Found 464 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Abhydrolase_1

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
105 290 7o8bA Structure of haloalkane dehalogenase variant dhaa80 from rhodococcus rhodochrous
105 290 7o3oA Structure of haloalkane dehalogenase mutant dhaa80(t148l, g171q, a172v, c176f) from rhodococcus rhodochrous with ionic liquid
113 319 7a7gA Soluble epoxide hydrolase in complex with tk90
117 303 7a6gA Structural characterization of l-proline amide hydrolase from pseudomonas syringae
104 293 6zvxA X-ray structure of the haloalkane dehalogenase halotag7-q165h-p174l labeled with a chloroalkane-tetramethylrhodamine fluorophore substrate
100 293 6zvwA X-ray structure of the haloalkane dehalogenase halotag7-q165h labeled with a chloroalkane-tetramethylrhodamine fluorophore substrate
101 293 6zvyA X-ray structure of the haloalkane dehalogenase halotag7-q165h-p174r labeled with a chloroalkane-tetramethylrhodamine fluorophore substrate
101 293 6zvuA X-ray structure of the haloalkane dehalogenase halotag7-p174l labeled with a chloroalkane-tetramethylrhodamine fluorophore substrate
103 293 6zvvA X-ray structure of the haloalkane dehalogenase halotag7-p174w labeled with a chloroalkane-tetramethylrhodamine fluorophore substrate
102 296 7ondA Halotag engineering for enhanced fluorogenicity and kinetics with a styrylpyridine dye
102 292 7oo4A Halotag engineering for enhanced fluorogenicity and kinetics with a styrylpyridine dye
99 284 7ac0AAA Epoxide hydrolase coreh without ligand
120 318 7cg2B Vigna radiata epoxide hydrolase mutant
126 318 7cg6B Vigna radiata epoxide hydrolase mutant m263q
101 292 7otsA Crystal structure of human monoacylglycerol lipase abhd6 in complex with oleic acid and octyl glucoside
91 261 7c4dA Marine microorganism esterase
101 291 6zccA X-ray structure of the haloalkane dehalogenase hob (halotag7-based oligonucleotide binder) labeled with a chloroalkane-tetramethylrhodamine fluorophore substrate
116 298 7a43A Fluoroacetate dehalogenase measured by serial femtosecond crystallography
115 298 7a42A Fluoroacetate dehalogenase measured by serial synchrotron crystallography
102 293 6y7aA X-ray structure of the haloalkane dehalogenase halotag7 labeled with a chloroalkane-tetramethylrhodamine fluorophore substrate
98 293 6y7bA X-ray structure of the haloalkane dehalogenase halotag7 labeled with a chloroalkane-carbopyronine fluorophore substrate
116 293 7jqyA Crystal structure of cfl1-d123s from burkholderia cenocepacia
120 294 7jqxA Crystal structure of cfl1 wild-type from burkholderia cenocepacia
102 299 7avrA The tetrameric structure of haloalkane dehalogenase dpaa from paraglaciecola agarilytica no2
90 286 7al5A Crystal structure of the selenomethionine substituted hypothetical protein pa1622 from pseudomonas aeruginosa pao1
135 320 7cofA Cholesterol esterase from burkholderia stabilis (orthorhombic crystal form)
130 320 7cogA Cholesterol esterase from burkholderia stabilis (monoclinic crystal form)
88 267 6l7mA Characterization and structural analysis of a thermostable zearalenone-degrading enzyme
104 291 6sp5A Structure of hyperstable haloalkane dehalogenase variant dhaa115
117 319 6yl4A Soluble epoxide hydrolase in complex with 3-((r)-3-(1-hydroxyureido)but-1-yn-1-yl)-n-((s)-3-phenyl-3-(4-trifluoromethoxy)phenyl)propyl)benzamide
104 291 6sp8A Structure of hyperstable haloalkane dehalogenase variant dhaa115 prepared by the 'soak-and-freeze' method under 150 bar of krypton pressure
112 293 7clzA Crystal structure of alp1u w187f/y247f in complex with fluostatin c
107 304 6xy9A Crystal structure of haloalkane dehalogenase dbea-m1 loop variant from bradyrhizobium elkanii
136 376 6v7nA Crystal structure of a human lysosome resident glycoprotein, lysosomal acid lipase, and its implications in cholesteryl ester storage disease (cesd)
101 253 6t6zA Structure of the bottromycin epimerase both in complex with a bottromycin a2 derivative
99 253 6t6yA Structure of the bottromycin epimerase both in complex with bottromycin a2
96 253 6t70A Structure of the bottromycin epimerase both in complex with bottromycin a2 derivative
92 253 6t6xA Structure of the bottromycin epimerase both in complex with substrate
97 253 6t6hA Apo structure of the bottromycin epimerase both
111 294 6s06A Crystal structure of haloalkane dehalogenase linb d147c+l177c mutant (linb73) from sphingobium japonicum ut26
112 298 6gxfA The hit-and-return system enables efficient time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography: raddam1
112 298 6gxtA The hit-and-return system enables efficient time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography: facd2052ms after reaction initiation
112 298 6gxlA The hit-and-return system enables efficient time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography: raddam2
112 297 6gxhA The hit-and-return system enables efficient time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography: facd 0ms after reaction initiation
112 298 6gxdA The hit-and-return system enables efficient time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography: facd752ms after reaction initiation
125 318 5y5dB The crystal structure of vreh2 mutant m263w
86 263 6azbA Crystal structure of physcomitrella patens kai2-like e
96 266 6azdA Crystal structure of physcomitrella patens kai2-like h
86 263 6azcA Crystal structure of physcomitrella patens kai2-like e s166a
91 290 6cl4A Lipc12 - lipase from metagenomics