Found 10430 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 101 - 150. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
205 579 2hhxA O6-methyl-guanine in the polymerase template preinsertion site
212 580 2hhvA T:o6-methyl-guanine in the polymerase-2 basepair position
222 704 2ajqA Structure of replicative dna polymerase provides insigts into the mechanisms for processivity, frameshifting and editing
201 605 2kzmA Klenow fragment with normal substrate and zinc and manganese
34 99 1n32T Structure of the thermus thermophilus 30s ribosomal subunit bound to codon and near-cognate transfer rna anticodon stem-loop mismatched at the first codon position at the a site with paromomycin
161 538 2ktqA Open ternary complex of the large fragment of dna polymerase i from thermus aquaticus
211 605 2kzzA Klenow fragment with normal substrate and zinc only
210 605 2kfzA Klenow fragment with bridging-sulfur substrate and zinc only
217 580 2hhqA O6-methyl-guanine:t pair in the polymerase-10 basepair position
191 580 2hvhA Ddctp:o6meg pair in the polymerase active site (0 position)
210 580 2hhwA Ddttp:o6-methyl-guanine pair in the polymerase active site, in the closed conformation
33 99 1hnwT Structure of the thermus thermophilus 30s ribosomal subunit in complex with tetracycline
210 605 2kfnA Klenow fragment with bridging-sulfur substrate and manganese
210 580 2hviA Ddctp:g pair in the polymerase active site (0 position)
216 695 4oauC Complete human rnase l in complex with biological activators.
224 694 4oavB Complete human rnase l in complex with 2-5a (5'-ppp heptamer), amppcp and rna substrate.
210 683 4ay2A Capturing 5' tri-phosphorylated rna duplex by rig-i
133 462 4k4vA Poliovirus polymerase elongation complex (r5+1_form)
53 218 3po3D Arrested rna polymerase ii reactivation intermediate
36 99 4lfbT Crystal structure of 30s ribosomal subunit from thermus thermophilus
35 99 4jyaT Crystal structures of pseudouridinilated stop codons with asls
35 99 4gkjT Structure of the thermus thermophilus 30s ribosomal subunit complexed with a human mitochondrial anticodon stem loop (asl) of transfer rna methionine (trnamet) bound to an mrna with an aug-codon in the a-site and paromomycin.
93 345 4q5sF Thermus thermophilus rna polymerase initially transcribing complex containing 6-mer rna
37 99 4jv5T Crystal structures of pseudouridinilated stop codons with asls
34 99 4gkkT Structure of the thermus thermophilus 30s ribosomal subunit complexed with a human mitochondrial anticodon stem loop (asl) of transfer rna methionine (trnamet) bound to an mrna with an aua-codon in the a-site and paromomycin
37 99 4k0kT Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus 30s ribosomal subunit complexed with a serine-asl and mrna containing a stop codon
148 462 4k4sA Poliovirus polymerase elongation complex (r3_form)
148 690 4gl2A Structural basis for dsrna duplex backbone recognition by mda5
61 232 4ijsA Crystal structure of nucleocapsid protein encoded by the prototypic member of orthobunyavirus
52 219 4a3lD Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 7nt dna-rna hybrid and soaked with ampcpp
148 462 4k4zA Coxsackievirus b3 polymerase elongation complex (r2_mg_form)
141 460 4k50A Rhinovirus 16 polymerase elongation complex (r1_form)
117 346 4g7oF Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex containing 2 nt of rna
14 88 4ifdK Crystal structure of an 11-subunit eukaryotic exosome complex bound to rna
36 99 4dr7T Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus (hb8) 30s ribosomal subunit with codon, crystallographically disordered near-cognate transfer rna anticodon stem-loop mismatched at the second codon position, and streptomycin bound
33 99 4khpT Structure of the thermus thermophilus 30s ribosomal subunit in complex with de-6-msa-pactamycin
36 99 4dr6T Crystal structure of the thermus thermophilus (hb8) 30s ribosomal subunit with codon, near-cognate transfer rna anticodon stem-loop mismatched at the first codon position and streptomycin bound
63 226 4jngA Schmallenberg virus nucleoprotein-rna complex
135 462 4k4uA Poliovirus polymerase elongation complex (r5_form)
59 153 4qi2A X-ray structure of the roq domain from murine roquin-1 in complex with a 23-mer tnf-cde rna
368 1087 2r7sA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1 / rna (ugugcc) complex
52 219 4a3gD Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 2nt dna-rna hybrid
52 219 4a3dD Rna polymerase ii initial transcribing complex with a 6nt dna-rna hybrid
49 218 4by7D Elongating rna polymerase ii-bye1 tld complex
96 271 4c7oB The structural basis of ftsy recruitment and gtpase activation by srp rna
34 99 4b3rT Crystal structure of the 30s ribosome in complex with compound 30
51 218 4bxxD Arrested rna polymerase ii-bye1 complex
57 219 4bbsD Structure of an initially transcribing rna polymerase ii-tfiib complex
186 550 4a36A Structure of duck rig-i helicase domain bound to 19-mer dsrna and atp transition state analogue
49 219 4a93D Rna polymerase ii elongation complex containing a cpd lesion