Found 1754 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: Ubiquitin-like (UB roll)

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
4 96 1doyA 1h and 15n sequential assignment, secondary structure and tertiary fold of [2fe-2s] ferredoxin from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803
10 85 1ip9A Solution structure of the pb1 domain of bem1p
20 128 1e0zA [2fe-2s]-ferredoxin from halobacterium salinarum
8 56 1fclA Delta1.5: a computationally designed core variant of the b1 domain of streptococcal protein g
10 56 1gb1A A novel, highly stable fold of the immunoglobulin binding domain of streptococcal protein g
9 92 1j0gA Solution structure of mouse hypothetical 9.1 kda protein, a ubiquitin-like fold
12 100 1klvA Solution structure and backbone dynamics of gabarap, gabaa receptor associated protein
8 81 1ibxA Nmr structure of dff40 and dff45 n-terminal domain complex
9 57 1gb4A Hyperthermophilic variant of the b1 domain from streptococcal protein g, nmr, 47 structures
26 119 1kotA Solution structure of human gaba receptor associated protein gabarap
10 76 1iyfA Solution structure of ubiquitin-like domain of human parkin
140 477 1htqA Multicopy crystallographic structure of a relaxed glutamine synthetase from mycobacterium tuberculosis
15 82 1h8cA Ubx domain from human faf1
9 57 1fd6A Delta0: a computationally designed core variant of the b1 domain of streptococcal protein g
2 122 1d4bA Cide-n domain of human cide-b
15 95 1i35A Solution structure of the ras-binding domain of the protein kinase byr2 from schizosaccharomyces pombe
12 96 1doxA 1h and 15n sequential assignment, secondary structure and tertiary fold of [2fe-2s] ferredoxin from synechocystis sp. pcc 6803
14 106 1gpxA C85s gapdx, nmr, 20 structures
21 128 1e10A [2fe-2s]-ferredoxin from halobacterium salinarum
11 103 1j8cA Solution structure of the ubiquitin-like domain of hplic-2
8 76 1l2nA Smt3 solution structure
10 103 1a5rA Structure determination of the small ubiquitin-related modifier sumo-1, nmr, 10 structures
18 76 1d3zA Ubiquitin nmr structure
11 105 1b9rA Terpredoxin from pseudomonas sp.
12 89 1i42A Nmr structure of the ubx domain from p47
9 89 1ibxB Nmr structure of dff40 and dff45 n-terminal domain complex
16 76 1c3tA Rotamer strain as a determinant of protein structural specificity
6 53 1gjzA Solution structure of a dimeric n-terminal fragment of human ubiquitin
10 87 1c9fA Nmr structure of the cad domain of caspase-activated dnase
9 98 1jq4A [2fe-2s] domain of methane monooxygenase reductase from methylococcus capsulatus (bath)
13 76 1g6jA Structure of recombinant human ubiquitin in aot reverse micelles
11 66 1f0zA Solution structure of this, the sulfur carrier protein in e.coli thiamin biosynthesis
201 641 1qf6A Structure of e. coli threonyl-trna synthetase complexed with its cognate trna
289 860 3zgzA Ternary complex of e. coli leucyl-trna synthetase, trna(leu) and toxic moiety from agrocin 84 (tm84) in aminoacylation-like conformation
120 460 4hkqA Xmrv reverse transcriptase in complex with rna/dna hybrid
162 553 3t3oA Molecular basis for the recognition and cleavage of rna (cugg) by the bifunctional 5'-3' exo/endoribonuclease rnase j
257 876 2bteA Thermus thermophilus leucyl-trna synthetase complexed with a trnaleu transcript in the post-editing conformation and a post- transfer editing substrate analogue
292 860 4cqnA Crystal structure of the e.coli leurs-trna complex with the non- cognate isoleucyl adenylate analogue
268 857 4as1A Ternary complex of e. coli leucyl-trna synthetase, trna(leu) and the benzoxaborole an2679 in the editing conformation
255 860 3zjuA Ternary complex of e .coli leucyl-trna synthetase, trna(leu) and the benzoxaborole an3016 in the editing conformation
273 859 4arcA Ternary complex of e. coli leucyl-trna synthetase, trna(leu) and leucine in the editing conformation
283 861 4ariA Ternary complex of e. coli leucyl-trna synthetase, trna(leu) and the benzoxaborole an2679 in the editing conformation
272 860 3zjtA Ternary complex of e.coli leucyl-trna synthetase, trna(leu)574 and the benzoxaborole an3017 in the editing conformation
234 876 2v0gA Leucyl-trna synthetase from thermus thermophilus complexed with a trna(leu) transcript with 5-fluoro-1,3-dihydro-1-hydroxy-2,1- benzoxaborole (an2690) forming an adduct to the ribose of adenosine- 76 in the enzyme editing site.
265 860 3zjvA Ternary complex of e .coli leucyl-trna synthetase, trna(leu) and the benzoxaborole an3213 in the editing conformation
44 150 2i2yA Solution structure of the rrm of srp20 bound to the rna cauc
29 115 5dpwA Crystal structure of plekhm1 lir in complex with human lc3c_8-125
249 876 2bytA Thermus thermophilus leucyl-trna synthetase complexed with a trnaleu transcript in the post-editing conformation
160 550 3t3nA Molecular basis for the recognition and cleavage of rna (uuccgu) by the bifunctional 5'-3' exo/endoribonuclease rnase j
284 860 4aq7A Ternary complex of e. coli leucyl-trna synthetase, trna(leu) and leucyl-adenylate analogue in the aminoacylation conformation