Found 2279 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: sugar binding protein

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
48 204 8st6A Hsa siglec + unique domains bound to neu5gc alpha2,3 gal beta ome
36 140 8jaeA Crystal structure of e33a mutant human galectin-10 produced by cell-free protein synthesis in complex with melezitose
123 319 8x1aB Crystal structure of periplasmic g6p binding protein vca0625
122 386 8s5bA Crystal structure of the sulfoquinovosyl binding protein (smof) from a. tumefaciens sulfo-smo pathway in complex with sqoctyl ligand
176 649 8uzhA Sumo fused trehalose synthase (tres) of mycobacterium tuberculosis
30 138 8iu1A Crystal structure of mouse galectin-3 in complex with small molecule inhibitor
135 341 8p1rA Bifidobacterium asteroides alpha-l-fucosidase (tt1819) catalytic mutant.
30 148 8cm8A Galectin-8 n-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain in complex with 4-(bromophenyl)phthalazinone d-galactal ligand
55 178 8wabA Crystal structure of a chondroitin sulfate-binding carbohydrate binding module of a chondroitinase
28 137 8xmzA Crystal structure of a novel porphyran-binding carbohydrate binding module
102 298 8omkA Hkhk-c in complex with adp & fructose 1-phosphate
182 529 8i5jA Crystal structure of chitin oligosaccharide binding protein from vibrio cholera.
177 528 8i5kA Crystal structure of chitin oligosaccharide binding protein from vibrio cholera in complex with chitotriose.
35 129 8r8cA Structure of the n-terminal domain of cma from cucumis melo in complex with n-acetylgalactosamine
46 237 8i7qA Cobalt and calcium coordinated concanavalin a at ph 7.4 from canavalia ensiformis
34 127 8r8aA Structure of the n-terminal domain of cma in complex with n-acetyllactosamine
118 310 8cp7A Structure of the disulfide-locked substrate binding protein hisiap.
458 1526 7eimA Crystal structure of the candida glabrata glycogen debranching enzyme (w470a) in complex with maltopentaose
457 1526 7ejpA Crystal structure of the candida glabrata glycogen debranching enzyme (w470a) in complex with maltohexaose
125 366 6l3eA Crystal structure of salmonella enterica sugar-binding protein male
84 344 7c38A Crystal structure of aoflea from arthrobotrys oligospora in complex with l-fucose
87 345 7c37A Crystal structure of aoflea from arthrobotrys oligospora
81 343 7c3dA Crystal structure of aoflea from arthrobotrys oligospora in complex with d-arabinose
467 1526 7ejtA Crystal structure of the candida glabrata glycogen debranching enzyme (w470a) in complex with maltoheptaose
451 1526 7ekxA Crystal structure of the candida glabrata glycogen debranching enzyme (w470a e564q) in complex with maltononaose
446 1526 7ekwA Crystal structure of the candida glabrata glycogen debranching enzyme (d535n) in complex with maltotetrose
92 292 6tsmAAA Marasmius oreades agglutinin (moa) in complex with the truncated pvvrahs synthetic substrate
93 292 6tsrAAA Marasmius oreades agglutinin (moa) activated by manganese (ii) and calcium
95 292 6tsnAAA Marasmius oreades agglutinin (moa), papain back.swap w208q-q276w variant
30 149 7p11B Galectin-8 n-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain in complex with quinoline d-galactal ligand
31 150 7p11A Galectin-8 n-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain in complex with quinoline d-galactal ligand
25 114 7psyA X-ray crystal structure of perdeuterated lecb lectin in complex with perdeuterated fucose
31 143 7v4sA Horcolin complex with methyl-alpha-mannose
28 104 7prpDDD Crystal structure of the b subunit of heat labile enterotoxin lt-iic from escherichia coli in apo form
49 165 7sv6A Crystal structure of spaa-slh/g46a/g109a in complex with 4,6-pyr-beta-d-mannac-(1->4)-beta-d-glcnacome
51 165 7sv5A Crystal structure of spaa-slh/g109a in complex with 4,6-pyr-beta-d-mannac-(1->4)-beta-d-glcnacome
50 170 7sv4A Crystal structure of spaa-slh in complex with 4,6-pyr-beta-d-mannac-(1->4)-beta-d-glcnac-(1->3)-4,6-pyr-beta-d-mannacome
50 171 7sv3A Crystal structure of spaa-slh in complex with 4,6-pyr-beta-d-mannac-(1->4)-beta-d-glcnacome
24 114 7prgA Joint x-ray/neutron room temperature structure of perdeuterated lecb lectin in complex with perdeuterated fucose
89 292 6tsoAAA Marasmius oreades agglutinin (moa) inhibited by cadmium
93 292 6tsqAAA Marasmius oreades agglutinin (moa) activated by manganese (ii)
329 824 7q5iAAA A glucose-based molecular rotor probes the catalytic site of glycogen phosphorylase.
147 389 7ofyA Crystal structure of sq binding protein from agrobacterium tumefaciens in complex with sulfoquinovosyl glycerol (sqgro)
31 138 7p8hA Chicken grifin bound to blood group tetrasaccharide b (type 1)
13 89 7pr5A Cocrystal of an rsl-n23h and sulfonato-thiacalix[4]arene - zinc complex
123 386 7nbzA Crystal structure of ligand free open conformation of sulfoquinovosyl binding protein (sqbp) from agrobacterium tumefaciens
214 520 7noxA Structure of sgbp bo2743 from bacteroides ovatus in complex with mixed-linked gluco-nonasaccharide
82 344 7c3cA Crystal structure of aoflea from arthrobotrys oligospora in complex with d-manose
78 345 7c3eA Crystal structure of r97a/r150a/r203a mutant of aoflea from arthrobotrys oligospora
79 346 7c39A Crystal structure of aoflea from arthrobotrys oligospora in complex with methylated l-fucose