Found 430 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: BirA Bifunctional Protein; domain 2

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
159 492 4ex5A Crystal structure of lysyl-trna synthetase lysrs from burkholderia thailandensis bound to lysine
162 497 4hvcA Crystal structure of human prolyl-trna synthetase in complex with halofuginone and atp analogue
158 505 4dpgA Crystal structure of human lysrs: p38/aimp2 complex i
133 427 4eo4A Crystal structure of the yeast mitochondrial threonyl-trna synthetase (mst1) in complex with seryl sulfamoyl adenylate
104 322 4dq2A Structure of staphylococcus aureus biotin protein ligase in complex with biotinol-5'-amp
135 431 4e51A Crystal structure of a histidyl-trna synthetase hisrs from burkholderia thailandensis bound to histidine
86 269 4cs2A Catalytic domain of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase mutant y306a, y384f in its apo form
88 270 4cs3A Catalytic domain of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase mutant y306a, y384f in complex with an adenylated furan-bearing noncanonical amino acid and pyrophosphate
87 268 4cs4A Catalytic domain of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase mutant y306a, y384f in complex with amppnp
87 267 4ch5A Structure of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase in complex with adenylated propionyl lysine
82 268 4bwaA Pylrs y306g, y384f, i405r mutant in complex with adenylated norbornene
87 268 4bw9A Pylrs y306g, y384f, i405r mutant in complex with amp-pnp
84 267 4ch4A Structure of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase in complex with adenylated crotonyl lysine
83 267 4ch3A Structure of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase in complex with adenylated butyryl lysine
82 267 4ch6A Structure of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase in complex with adenylated propargyloxycarbonyl lysine
117 589 4ah6A Human mitochondrial aspartyl-trna synthetase
136 427 4yyeA Crystal structure of the yeast mitochondrial threonyl-trna synthetase (mst1) in complex with the canonical trnathr and threonyl sulfamoyl adenylate
85 267 3vqvA Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase in complex with amppnp (re-refined)
75 264 3vqxA Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase in triclinic crystal form
84 267 3vqyA Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase in complex with boclys and amppnp (form 2)
79 267 3vqwA Crystal structure of the semet substituted catalytic domain of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase
100 322 3v8lA Crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus biotin protein ligase in complex with biotinyl-5'-amp
93 322 3v8kA Crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus biotin protein ligase in complex with biotin
103 322 3v7cA Cystal structure of sabpl in complex with inhibitor
98 322 3v8jA Crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus biotin protein ligase
134 475 3vbbA Crystal structure of seryl-trna synthetase from human at 2.9 angstroms
98 322 3v7sA Crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus biotin protein ligase in complex with inhibitor 0364
98 322 3v7rA Crystal structure of staphylococcus aureus biotin protein ligase in complex with inhibitor
96 292 3ufgA The crystal structure of glycyl-trna synthetase subunit alpha from campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni nctc in complex with atp
146 431 3uh0A Crystal structure of the yeast mitochondrial threonyl-trna synthetase (mst1) in complex with threonyl sulfamoyl adenylate
108 427 3ugtA Crystal structure of the yeast mitochondrial threonyl-trna synthetase - orthorhombic crystal form
146 430 3ugqA Crystal structure of the apo form of the yeast mitochondrial threonyl-trna synthetase determined at 2.1 angstrom resolution
193 785 3tehB Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus phenylalanyl-trna synthetase complexed with l-dopa
125 405 3tegA Bacterial and eukaryotic phenylalanyl-trna synthetases catalyze misaminoacylation of trnaphe with 3,4-dihydroxy-l-phenylalanine (l-dopa)
69 266 3tehA Crystal structure of thermus thermophilus phenylalanyl-trna synthetase complexed with l-dopa
96 265 3ruxA Crystal structure of biotin-protein ligase bira from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with an acylsulfamide bisubstrate inhibitor
104 322 3rkwA Structural characterisation of staphylococcus aureus biotin protein ligase
99 321 3rkxA Structural characterisation of staphylococcus aureus biotin protein ligase
105 294 3rl6A Crystal structure of the archaeal asparagine synthetase a complexed with l-asparagine and adenosine monophosphate
98 322 3rkyA Structural characterisation of staphylococcus aureus biotin protein ligase
109 294 3rexA Crystal structure of the archaeal asparagine synthetase a complexed with adenosine monophosphate
102 322 3rirA Crystal strucrture of biotin protein ligase from s. aureus
107 351 3racA Crystal strucutre of histidine--trna ligase subunit from alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius subsp. acidocaldarius dsm 446.
102 292 3rf1A The crystal structure of glycyl-trna synthetase subunit alpha from campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni nctc 11168
101 292 3rglA The crystal structure of glycyl-trna synthetase subunit alpha from campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni nctc in complex with atp and glycine
108 294 3reuA Crystal structure of the archaeal asparagine synthetase a complexed with l-aspartic acid and adenosine triphosphate
86 267 2q7eA The structure of pyrrolysyl-trna synthetase bound to an atp analogue
145 580 1l0wA Aspartyl-trna synthetase-1 from space-grown crystals
142 612 2pmeA The apo crystal structure of the glycyl-trna synthetase
56 195 4lvkA Mobm relaxase domain (mobv; mob_pre) bound to plasmid pmv158 orit dna (22nt+3'phosphate). mn-bound crystal structure at ph 4.6