Found 7295 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Alpha-Beta Barrel

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
1003 3198 3vkgA X-ray structure of an mtbd truncation mutant of dynein motor domain
899 3218 3vkhA X-ray structure of a functional full-length dynein motor domain
804 2695 4akgA Dynein motor domain - atp complex
807 2695 4ai6A Dynein motor domain - adp complex
798 2695 4akhA Dynein motor domain - amppnp complex
798 2695 4akiA Dynein motor domain - luac derivative
501 1472 1ea0A Alpha subunit of a. brasilense glutamate synthase
120 315 4ycoA E. coli dihydrouridine synthase c (dusc) in complex with trnaphe
131 354 5hr6A X-ray crystal structure of c118a rlmn with cross-linked trna purified from escherichia coli
132 360 5hr7A X-ray crystal structure of c118a rlmn from escherichia coli with cross-linked in vitro transcribed trna
114 315 4ycpA E. coli dihydrouridine synthase c (dusc) in complex with trnatrp
105 279 2nqjA Crystal structure of escherichia coli endonuclease iv (endo iv) e261q mutant bound to damaged dna
106 279 2nq9A High resolution crystal structure of escherichia coli endonuclease iv (endo iv) y72a mutant bound to damaged dna
226 888 3sn2A Crystal structure analysis of iron regulatory protein 1 in complex with transferrin receptor ire b rna
272 888 3snpA Crystal structure analysis of iron regulatory protein 1 in complex with ferritin h ire rna
83 260 3u2eA Eal domain of phosphodiesterase pdea in complex with 5'-pgpg and mg++
126 312 3b0uX Trna-dihydrouridine synthase from thermus thermophilus in complex with trna fragment
176 576 1j2bA Crystal structure of archaeosine trna-guanine transglycosylase complexed with lambda-form trna(val)
135 376 1q2rA Chemical trapping and crystal structure of a catalytic trna guanine transglycosylase covalent intermediate
68 285 4nrwA Mvnei1-g86d
298 1216 4iqjA Structure of poliiialpha-tauc-dna complex suggests an atomic model of the replisome
102 283 4k1gA Structure of e. coli nfo(endo iv)-h69a mutant bound to a cleaved dna duplex containing a alphada:t basepair
84 271 4cisA Structure of mutm in complex with carbocyclic 8-oxo-g containing dna
84 273 3sarA Mutm slanted complex 1
77 276 3d70A Crystal structure of e253a mutant of bmrr bound to 22-bp oligonucleotide
80 277 3d6yA Crystal structure of r275e mutant of bmrr bound to dna and berberine
82 273 3satA Mutm slanted complex 6 with r112a mutation
85 273 3sasA Mutm slanted complex 4 with r112a mutation
85 273 2f5sA Catalytically inactive (e3q) mutm crosslinked to oxog:c containing dna cc1
81 273 2f5pA Mutm crosslinked to undamaged dna sampling a:t base pair ic2
84 273 2f5qA Catalytically inactive (e3q) mutm crosslinked to oxog:c containing dna cc2
81 273 2f5oA Mutm crosslinked to undamaged dna sampling g:c base pair ic3
81 273 2f5nA Mutm crosslinked to undamaged dna sampling a:t base pair ic1
65 275 1exiA Crystal structure of transcription activator bmrr, from b. subtilis, bound to 21 base pair bmr operator and tpsb
68 275 1exjA Crystal structure of transcription activator bmrr, from b. subtilis, bound to 21 base pair bmr operator and tpp
105 279 1qumA Crystal structure of escherichia coli endonuclease iv in complex with damaged dna
83 292 1d5yA Crystal structure of the e. coli rob transcription factor in complex with dna
234 789 2olsA The crystal structure of the phosphoenolpyruvate synthase from neisseria meningitidis
308 1201 2hpmA Eubacterial and eukaryotic replicative dna polymerases are not homologous: x-ray structure of dna polymerase iii
78 273 1l2cA Mutm (fpg)-dna estranged thymine mismatch recognition complex
73 271 1kfvA Crystal structure of lactococcus lactis formamido-pyrimidine dna glycosylase (alias fpg or mutm) non covalently bound to an ap site containing dna.
80 273 1l2dA Mutm (fpg)-dna estranged guanine mismatch recognition complex
78 273 1l1zA Mutm (fpg) covalent-dna intermediate
77 268 1k82A Crystal structure of e.coli formamidopyrimidine-dna glycosylase (fpg) covalently trapped with dna
79 273 1l2bA Mutm (fpg) dna end-product structure
82 273 1l1tA Mutm (fpg) bound to abasic-site containing dna
92 271 1nnjA Crystal structure complex between the lactococcus lactis fpg and an abasic site containing dna
84 262 1k3xA Crystal structure of a trapped reaction intermediate of the dna repair enzyme endonuclease viii with brominated-dna
81 262 1k3wA Crystal structure of a trapped reaction intermediate of the dna repair enzyme endonuclease viii with dna
92 273 1r2zA Mutm (fpg) bound to 5,6-dihydrouracil (dhu) containing dna