Found 791 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Ribosomal_S5_C

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
46 222 7ls1J3 80s ribosome from mouse bound to eef2 (class ii)
33 148 7rq81e Crystal structure of the wild-type thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with iboxamycin, mrna, deacylated a- and e-site trnas, and aminoacylated p-site trna at 2.50a resolution
28 148 7rq91e Crystal structure of the a2058-dimethylated thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with iboxamycin, mrna, deacylated a- and e-site trnas, and aminoacylated p-site trna at 2.60a resolution
28 155 7o1cAE Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli tnac(r23f)-ribosome-rf2 complex stalled in response to l-tryptophan
32 156 7oj0E Cryo-em structure of 70s ribosome stalled with tnac peptide and rf2
30 155 7o19AE Cryo-em structure of an escherichia coli tnac-ribosome complex stalled in response to l-tryptophan
32 157 7lv0J Pre-translocation rotated ribosome +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex (structure irot-fs)
25 157 7k55J Near post-translocated +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure iii-fs)
33 157 7k54J Mid-translocated +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure ii-fs)
31 157 7k53J Pre-translocation +1-frameshifting(ccc-a) complex (structure i-fs)
31 157 7k52J Near post-translocated non-frameshifting(cca-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure iii)
30 157 7k51J Mid-translocated non-frameshifting(cca-a) complex with ef-g and gdpcp (structure ii)
26 157 7k50J Pre-translocation non-frameshifting(cca-a) complex (structure i)
28 156 7acrj Structure of post-translocated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
29 156 7acjj Structure of translocated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
27 157 7nspe Structure of ermdl-erythromycin-stalled 70s e. coli ribosomal complex with a and p-trna
38 227 6xu7AC Drosophila melanogaster testis polysome ribosome
30 152 7abzj Structure of pre-accomodated trans-translation complex on e. coli stalled ribosome.
31 157 7nsqe Structure of ermdl-telithromycin-stalled 70s e. coli ribosomal complex with a and p-trna
36 156 7n31SE Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a post-translocation (post) conformation
30 155 7n2cSE Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a fusidic acid-stalled intermediate state of translocation bound to ef-g(gdp) (int2)
30 157 7nsoe Structure of ermdl-erythromycin-stalled 70s e. coli ribosomal complex with p-trna
36 155 7n30SE Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a hybrid-h2* pre-translocation (pre-h2*) conformation
34 156 7n2uSE Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a hybrid-h1 pre-translocation (pre-h1) conformation
35 158 7n1pSE Elongating 70s ribosome complex in a classical pre-translocation (pre-c) conformation
37 227 6xu6AC Drosophila melanogaster testis 80s ribosome
34 156 7nasE Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state a (multibody refinement for body domain of 30s ribosome)
36 157 7bofE Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state i (body domain)
38 156 7boiE Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state f (multibody refinement for body domain of 30s ribosome)
34 156 7bodE Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state m (body domain)
38 155 7afoE Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state b (body domain)
34 156 7bogE Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state e (body domain)
29 156 7aflE Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state d (multibody refinement for body domain of 30s ribosome)
35 156 7afiE Bacterial 30s ribosomal subunit assembly complex state c (body domain)
57 343 7og4AD Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with p/e-trna
57 343 7nsiAE 55s mammalian mitochondrial ribosome with mtrrf (pre) and trna(p/e)
32 150 7lh5AE Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 70s ribosome in complex with plazomicin, mrna and trnas
30 155 7b5ke E. coli 70s containing suppressor trna in the a-site stabilized by a negamycin analogue and p-site trna-nascent chain.
34 155 7m4xe A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 70s with p-trna
36 155 7m4ze A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 70s with hpf
37 155 7m4we A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 70s empty
33 155 7m4ue A. baumannii ribosome-eravacycline complex: 30s
52 343 7l08AD Cryo-em structure of the human 55s mitoribosome-rrfmt complex.
44 218 6zv6C Human rio1(kd)-stha late pre-40s particle, structural state b (post 18s rrna cleavage)
40 218 6zuoC Human rio1(kd)-stha late pre-40s particle, structural state a (pre 18s rrna cleavage)
32 156 7nhlf Vgaa-lc, an antibiotic resistance abcf, in complex with 70s ribosome from staphylococcus aureus
56 343 7nqlAE 55s mammalian mitochondrial ribosome with ict1 and p site trnamet
55 343 7nqhAE 55s mammalian mitochondrial ribosome with mtrf1a and p-site trnamet
42 216 7nrcSR Structure of the yeast gcn1 bound to a leading stalled 80s ribosome with rbg2, gir2, a- and p-trna and eif5a
57 343 6zsfAD Human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with mrna and p/e-trna