Found 348 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 51 - 100. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Rhopdopsin 7-helix transmembrane proteins

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
108 303 3vgaA Crystal structure of human adenosine a2a receptor with an allosteric inverse-agonist antibody at 3.1 a resolution
105 304 3vg9A Crystal structure of human adenosine a2a receptor with an allosteric inverse-agonist antibody at 2.7 a resolution
87 227 3utyA Crystal structure of bacteriorhodopsin mutant p50a/t46a
85 227 3utxA Crystal structure of bacteriorhodopsin mutant t46a
96 227 3utwA Crystal structure of bacteriorhodopsin mutant p50a/y57f
108 294 3ug9A Crystal structure of the closed state of channelrhodopsin
109 299 3uzaA Thermostabilised adenosine a2a receptor in complex with 6-(2,6-dimethylpyridin-4-yl)-5-phenyl-1,2,4-triazin-3-amine
159 438 3uonA Structure of the human m2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor bound to an antagonist
92 227 3utvA Crystal structure of bacteriorhodopsin mutant y57f
94 225 3t45A Crystal structure of bacteriorhodopsin mutant a215t, a phototaxis signaling mutant at 3.0 a resolution
148 475 3sn6R Crystal structure of the beta2 adrenergic receptor-gs protein complex
35 166 3s3cB Structure of thermus thermophilus cytochrome ba3 oxidase 360s after xe depressurization
48 166 3s3dB Structure of thermus thermophilus cytochrome ba3 oxidase 480s after xe depressurization
147 435 3rzeA Structure of the human histamine h1 receptor in complex with doxepin
45 166 3s3bB Structure of thermus thermophilus cytochrome ba3 oxidase 240s after xe depressurization
106 299 3rfmA Thermostabilised adenosine a2a receptor in complex with caffeine
103 299 3reyA Thermostabilised adenosine a2a receptor in complex with xac
167 439 5tgzA Crystal structure of the human cannabinoid receptor cb1
130 296 5c1mA Crystal structure of active mu-opioid receptor bound to the agonist bu72
86 227 5j7aA Bacteriorhodopsin ground state structure obtained with serial femtosecond crystallography
90 230 5br5A Structure of bacteriorhodopsin crystallized from nd-msp1e3d1
96 231 5b6zA A three dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin: structure obtained 1.725 ms us after photoexcitation
90 226 5a45A Structure of bacteriorhodopsin obtained from 5um crystals by multi crystal data collection
100 228 5iteA 2.2-angstrom in meso crystal structure of haloquadratum walsbyi bacteriorhodopsin (hwbr) from octylglucoside (og) detergent micelles
90 224 5b34A Serial femtosecond crystallography (sfx) of ground state bacteriorhodopsin crystallized from bicelles in complex with iodine-labeled detergent had13a determined using 7-kev x-ray free electron laser (xfel) at sacla
93 231 5h2jA A three dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin: structure obtained 290 ns after photoexcitation
119 264 5g2aA The crystal structure of light-driven chloride pump clr at ph 6.0 with bromide ion.
93 231 5h2iA A three dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin: structure obtained 110 ns after photoexcitation
117 268 5g2cA The crystal structure of light-driven chloride pump clr (t102d) mutant at ph 4.5.
100 235 5awzA Crystal structure of the cell-free synthesized membrane protein, acetabularia rhodopsin i, at 1.57 angstrom
94 231 5h2lA A three dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin: structure obtained 5.25 us after photoexcitation
123 269 5g54A The crystal structure of light-driven chloride pump clr at ph 4.5
119 267 5g2dA The crystal structure of light-driven chloride pump clr (t102n) mutant at ph 4.5.
112 261 5b0wA Crystal structure of the 11-cis isomer of pharaonis halorhodopsin in the absence of halide ions
95 231 5h2mA A three dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin: structure obtained 13.8 us after photoexcitation
100 235 5ax1A Crystal structure of the cell-free synthesized membrane protein, acetabularia rhodopsin i, at 1.80 angstrom
97 231 5h2pA A three dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin: structure obtained 657 us after photoexcitation
93 231 5h2hA A three dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin: structure obtained 40 ns after photoexcitation
112 307 5g53A Structure of the adenosine a2a receptor bound to an engineered g protein
104 242 5g36A Yellow form of halorhodopsin from halobacterium salinarum in a new rhombohedral crystal form
94 231 5h2kA A three dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin: structure obtained 2 us after photoexcitation
97 231 5h2oA A three dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin: structure obtained 250 us after photoexcitation
94 231 5h2nA A three dimensional movie of structural changes in bacteriorhodopsin: structure obtained 95.2 us after photoexcitation
102 251 5azdA Crystal structure of thermophilic rhodopsin.
120 264 5g28A The crystal structure of light-driven chloride pump clr at ph 6.0.
100 234 5ax0A Crystal structure of the cell-free synthesized membrane protein, acetabularia rhodopsin i, at 1.52 angstrom
122 269 5fjgA The crystal structure of light-driven chloride pump clr in ph 4.5.
113 291 5f8uA Ligand occupancy in crystal structure of beta1-adrenergic receptor previously submitted by huang et al
112 261 5etzA Structure of the all-trans isomer of pharaonis halorhodopsin in the absence of halide ions
131 326 5en0A Crystal structure of t94i rhodopsin mutant