Found 384 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Tetracycline Repressor; domain 2

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
388 1087 2r7vA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ggcuuu) complex
380 1087 2r7xA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ugugacc)/gtp complex
378 1087 2r7tA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ugugaacc) complex
374 1087 2r7uA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (aaaagcc) complex
368 1087 2r7sA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1 / rna (ugugcc) complex
60 207 4pxiA Elucidation of the structural and functional mechanism of action of the tetr family protein, cprb from s. coelicolor a3(2)
80 190 4gckA Structure of no-dna complex
83 190 4l62A Crystal structure of pseudomonas aeruginosa transcriptional regulator pa2196 bound to its operator dna
78 190 4gclA Structure of no-dna factor
62 179 4jl3A Crystal structure of ms6564-dna complex
71 190 4gctA Structure of no factor protein-dna complex
79 203 1qpiA Crystal structure of tetracycline repressor/operator complex
69 188 1jt0A Crystal structure of a cooperative qacr-dna complex
85 236 3zqlA Dna-bound form of tetr-like repressor simr
70 188 3vokA X-ray crystal structure of wild type hrtr in the apo form with the target dna.
65 200 4i6zA Crystal structure of the transcriptional regulator tm1030 with 24bp dna oligonucleotide
55 171 2yvhA Crystal structure of the operator-binding form of the multi-drug binding transcriptional repressor cgmr
390 1087 2r7rA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ugugacc) complex
390 1087 2r7wA Crystal structure of rotavirus sa11 vp1/rna (ugugacc)/mrna 5'-cap (m7gpppg) complex
74 202 3lspA Crystal structure of dest bound to descb promoter and oleoyl-coa
79 202 3lsrA Crystal structure of dest in complex with duplex dna
176 596 3kylA Structure of the catalytic subunit of telomerase bound to its rna template and telomeric dna
77 184 5fmpA Kstr, transcriptional repressor of cholesterol degradation in mycobacterium tuberculosis, bound to the dna operator
74 190 5hawA Structures of the no factor slma bound to dna and the cytoskeletal cell division protein ftsz
61 190 5k58A Structure of the k. pneumonia slma-dna complex bound to the c-terminal of the cell division protein ftsz
67 185 5k7zA Crystal structure of aibr in complex with isovaleryl coenzyme a and operator dna
69 190 5gpcA Structural analysis of fatty acid degradation regulator fadr from bacillus halodurans
81 193 5j1yA Structure of transcriptional regulatory repressor protein - ethr from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with 1-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)-3-(tetrahydrofuran-3-yl)propan-1-one at 1.81a resolution
82 193 5j1rA Structure of transcriptional regulatory repressor protein - ethr from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with 3-(furan-3-yl)-1-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)propan-1-one at 1.92a resolution
69 184 5k7fA Crystal structure of apo aibr
65 184 5k7hA Crystal structure of aibr in complex with the effector molecule isovaleryl coenzyme a
79 193 5ipaA Structure of transcriptional regulatory repressor protein - ethr from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with (e)-3-(furan-3-yl)-1-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)prop-2-en-1-one at 1.78a resolution
82 193 5ip6A Structure of transcriptional regulatory repressor protein - ethr from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with n-((tetrahydrofuran-3-yl)methyl)pyrrolidine-1-carboxamide at 1.93a resolution
80 193 5iozA Structure of transcriptional regulatory repressor protein - ethr from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with n-(cyclopentylmethyl)cyclopentanecarboxamide at 2.02a resolution
85 193 5ioyA Structure of transcriptional regulatory repressor protein - ethr from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with n-(cyclopentylmethyl)pyrrolidine-1-carboxamide at 1.77a resolution
73 190 5hszA Structure of the k. pneumonia slma protein bound to the c-terminal tail of the cytoskeletal cell division protein ftsz
85 201 5h9tA Crystal structure of native nald at resolution of 2.9, the secondary repressor of mexab-oprm multidrug efflux pump in pseudomonas aeruginosa
80 194 5f1jA Structure of transcriptional regulatory repressor protein - ethr from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with compound 1 at 1.63a resolution
82 193 5f0hA Structure of transcriptional regulatory repressor protein - ethr from mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with compound 28 at 1.99a resolution
508 1664 4c2mA Structure of rna polymerase i at 2.8 a resolution
235 801 4dvyP Crystal structure of the helicobacter pylori caga oncoprotein
80 191 4dw6A Novel n-phenyl-phenoxyacetamide derivatives as potential ethr inhibitors and ethionamide boosters. discovery and optimization using high-throughput synthesis.
79 207 4d7mA Tetr(d) in complex with anhydrotetracycline and magnesium
78 207 4d7nA Tetr(d) in complex with anhydrotetracycline and potassium
78 203 4d5fA Tetracycline repressor class h, apo form
84 204 4d5cA Tetracycline repressor class j, apo form
71 209 4cgrA Structure of regulator protein sco3201 from streptomyces coelicolor
77 207 4auxA Tet repressor class d in complex with 9-nitrotetracycline
78 207 4b1rA Tetracycline repressor class d mutant h100a in complex with iso-7- chlortetracycline
80 207 4b3aA Tetracycline repressor class d mutant h100a in complex with tetracycline