Found 385 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 251 - 300. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query ec:

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
131 640 5dmqA Crystal structure of mouse erf1 in complex with reverse transcriptase (rt) of moloney murine leukemia virus
30 115 5dzmA Hiv-1 reverse transcriptase rh domain
37 160 5dmrA Crystal structure of c-terminal domain of mouse erf1 in complex with rnase h domain of rt of moloney murine leukemia virus
8 53 5d7uA Crystal structure of the c-terminal domain of mmtv integrase
52 162 5cz1A Crystal structure of the catalytic core domain of mmtv integrase
46 159 5cz2A Crystal structure of a two-domain fragment of mmtv integrase
21 116 4ydgA Crystal structure of compound 10 in complex with htlv-1 protease
49 133 4nynA Crystal structure of rnase h1 from halophilic archaeon halobacterium salinarum nrc-1
29 93 4nzgA Crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of moloney murine leukemia virus integrase, northeast structural genomics consortium target or3
112 464 4mh8A The crystal structure of the monomeric reverse transcriptase from moloney murine leukemia virus
59 211 4ibnA Crystal structure of lc9-rnase h1, a type 1 rnase h with the type 2 active-site motif
69 218 4fw2A Crystal structure of rsv three-domain integrase with disordered n-terminal domain
71 218 4fw1A Crystal structure of two-domain rsv integrase covalently linked with dna
43 148 3qinA Crystal structure of hiv-1 rnase h p15 with engineered e. coli loop and pyrimidinol carboxylic acid inhibitor
43 148 3qioA Crystal structure of hiv-1 rnase h with engineered e. coli loop and n-hydroxy quinazolinedione inhibitor
77 299 3pufA Crystal structure of human rnase h2 complex
78 213 3p83D Structure of the pcna:rnase hii complex from archaeoglobus fulgidus.
62 290 3p56A The structure of the human rnase h2 complex defines key interaction interfaces relevant to enzyme function and human disease
49 157 3p1gA Crystal structure of the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) rnase h domain
79 292 3p5jA The structure of the human rnase h2 complex defines key interaction interfaces relevant to enzyme function and human disease
50 145 3o4qA Crystal structure of the rous associated virus integrase catalytic domain a182t in citrate buffer ph 6.2
47 141 3o4nA Crystal structure of the rous associated virus integrase catalytic domain in mes buffer ph 6.0
27 124 3nr6A Crystal structure of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (xmrv) protease
29 95 3nnqA Crystal structure of the n-terminal domain of moloney murine leukemia virus integrase, northeast structural genomics consortium target or3
70 258 3kioA Mouse rnase h2 complex
66 209 3hpgA Visna virus integrase (residues 1-219) in complex with ledgf ibd: examples of open integrase dimer-dimer interfaces
46 149 3hyfA Crystal structure of hiv-1 rnase h p15 with engineered e. coli loop and active site inhibitor
64 210 3hphA Closed tetramer of visna virus integrase (residues 1-219) in complex with ledgf ibd
45 139 3hstB N-terminal rnase h domain of rv2228c from mycobacterium tuberculosis as a fusion protein with maltose binding protein
107 295 3h8sA Structure of d19n t4 rnase h in the presence of divalent magnesium
107 295 3h8wA Structure of d132n t4 rnase h in the presence of divalent magnesium
115 302 3h7iA Structure of the metal-free d132n t4 rnase h
112 297 3h8jA Native t4 rnase h in the absence of divalent metal ions
47 144 3h08A Crystal structure of the ribonuclease h1 from chlorobium tepidum
136 540 3dolA Crystal structure of l100i mutant hiv-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with gw695634.
53 186 3dlrA Crystal structure of the catalytic core domain from pfv integrase
142 539 3dmjA Crystal structure of hiv-1 v106a and y181c mutant reverse transcriptase in complex with gw564511.
146 539 3dm2A Crystal structure of hiv-1 k103n mutant reverse transcriptase in complex with gw564511.
100 308 3asmA Crystal structure of q54a mutant protein of bst-rnase hiii
47 141 3alyA Crystal structure of rnase hi from sulfolobus tokodaii with c-terminal deletion
46 153 3aa5X A52f e.coli rnase hi
48 153 3aa2A A52i e. coli rnase hi
51 152 3aa4A A52v e.coli rnase hi
48 155 3aa3A A52l e. coli rnase hi
44 152 2zqbA Crystal structure of a psychrotrophic rnasehi variant with sextuple thermostabilizing mutations
47 155 2z1hA Crystal structure of e.coli rnase hi surface charged mutant(q4r/t92k/q105k/q113r/q115k/n143k/t145k)
48 151 2z1jA Crystal structure of e.coli rnase hi surface charged mutant(q4r/t40e/q72h/q76k/q80e/t92k/q105k/q113r/q115k/n143k/t145k)
48 155 2z1gA Crystal structure of e.coli rnase hi surface charged mutant(q4r/t40e/q72h/q76k/q80e/t92k/q105k)
50 151 2z1iA Crystal structure of e.coli rnase hi surface charged mutant(q4r/t40e/q72h/q76k/q80e/t92k/q105k/q113r/q115k)
49 155 2yv0X Structural and thermodynamic analyses of e. coli ribonuclease hi variant with quintuple thermostabilizing mutations