Found 962 chains in Genus chains table. Displaying 151 - 200. Applied filters: Proteins

Search results query: MHC_I

Total Genus Sequence Length pdb Title
73 276 5meoA Human leukocyte antigen presenting ilgkflhrl
74 276 5meqA Human leukocyte antigen a02 presenting ilakflhtl
72 276 5menA Human leukocyte antigen a02 presenting ilakflhwl, in complex with cognate t-cell receptor
66 271 5ymvA Crystal structure of 9-mer peptide from influenza virus in complex with bf2*1201
70 276 5m02A Crystal structure of murine p14 tcr / h-2db with pf, modified gp33 peptide from lcmv
72 276 5m01A Crystal structure of murine p14 tcr/ h-2db complex with pa, modified gp33 peptide from lcmv
71 276 5m00A Crystal structure of murine p14 tcr complex with h-2db and y4a, modified gp33 peptide from lcmv
57 276 5knmA Human leukocyte antigen f (hla-f) presents peptides and regulates immunity through interactions with nk-cell receptors
65 274 5jwdA Crystal structure of h-2db in complex with the lcmv-derived gp392-401 peptide
59 272 5jziA Crystal structure of 1406 tcr bound to hla-a2 with hcv 1406-1415 antigen peptide
68 276 5jhdA Crystal structure of ls10-tcr/m1-hla-a*02 complex
68 276 5jweA Crystal structure of h-2db in complex with the lcmv-derived gp92-101 peptide
70 276 5j6hA Recognition of the mhc class ib molecule h2-q10 by the natural killer cell receptor ly49c
77 275 5iueA Human leukocyte antigen f (hla-f) presents peptides and regulates immunity through interactions with nk-cell receptors
78 276 5ib2A Crystal structure of hla-b*27:05 complexed with the self-peptide pvipr
73 276 5ib5A Crystal structure of hla-b*27:09 complexed with the self-peptide pvipr and copper
78 276 5iehA Structure of hla-b*40:02 in complex with the phosphorylated endogenous peptide ref(p)skepel
82 276 5ib3A Crystal structure of hla-b*27:05 complexed with the self-peptide pvipr and copper
75 276 5iekA Structure of hla-b*40:02 in complex with the endogenous peptide refskepel
67 276 5hyjA 1e6 tcr in complex with hla-a02 carrying aqwgpdpaaa
70 274 5hgbA Hla*a2402 complexed with hiv nef138 8mer epitope
76 274 5hhpA Crystal structure of hla-a*0201 in complex with m1-g4e
80 274 5hhqA Crystal structure of hla-a*0201 in complex with m1-l3w
69 274 5gsxA Mouse mhc class i h-2kd with a mers-cov-derived peptide 142-2
71 274 5gsbA Mouse mhc class i h-2kd with a mers-cov-derived peptide 37-3
73 274 5fdwA Structure of hla-a2:01 with peptide y10l
65 274 6ghnA Hla-e*01:03 in complex with the mtb44 peptide variant: mtb44*p9-phe.
68 274 6gl1A Hla-e*01:03 in complex with the hiv epitope, rl9hiv
72 274 6ggmA Hla-e*01:03 in complex with the mtb44 peptide variant: mtb44*p2-phe.
73 274 6gh4A Hla-e*01:03 in complex with the mtb44 peptide variant: mtb44*p2-gln.
59 265 6fgbA Human fcrn extra-cellular domain complexed with fab fragment of rozanolixizumab
52 274 6enyF Structure of the human plc editing module
78 275 6ei2A Crystal structure of hla-a68 presenting a c-terminally extended peptide
76 276 6d2tA Hla-b*57:01 presenting lalltgvrw
78 276 6d2rA Hla-b*57:01 presenting gsfdysgvhlw
77 276 6d2bA Hla-b*57:01 presenting lsdstardvtw
74 276 6d29A Hla-b*57:01 presenting tsmsfvprpw
68 265 6c97A Crystal structure of fcrn at ph3
68 265 6c99A Crystal structure of fcrn bound to ucb-303
64 264 6c98A Crystal structure of fcrn bound to ucb-84
79 276 6bxqB Crystal structure of hla-b*57:01 with an hiv peptide rkv
77 275 6bxpA Crystal structure of hla-b*57:01 with a modified hiv peptide rkv-kyn
75 275 6bj3A Tcr55 in complex with hiv(pol448-456)/hla-b35
77 274 6bj8A Tcr55 in complex with pep20/hla-b35
57 276 6bj2A Tcr589 in complex with hiv(pol448-456)/hla-b35
66 274 6amtA Human class i mhc hla-a2 in complex with synthetic peptide mmwdrglgmm
80 275 6at5A Crystal structure of hla-b*07:02 in complex with an ny-eso-1 peptide
67 275 6avfH Crystal structure of the kfj5 tcr-ny-eso-1-hla-b*07:02 complex
70 275 6am5A Crystal structure of dmf5 tcr bound to hla-a2 presenting synthetic peptide smlgigivpv
60 274 6at9A Crystal structure of an anaplastic lymphoma kinase-derived neuroblastoma tumor antigen bound to the human major histocompatibility complex class i molecule hla-a*0101