Found 182 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 1 - 50. Applied filters: Proteins

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Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
526 1886 8psmA Asymmetric unit of the yeast fatty acid synthase in the non-rotated state with acp at the malonyl/palmitoyl transferase domain (fasx sample)
558 1886 8ps9A Asymmetric unit of the yeast fatty acid synthase in the non-rotated state with acp at the ketosynthase domain (fasam sample)
551 1886 8pskA Asymmetric unit of the yeast fatty acid synthase in the non-rotated state with acp at the ketosynthase domain (fasx sample)
572 1865 7q5sA Protein community member fatty acid synthase complex from c. thermophilum
83 245 7tzpA Crystal structure of putataive short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (fabg) from klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae ntuh-k2044 in complex with nadh
504 1886 8psgA Asymmetric unit of the yeast fatty acid synthase in the semi non-rotated state with acp at the acetyl transferase domain (fasx sample)
482 1886 8pslA Asymmetric unit of the yeast fatty acid synthase in the semi non-rotated state with acp at the ketosynthase domain (fasx sample)
106 287 7mhdA Thioesterase domain of human fatty acid synthase (fasn-te) binding a competitive inhibitor sbp-7635
101 284 7mheAAA Thioesterase domain of human fatty acid synthase (fasn-te) binding a competitive inhibitor sbp-7957
84 247 8jfaA Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-acp reductase fabg in complex with nadph from helicobacter pylori
89 248 8jfhA Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-acp reductase fabg in complex with nadp+ and 3-keto-octanoyl-acp from helicobacter pylori in an inactive form that priors the acyl substrate delivery
80 248 8jfgA Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-acp reductase fabg in complex with nadp+ and 3-keto-octanoyl-acp from helicobacter pylori
85 248 8jfiA Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-acp reductase fabg in complex with nadp+ and 3-keto-hexanoyl-acp from helicobacter pylori
91 248 8jf9A Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-acp reductase fabg from helicobacter pylori
67 249 8g7xA Human fatty acid synthase dehydratase domain
277 1255 8eykE Atomic model of the core modifying region of human fatty acid synthase in complex with tvb-2640
277 1255 8gkcA Atomic model of the core modifying region of human fatty acid synthase in complex with tvb-2640 - c2 refinement
277 1255 8eyiE Atomic model of the core modifying region of human fatty acid synthase
71 258 8g9mA Acinetobacter_baumannii short-chain dehydrogenase
452 1747 7tuiA Structure of c. albicans fas in an inhibited state
68 278 7tzlA The dh dehydratase domain of alnb
83 250 7subA 3-oxoacyl-acp reductase fabg
98 251 8cxaA Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase from mycobacterium smegmatis with bound nad
82 243 7emgA Carbonyl reductase variant 4 (r123c/l209p/f183y/v61k) from serratia marcescens complexed with nadp+
91 240 7caxA Crystal structure of bacterial reductase
88 240 7cawA Crystal structure of bacterial reductase
87 240 7cazA Crystal structure of bacterial reductase
406 1751 7bc4A Cryo-em structure of fatty acid synthase (fas) from pichia pastoris
21 161 7bc5A Cryo-em structure of acp domain from pichia pastoris fatty acid synthase (fas)
92 290 7lg9A Chsb1
101 289 7lgbA Chsb1 in complex with nad+
88 244 6t62A Crystal structure of acinetobacter baumannii fabg in complex with nadph at 1.8 a resolution
90 244 6t6nA Crystal structure of klebsiella pneumoniae fabg2(nadh-dependent) in complex with nadh at 2.5 a resolution
82 244 6t7mA Crystal structure of salmonella typhimurium fabg at 2.65 a resolution
87 243 6t5xA Crystal structure of salmonella typhimurium fabg in complex with nadph at 1.5 a resolution
93 244 6t77A Crystal structure of klebsiella pneumoniae fabg(nadph-dependent) nadp-complex at 1.75 a resolution
92 245 6t6pA Crystal structure of klebsiella pneumoniae fabg2(nadh-dependent) at 1.57 a resolution
82 242 6t65A Crsytal structure of acinetobacter baumannii fabg inhibitor complex at 2.35 a resolution
90 244 6t60A Crystal structure of acinetobacter baumannii fabg at 1.66 a resolution
88 244 6wprA Crystal structure of a putative 3-oxoacyl-acp reductase (fabg) with nadp(h) from acinetobacter baumannii
11 163 6wc7A Acyl carrier protein (acp) domain bound to dehydratase (dh) domain in fungal fatty acid synthase (fas)
324 1164 6fn6A Modifying region (dh-er-kr) of an insect fatty acid synthase (fas)
215 653 6nnaA Human fatty acid synthase psi/kr tri-domain with nadph and compound 22
90 240 6nrpA Putative short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (sdr) from acinetobacter baumannii
558 1886 3hmjA Saccharomyces cerevisiae fas type i
92 248 3u09A Crystal structure of 3-ketoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase (fabg)(g92d) from vibrio cholerae
75 241 3u5tA The crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase from sinorhizobium meliloti
87 253 5vn2A Crystal structure of 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier protein] reductase from brucella melitensis in complex with nad
297 852 5my2A Ks-mat di-domain of mouse fas
300 852 5my0A Ks-mat di-domain of mouse fas with malonyl-coa