Found 7421 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: signaling protein

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
112 381 8fyeR 4-f, 5-meo-pyrt-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
111 315 8oy1A Structure of the human guanine nucleotide-binding protein g(k) subunit alpha
114 381 8fytR Lsd-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
65 351 8fyeA 4-f, 5-meo-pyrt-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
28 194 8bikB Crystal structure of human ampk heterotrimer in complex with allosteric activator c455
54 185 8oyzA Structure of the histidine kinase chea atp-binding domain in complex with compound oddhk10
88 336 8fytB Lsd-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
82 336 8fylB Vilazodone-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
114 381 8fy8R 5-meo-dmt-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
14 57 8fyeG 4-f, 5-meo-pyrt-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
87 336 8fyxB Buspirone-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
83 336 8fyeB 4-f, 5-meo-pyrt-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
55 185 8oz9A Structure of the histidine kinase chea atp-binding domain in complex with compound qui-sv-383
68 351 8fy8A 5-meo-dmt-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
67 351 8fytA Lsd-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
69 351 8fyxA Buspirone-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
78 336 8fy8B 5-meo-dmt-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
10 57 8fylG Vilazodone-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
69 351 8fylA Vilazodone-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
16 50 8ypjA Cyrstal structure of the maze-mt10 antitoxin from mycobacterium tuberculosis
13 57 8fyxG Buspirone-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
59 141 8fyvA Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium chemoreceptor tsr (taxis to serine and repellents) ligand-binding domain in complex with l-serine
64 186 8k9oA Crystal structure of cyanobacteriochrome rcae gaf domain in pg state
13 57 8fy8G 5-meo-dmt-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
12 57 8fytG Lsd-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
132 544 8bikA Crystal structure of human ampk heterotrimer in complex with allosteric activator c455
108 381 8fylR Vilazodone-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
118 381 8fyxR Buspirone-bound serotonin 1a (5-ht1a) receptor-gi1 protein complex
89 300 8bikC Crystal structure of human ampk heterotrimer in complex with allosteric activator c455
53 185 8oyqA Structure of the histidine kinase chea atp-binding domain in complex with compound oddhk13
102 418 8jbeC Cryoem structure of metazoan mon1-ccz1-rmc1 complex
109 628 8jbeA Cryoem structure of metazoan mon1-ccz1-rmc1 complex
82 480 8jbeB Cryoem structure of metazoan mon1-ccz1-rmc1 complex
63 185 8oulA Arf gtpase from the asgard hodarchaea : hodarfr1 bound to gdp
64 351 8ugyA Serotonin 1e receptor (5-ht1er)-gi1 complex bound with mianserin
10 50 8uh3G Serotonin 1e receptor (5-ht1er)-gi1 complex bound with setiptiline
48 244 8uh3E Serotonin 1e receptor (5-ht1er)-gi1 complex bound with setiptiline
50 168 8oumA Arf gtpase from the asgard gerdarchaea : gerdarfr1 bound to gtp
59 175 8oukA Arf gtpase from the asgard hodarchaea : hodarfr1 bound to gtp
55 181 8ounA Arf gtpase from the asgard gerdarchaea : gerdarfr1 bound to gdp
100 339 8ugyR Serotonin 1e receptor (5-ht1er)-gi1 complex bound with mianserin
97 343 8uh3D Serotonin 1e receptor (5-ht1er)-gi1 complex bound with setiptiline
78 333 8uh3B Serotonin 1e receptor (5-ht1er)-gi1 complex bound with setiptiline
65 351 8uh3A Serotonin 1e receptor (5-ht1er)-gi1 complex bound with setiptiline
78 333 8ugyB Serotonin 1e receptor (5-ht1er)-gi1 complex bound with mianserin
11 50 8ugyG Serotonin 1e receptor (5-ht1er)-gi1 complex bound with mianserin
226 1036 8s7cA Ternary complex of cachd1, fzd5 and lrp6
22 104 8s7cB Ternary complex of cachd1, fzd5 and lrp6
41 155 8u9oB Solution structure of rsgi9 cre domain from c. thermocellum
128 617 8s7cC Ternary complex of cachd1, fzd5 and lrp6