Found 1144 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Four Helix Bundle (Hemerythrin (Met), subunit A)

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
36 129 1ekyA Model structure from non-noe based nmr structure calculation
43 125 1fr0A Solution structure of the histidine-containing phosphotransfer domain of anaerobic sensor kinase arcb from escherichia coli.
46 166 1eq1A Nmr structure of an exchangeable apolipoprotein-manduca sexta apolipophorin-iii
53 139 1ktmA Solution structure of fat domain of focal adhesion kinase
52 152 5f5fA X-ray structure of roquin roq domain in complex with a selex-derived hexa-loop rna motif
58 151 4zldA Crystal structure of human roquin-2 roq domain in complex with roquin cde rna
388 1087 2r7vA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ggcuuu) complex
378 1087 2r7tA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ugugaacc) complex
380 1087 2r7xA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ugugacc)/gtp complex
374 1087 2r7uA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (aaaagcc) complex
93 345 4q5sF Thermus thermophilus rna polymerase initially transcribing complex containing 6-mer rna
117 346 4g7oF Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex containing 2 nt of rna
59 153 4qi2A X-ray structure of the roq domain from murine roquin-1 in complex with a 23-mer tnf-cde rna
368 1087 2r7sA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1 / rna (ugugcc) complex
96 271 4c7oB The structural basis of ftsy recruitment and gtpase activation by srp rna
100 293 4c7oA The structural basis of ftsy recruitment and gtpase activation by srp rna
130 454 3ndbB Crystal structure of a signal sequence bound to the signal recognition particle
82 283 2xxaB The crystal structure of the signal recognition particle (srp) in complex with its receptor(sr)
115 428 2xxaA The crystal structure of the signal recognition particle (srp) in complex with its receptor(sr)
126 312 3b0uX Trna-dihydrouridine synthase from thermus thermophilus in complex with trna fragment
23 155 3j06A Cryoem helical reconstruction of tmv
38 156 1rmvA Ribgrass mosaic virus, fiber diffraction
171 461 1u0bB Crystal structure of cysteinyl-trna synthetase binary complex with trnacys
118 346 4oipF Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex soaked with ge23077, atp, and cmpcpp
116 346 4oiqF Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex soaked with ge23077 and rifampicin
108 344 4oioF Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus pre-insertion substrate complex for de novo transcription initiation
65 178 4ki2A Crystallographic analysis of an rna-polymerase sigma-subunit fragment complexed with -10 promoter element ssdna
56 172 4csaC Crystal structure of the asymmetric human metapneumovirus m2-1 tetramer bound to a dna 4-mer
53 168 4csaA Crystal structure of the asymmetric human metapneumovirus m2-1 tetramer bound to a dna 4-mer
29 154 2tmvP Visualization of protein-nucleic acid interactions in a virus. refined structure of intact tobacco mosaic virus at 2.9 angstroms resolution by x-ray fiber diffraction
91 426 2v3cC Crystal structure of the srp54-srp19-7s.s srp rna complex of m. jannaschii
83 222 1hw2A Fadr-dna complex: transcriptional control of fatty acid metabolism in echerichia coli
18 160 1cgmE Structure determination of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus by x-ray fiber diffraction. significance for the evolution of tobamoviruses
27 158 1vtmP Structure of the u2 strain of tobacco mosaic virus refined at 3.5 angstroms resolution using x-ray fiber diffraction
73 235 1h9tA Fadr, fatty acid responsive transcription factor from e. coli in complex with fadb operator
160 749 1gm5A Structure of recg bound to three-way dna junction
147 472 1z63A Sulfolobus solfataricus swi2/snf2 atpase core in complex with dsdna
86 261 5ds5A Crystal structure the escherichia coli cas1-cas2 complex bound to protospacer dna and mg
136 478 3povA Crystal structure of a sox-dna complex
69 179 3ugpA Crystal structure of rna-polymerase sigma subunit domain 2 complexed with -10 promoter element ssdna oligo (tataat)
72 180 3ugoA Crystal structure of rna-polymerase sigma subunit domain 2 complexed with -10 promoter element ssdna oligo (tacaat)
108 315 3b0vC Trna-dihydrouridine synthase from thermus thermophilus in complex with trna
109 346 4g7zF Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex containing 5-bru at template-strand position +1
120 346 4g7hF Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus transcription initiation complex
390 1087 2r7wA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ugugacc)/mrna 5'-cap (m7gpppg) complex
390 1087 2r7rA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ugugacc) complex
50 140 3fdqA Recognition of at-rich dna binding sites by the mogr repressor
18 162 3pdmP Hibiscus latent singapore virus
116 346 4q4zF Thermus thermophilus rna polymerase de novo transcription initiation complex
35 153 4udvA Cryo-em structure of tmv at 3.35 a resolution