 8qv2Bb Structure of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
199 814 8qv2C Structure of the native y-tubulin ring complex (yturc) capping microtubule minus ends at the spindle pole body
111 427 8qv0B Structure of the native microtubule lattice nucleated from the yeast spindle pole body
151 640 9eojQ Vertebrate microtubule-capping gamma-tubulin ring complex
146 659 9eojR Vertebrate microtubule-capping gamma-tubulin ring complex
173 1693 9eojS Vertebrate microtubule-capping gamma-tubulin ring complex
131 654 9eojV Vertebrate microtubule-capping gamma-tubulin ring complex
114 445 8udcA Crystal structure of tcpink1 in complex with cyc116
73 436 9eojT Vertebrate microtubule-capping gamma-tubulin ring complex
23 56 9eojB Vertebrate microtubule-capping gamma-tubulin ring complex
143 410 8uwbB Crystal structure of pp2a ppp2r1a-ppp2ca-ppp2r5e phosphatase.
142 756 9eojU Vertebrate microtubule-capping gamma-tubulin ring complex
203 589 8uwbA Crystal structure of pp2a ppp2r1a-ppp2ca-ppp2r5e phosphatase.
104 309 8uwbC Crystal structure of pp2a ppp2r1a-ppp2ca-ppp2r5e phosphatase.
15 76 8onwC Crystal structure of the hetero-dimeric complex from archaeoglobus fulgidus prc1 and prc2 domains
16 75 8onwD Crystal structure of the hetero-dimeric complex from archaeoglobus fulgidus prc1 and prc2 domains
18 92 8onwA Crystal structure of the hetero-dimeric complex from archaeoglobus fulgidus prc1 and prc2 domains
131 440 8qauC Outer kinetochore ndc80-dam1 alpha/beta-tubulin complex
85 253 8qauA Outer kinetochore ndc80-dam1 alpha/beta-tubulin complex
33 96 8qryA Crystal structure of the yeast spindle body component spc98
68 207 8qauB Outer kinetochore ndc80-dam1 alpha/beta-tubulin complex
131 427 8qauD Outer kinetochore ndc80-dam1 alpha/beta-tubulin complex
40 179 8qzoA Crystal structure of heterodimeric complex of cdpb1 and cdpb2 from a. fulgidus
3 52 8qauE Outer kinetochore ndc80-dam1 alpha/beta-tubulin complex
148 426 8rivB T2r-ttl-1-k08 complex
97 446 8vrk1 Rigid body fitted model for refined density map of gamma tubulin ring complex capped microtubule
80 380 8jjcF Tubulin-y62